These are HTML5 widgets to create interactive font specimen in a Material Design Lite environment. Technically though this is just a layer of configuration or a "skin", the widgets are defined in specimentTools.
Say you installed this with bower: $ bower install mdl-font-specimen
<!-- in your <HEAD> tag -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/material-design-lite/material.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/mdl-font-specimen/dist/mdl-font-specimen.css">
<script defer src="bower_components/material-design-lite/material.js"></script>
fontSpecimenConfig = {}
fontSpecimenConfig.fontFiles = [
/* add here the paths to the font files */
<script src="bower_components/mdl-font-specimen/dist/mdl-font-specimen.js"></script>
See index.html for an example how the widgets are configured.
Especially look at the css-classes that start with mdlfs-
because these
guide the initialization of the widgets.
The npm install
is only needed to run the build script. See also Install for Development.
~$ git clone
~$ cd mdlFontSpecimen
~/mdlFontSpecimen$ npm install
~/mdlFontSpecimen$ bower install
~/mdlFontSpecimen$ ./bin/build lib/main.js dist/mdl-font-specimen.js
~/mdlFontSpecimen$ ./bin/build lib/inspect-main.js dist/inspect-main.js
Especially if you are going to contribute to specimentTools
and want to use mdlFontSpecimen
for testing (as I did). There's a great
feature, bower link
, linking a module directory with a symbolic link
into a dependent project.
Also, you don't need to do the npm install
for this.
~$ git clone
~$ cd specimenTools
~/specimenTools$ bower link
~/specimenTools$ cd ..
~/ git clone
~$ cd mdlFontSpecimen
~/mdlFontSpecimen$ bower link specimen-tools
~/mdlFontSpecimen$ bower install
# now start a http-server to serve from ~/mdlFontSpecimen
# e.g. python3 -m http.server 8000
# visit: http://localhost:8000/html/development.html