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Commands and Permissions

granny edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 4 revisions
Command Permission Default Description
/map op Base command and permission for all Pl3xmap commands
/map help op Help command with explanations on how to use the different commands, in game
/map hide pl3xmap.command.hide op Allows the user to hide themselves from the map
/map show op Allows the user to show themselves on the map
/map hide <player> pl3xmap.command.hide.others op Allows the user to hide someone else on the map
/map show <player> op Allows the user to show someone else on the map
/map resetmap <world> pl3xmap.command.resetmap op Allows a user to reset a map of a world (requires confirm permission)
/map reload pl3xmap.command.reload op Allows a user to reload the Pl3xmap plugin configurations
/map confirm pl3xmap.command.confirm op Allows a user to confirm dangerous commands
/map fullrender <world> pl3xmap.command.fullrender op Allows a user to start a fullrender for a specific world
/map pause pl3xmap.command.pause op Allows a user to pause/resume the region processor
/map radiusrender <world> <radius> <center> pl3xmap.command.radiusrender op Allows a user to render at a specific point in a world with a specific radius
/map status pl3xmap.command.status op Allows a user to view the status of running/paused/idle renderers
/map stitch pl3xmap.command.stitch op Allows a user to generate a stitched image of all the tiles in a world
/map version pl3xmap.command.version op Allows a user to view the pl3xmap version