Georgetown Data Science PV Rooftops Project
For more details of the project, check out the research paper
Below: a screenshot of the home page
Below: data pipeline for this project
Below: API to predicted the market growth (input: year and installation price)
How to run the Website locally:
- Naviagte to Django Web App directory
- Install requirements.txt: execute the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute the command
python runserver
and Open web browser to load the website 'http://localhost:8000'
How to run the API locally:
- Naviagte to Django API directory
and execute the commandpython runserver
-- The DIRS[] settting of the TEMPLATES configuration indjango_pv/
may have to be changed to read'DIRS': ['pv/templates'],
- Open web browser and type
replacing #'s with desired variable. -- For years <= 2015, pre-extracted, non-predicted values will be used. Everything else is predicted by national isntallation price per watt. - Please update requirements.txt as necessary
This is a Django dataproject:
All data is saved to a PostgreSQL relational database.