I keep hearing about new or interesting tools and often forget about them, lose bookmarks, or don't even appreciate how much tooling I use on a daily basis. So I decided to start keeping a list.
The focus is on technical tools, but not exclusively. I'm not trying to capture every tool available, but ones that have been useful. Where other more complete lists exist, I will link to those.
- Requestly - manipulate network calls
- HTML code sniffer
- Colours
- Colour contrast checker - for specific colour combos
- Viz Palette - evaluate colour schemes against different vision types
- Coloring for Colorblindness - another visualizer for different vision types with example palettes
- Accessibility
- a11y.css and revenge.css - bookmarklets for highlighting accessibility errors
- ANDI - bookmarklet for analyzing accessibility
- pa11y - accessibility test runner
- Backstop.js - visual regression tests
- Emmet Re:view - view responsive layouts at multiple sizes at once
- JSON formatter - automatically format JSON
- Edit This Cookie - view and manipulate cookies
- SwitchyOmega - Chrome extension for changing proxy settings quickly
- Lighthouse - built into Chrome Dev Tools
- Accessibility tools
- Accessibility Insights - several user-friendly a11y checks, visualizations, and a thorough walkthrough for assessing apps
- WAVE - Chrome extension for checking accessibility
- aXe - Chrome extension for checking accessibility (good to have more than one, they flag different things!)
- Colour Contrast Analyzer - filters rendered page
- Colorblindly - filter to simulate colour blindness of different types
- Charles Proxy - analyze network traffic outside a browser
- Postman
- Request mapper - visualize requests originating from a site
- htaccess tester
- Page Speed Insights - webpage performance metrics from Google
- WebPageTest.org - performance tests from worldwide locations and real devices
- Pact - contract testing
- Locust - python based performance testing / load testing
- k6 - performance tests written in javascript (good overview here)
- Lighthouse-CI - Google's performance scans for CI
- ab - Apache tool for benchmarking HTTP server performance
- curl2ab - translate from a
command to anab
load test command
- curl2ab - translate from a
- hey - a very quick and lightweight way to put load on a web app with a single command
- Regexper - visualize regular expressions
- Regex Tester - quick way to test regular expressions
- Repl.it - run, test, and share code snippets in most popular languages
- Grok Debugger - for testing Logstash grok patterns for log ingestion
Bread and butter of working on the command line, so much so that I forget I ever didn't know about them. Worth looking up a tutorial for.
- grep - search for text in a file, line by line
- awk - operate on columns in text files
- sed - text editor, useful for search and replace based on regex
- tr - single character search and replace
- cut - choose which columns of a file to print
- paste - write two text files to screen side by side
- head - print the first few lines of a file
- tail - print the last lines of a file, with
it watches for new lines - curl - get URLs
- jq - parse and manipulate JSON files
- explainshell - get help for what a given command does
Just look for the awesome-<language>
repo with the most stars on github.
- Schema
- Swagger - tools for API documentation
- Swagger2 to Postman - convert Swagger docs to Postman collections
- JSONSchema.net - JSON schema creator/editor
- Drawing / Mapping / Diagramming
- Text2MindMap - create mind maps from plain text
- Mindomo - shareable mindmaps with simple interface, can import/export plain text from the above tool
- code2flow - draw flow charts from pseudocode
- PlantText - draw network/class relationship diagrams from plain text, with lots of examples
- Writing
- Hemingway - check if writing can be improved
- Font Awesome - free font for icons
- Note taking and reporting
- Allure - pretty reports for test output
- TestNote.io - note taking tool
- TestBuddy - note taking tool
- Trello - task manager
- WebWhiteboard - virtual whiteboard, good for remote sessions
- Slido - Q&A platform with upvoting, could be used for remote lean coffee
- Restful Booker - playground for experimenting
- Gilded Rose Kata - refactoring exercise
- Black Box Puzzles - little abstract apps to explore
- Testers Playground - challenges for testers
- The Internet - examples of all kinds of typical UI components on the web, good for experimenting with automation
- Flukeout - css selector practice/tutorial/game
- Wizard Zines - Bit-sized explanations of tons of programming concepts by Julia Evans
- HTTPS on Localhost - set up ssl on localhost
- Ministry of Testing Club - forum for testers
- Testers.io - slack community
- Software Testing Conferences