Lightweight Erlang continuous integration server.
- Lightweight
- Easy to setup
- Easy to use
- Extensible
Planned features:
- Support for rebar
- Git support
- per branch builds
- Git config setup
- Support for unixy build scripts
- Plugins support
- Notifications
- Hooks - pre-build, post-build, etc.
- One file deployment
- Web UI for reports
- Jabber
- other via plugins
Kha supports sandboxing via "lxc" containers. Tested on Ubuntu 12.10. Requires a kernel at least 3.5.0-21. For "lxc" to work, Kha has to be run under a user with password-less sudo permissions.
It is configured by changing support/kha.config
[{kha, [{host, ""},
{xmpp_backend, ["", "", "password"]},
{container, lxc},
{container_name, "cibase"},
{container_opts, [{ephemeral, true},
{username, "ubuntu"}]}
User specified in username in container_ops should have password-less
sudo access for commands like sudo apt-get install -y package
to work.
v0.1 DONE
- Single project, build once, show build results
v0.2 DONE
- Multiple projects, multiple builds, proper JS model
v0.3 DONE
- Build queueing
v0.4 DONE
- Re-building, build results history
v0.5 DONE
- Hooks, build timeouts
v0.6 DONE
- [ci skip] support,
- project git change polling
- user authentication
v0.7 DONE
- Build list paging
- email notifications
- Jabber/XMPP notifications
- line-by-line build log updates [DONE]
- basic .travis.yml support, [DONE]
- build sandboxing using lxc [DONE]
- support for multiple Erlang versions via kerl [DONE]
- GitHub webhook support [DONE]
- simple tracking depending in the project
- change project ID from integer to {user, project} (see '0.9 new ID')
- implement global build queue page as a main page
- implement pubsub
- non-duplicate process for equal (identical) depending using internal pubsub
- realtime data push
- stable release
- support GitHub basic OAuth authorization
- remote builders
- branch list page
- UI for user profile
- add support for per-repo ssh keys
- complex notification options
- IRC notifications
- SVN/CVS support
- Replace distributed Erlang with some MQ protocol
- use user/project convention
- Support foreign architectures using Vagrant/KVM
My suggestion:
Project ID:
- erlang: {user_name, project_name}
- get all project: GET /user
- get project: GET /user/project
- add new project: POST /user
- update project: POST /user/project
Build ID:
- erlang: {project_id, integer}
- get all builds: GET /user/project/build
- get build: GET /user/project/build/id
- delete build: DELETE /user/project/build/id
- run build: POST /user/project/build
- rerun build: POST /user/project/build/id
Rough sketch of v1.0 architecture:
- Angular.js on client side
- SockJS for communication, hence allowing to connect to any remote server
- Server side
- Control node
- Builder node
Control node:
- mnesia for storing projects and builds
- project as a process
- name
- load config from .travis.yml
- build in place OR
- git clone url
- build instructions (manual or from git/config)
- queue manager
- builder as a process
- Both project and builder processes will be broadcasting updates with gproc:bcast/3
- Session process will subscribe to appropriate keys
- Notificators will be independent processes which will be getting broadcasts from builders/processes