provides Shiny server-side
datatables backends for the
DT package, allowing you to connect your datatables directly to
databases or APIs, in addition to the standard dataframes.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Run the examples with
shiny::runApp(system.file("shiny-examples/<EXAMPLE>", package = "dtdatasources"))
Data Source | Features | Description | Example |
SQLite | Pagination, sorting, row selection | SQLite example using mtcars dataset, but can be connected to any sqlite table. |
sqlite_mtcars |
REST API | Pagination, sorting, row selection | REST API example connecting to a UK Elections API at data.parliament.uk. Different APIs support different parameters, so this implementation is written specifically for this API. This API was chosen because it has paging and sorting and does not require authentication. | rest_api_elections |
If you would like to add a data source, please contribute! Also, feedback, bug reports, fixes, and feature requests are welcome, see the current issues.
When you want to use DT::renderDataTables
with large
datasets you can choose to render the table on the server with
renderDT(big_dataset, server = TRUE)
. This will perform the dataset
filtering/sorting/paging on the server where Shiny is running, instead
of in the user’s web browser, making the table more responsive.
The default DT implementation of server-side processing still requires the data to be in a dataframe on the server. Sometimes we don’t want to put the entire dataset into a dataframe, for example if it is very big, or if it naturally belongs in a database or behind an API.
For this reason, renderDT
provides a funcFilter
parameter to supply
our own function that describes how to fetch, filter, sort, and page our
dataset, regardless of where the data resides.
The dtdatasources
package will provide implementations of funcFilter
for various datasources, for you to use directly, or as examples to
adapt to your own implementations.
This example shows how to connect a server-side datatable to a table in
a SQLite database. Take a look at
for the shiny app, or run shiny::runApp(system.file("app.R", package = "dtdatasources"))
# Setup an example database and table
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Create an initial dataframe. This only needs to contain column names, and
# need not have any rows.
initial_df <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM mtcars LIMIT 0;")
# Create a funcFilter function describing how to get data for a datatable.
mtcars_filter <- dtdatasources::sql_filter_factory(
# Use the sqlite connection created above
con = con,
# Set the query_fun to query_sqlite, or implement your own version
query_fun = dtdatasources::query_sqlite,
# Any additional args are passed into query_sqlite. In query_sqlite's case
# it accepts a `tbl` parameter for which table to use.
tbl = "mtcars"
# Call renderDT with our custom filter function
output$tbl <- renderDT(
server = TRUE, # Must be TRUE to perform processing in R, not in the browser
rownames = FALSE, # Must be FALSE for the query_sqlite implementation
funcFilter = mtcars_filter # Provide the sqlite function filter created above
shinyApp(ui, server)
If you want to use these examples to create your own implementations of
DT data sources, take a look at rest_api_election.R
for a REST API
example. This function adapts the DT:::dataTablesFilter
code on
GitHub, which is
the default funcFilter
for filtering/sorting/paging dataframes on the
For SQL implementations, take a look at sqlite.R
for an
Description | URL |
Description of the overall problem that funcFilter solves |
Google Groups shiny-discuss |
Open issue to make a funcFilter example |
rstudio/DT#194 |
Custom filtering problem with filter ranges and filterRow() |
rstudio/DT#50 |
Row selection | rstudio/DT#75 |