A simple c# function capable of evaluating a mathematical operation which is given in the form of a string, such as "(5+6)x(3/9)".
The EvalMath function takes one argument in the form of a string and returns the result as a float.
The string should be sanitised before being passed into the function as it will result in an error otherwise.
// Function to evaluate maths in string form
public static float EvalMath(string strExp) {
// Local function that carries out most simplified operations
float MathDis(string sign, float x, float y) {
switch (sign) {
case "^": return (float)Math.Pow(x, y);
case "/": return x / y;
case "x": return x * y;
case "*": return x * y;
case "+": return x + y;
case "-": return x - y;
default: return 0;
// Solve the contense of any brackets and then replace them with the result
while (strExp.Contains('(')) {
int firstBracket = strExp.IndexOf('(');
int lastBracket = strExp.LastIndexOf(')');
// Remove the bracketed expressions from the string and solve said bracketed expressions
// by calling EvalMath and then replace them with the solved bracketed expression, simples!
strExp = strExp.Remove( firstBracket, ( lastBracket - firstBracket + 1 )
).Insert( firstBracket,
EvalMath( strExp.Substring( ( firstBracket + 1 ), ( lastBracket - firstBracket - 1 ) )).ToString());
// Split the string Expression into a Array of numbers and symbols
// Then convert that into a list for ease of use
List<string> mathExp = (Regex.Split(strExp, @"([x*\^\/]|(?<!E)[\+\-])")).ToList();
string[] signs = {"^","/","x","*","+","-"}; // Bidmas
int i = 0;
foreach (string sign in signs) {
while (mathExp.Contains(sign)) {
i = mathExp.IndexOf(sign);
// Replace that sign with the result of the calculation using the numbers either side of it
mathExp[i-1] = MathDis(mathExp[i], // The sign
float.Parse(mathExp[i - 1]), // First number
float.Parse(mathExp[i + 1]) // Second number
// Remove the prior and latter elements that contained the numbers
// so that only the result is returned to the list
mathExp.RemoveRange(i, i+1);
if ( mathExp.Count == 2 ) {
mathExp[0] = (float.Parse(mathExp[0]) * float.Parse(mathExp[1])).ToString();
// When only one element exists it must be the answer
// Return the only remaining element of "mathExp" which must be the result
return float.Parse(mathExp[0]);