Side notes, 2022 - June
These notes provide a more detailed walkthrough to set up the app.
Some special Requirements :
requirements are explained in the pdf document, here are a few additional explanations :
You need admin rights only to install the Heroku Client. If you do not have them you can set up the app directly on the heroku portal.
After you may push your code through github. but you need to have internet access and the site should not be blocked by company proxies.
The tutorial of corey shafer is a must on the topic of Django. There is a vidéo on deploying the website to Heroku : "Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App". This tutorial is inspired from it.
Content : 1- Data preparation example with Geopandas to prepare a Folium map 2- Serve our map locally in a Django application: 3- Deploy to Heroku
You may work on any python IDE like colab, vscode, pycharm, anaconda
run the notebook or the script to produce an html file :
- Install missing libraries (depending on your IDE)
Note on geopandas installation: Geopandas installation is straightforaward for Mac users , but for windows users it will require you to manually download and install the package and some on its dependencies. Fortunately there is a nice article that walks you through it:
Once your libraries are set up the script will :
- use geopandas to parse and process the data
- folium is used to create the map
- the map is saved in html format : "basel_map.html"
- cd or create a folder like : cd ../02-Django_map
- create a virual env named "venv" : python3 -m venv venv (a common name for the target directory is .venv).
- activate environment : source venv/bin/activate reference :
- upgrate pip: pip install --upgrade pip
- install django : pip install django
go to the official documentation tutorial01:
the tutorial is about creating a "polls" app.
Part 1 of the tutorial is about creating a project and launching a "Hello world" polls app
We will just replace the word "polls" to a "maps" all the way
copy paste every step of part 1 to create the app and test a first hello world webpage
- part 2 is about database, models and admin. It is out of scope for this tuturial which focuses on deployment.
part 3 introduces the "view" of the model-view-template (MVT):
"A view is a “type” of web page in your Django application that generally serves a specific function and has a specific template"
in pat 3 - section "Write views that actually do something";
go to part "First, create a directory called templates in your polls directory. "
Follow this part (Again "polls" is to be replaced "maps")
But instead of an "index.html" file replace it with the basel_map.html file of part 1 :
cd in the folder mysite/maps,
create a template folder and a map folder in maps (its a naming convention in django) : mkdir templates/maps
copy the html file we created in part1 : 02-django_map/mysite/maps/templates/maps,
scroll to the part : "Write views that actually do something" > "A shortcut: render()" copy-paste the code in the maps/views file
delete second (from .models ..), 4th (latest_questi ..) and 5th (context = ..) lines
adapt the application name (Again "polls" is "maps")
cd in the folder mysite/maps
you can check your Django project works : python runserver
navigate to :
Deployment to Heroku is done though git.
Corey Shafer Video on the topic :
install git if needed :
make sure you are in the root of "mysite" folder
ititialize a git repo : git init
add a gitignore folder: touch .gitignore
or copy paste the pyhton gihub gitignore template (mainly to ignore .venv):
add all files in the folder : git add -A
check : git status : there should only be a dozen files there
Commit for the fist time : git commit -m "Initial Commit"
- sign up to heroku:
- if you have admin rights - install the Heroku cli :
- Note : if you do not you will be able to manually perform some of the steps from the heroku portal
- check that heroku is installed : heroku
- login : heroku login
Our virtual environment comes in handy , we concentrate on libraries linked to our project
in the root of mysite folder create a "procfile" to tell heroku how to run the application (to see the details look at Corey's video 21') : save the file with "web: gunicorn mysite.wsgi" inside, and procfile is named without any extension.
You will need also to install gunicorn : "pip install gunicorn" . Gunicorn is a WSGI application server (it will invoke the file)
Pip freeze and save your environment : pip freeze > requirements.txt
add "" to ALLOWED_HOSTS in the mysite/mysite/ file: ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["" , ""]
create the app and specify your region : heroku create -a mybaselmap --region eu Note that the name must be unique
Create an heroku config variable : heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 (you can set it up in the portal if no admin rights) Note : the topic of static files for is out of scope in this tutorial but you can follow along corey's video to set it up. Especially if you want to embed images in the map one day.
push the code : git push heroku HEAD:master (if your proxy allows it).
this part can a bit tricky and sometimes requires a bit of debugging
Note : its is easy to rename the app: heroku apps:rename newname but your need to follow the doc to update the git remote. see:
- You can aso create a new app but you also need to knwo how to manage your remotes
create a repo on github
add origin to you local repo , see :
push you code in the repo
in the Heroku platform set up the automatic deploy :
from now on everytime you push to master heroku will rebuild the website
Thats all, thanks & best