Shell script that dumps a reduced version of the Magento database for use in development.
This script dumps the entire database structure but leaves many tables empty. These are generally tables corresponding to logs, customers, orders, wishlists, etc.
The result is a more lightweight file to download, and does not contain potentially sensitive customer data.
This would ideally be imported into the local database environment. I always follow this with a second script that updates the development environment. The most basic version of this would look something like this:
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'web/unsecure/baseurl';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'web/secure/baseurl';
Probably you would have other configurations you should change too.
Called from the command line, has the following options:
- -h help
- -d database
- -u username
- -p password
- -g flag to gzip the resulting file.
The script produces a filename called $dbname.dump.sql(.gz)
The following tables are left empty:
- api_session
- core_session
- customer_address_entity
- customer_address_entity_datetime
- customer_address_entity_decimal
- customer_address_entity_int
- customer_address_entity_text
- customer_address_entity_varchar
- customer_entity
- customer_entity_decimal
- customer_entity_int
- customer_entity_text
- customer_entity_varchar
- dataflow_session
- enterprise_customer_sales_flat_order
- enterprise_customer_sales_flat_order_address
- enterprise_customer_sales_flat_quote
- enterprise_customer_sales_flat_quote_address
- enterprise_customerbalance
- enterprise_customerbalance_history
- enterprise_customersegment_customer
- log_customer
- log_quote
- log_summary
- log_summary_type
- log_url
- log_url_info
- log_visitor
- log_visitor_info
- log_visitor_online
- persistent_session
- sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily
- sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly
- sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly
- sales_billing_agreement
- sales_billing_agreement_order
- sales_flat_creditmemo
- sales_flat_creditmemo_comment
- sales_flat_creditmemo_grid
- sales_flat_creditmemo_item
- sales_flat_invoice
- sales_flat_invoice_comment
- sales_flat_invoice_grid
- sales_flat_invoice_item
- sales_flat_order
- sales_flat_order_address
- sales_flat_order_grid
- sales_flat_order_item
- sales_flat_order_payment
- sales_flat_order_status_history
- sales_flat_quote
- sales_flat_quote_address
- sales_flat_quote_address_item
- sales_flat_quote_item
- sales_flat_quote_item_option
- sales_flat_quote_payment
- sales_flat_quote_shipping_rate
- sales_flat_shipment
- sales_flat_shipment_comment
- sales_flat_shipment_grid
- sales_flat_shipment_item
- sales_flat_shipment_track
- sales_invoiced_aggregated
- sales_invoiced_aggregated_order
- sales_order_aggregated_created
- sales_order_aggregated_updated
- sales_order_status
- sales_order_status_label
- sales_order_status_state
- sales_order_tax
- sales_order_tax_item
- sales_payment_transaction
- sales_recurring_profile
- sales_recurring_profile_order
- sales_refunded_aggregated
- sales_refunded_aggregated_order
- sales_shipping_aggregated
- sales_shipping_aggregated_order
- salesrule
- salesrule_coupon
- salesrule_coupon_usage
- salesrule_customer
- salesrule_customer_group
- salesrule_label
- salesrule_product_attribute
- salesrule_website
- wishlist
- wishlist_item
- wishlist_item_option
Your suggestions and pull requests are welcome!
I am pretty new to shell scripting, and there may be other tables in Magento that would be good candidates for skipping.