Useful CLI tool for interacting with JIRA instances through python
python3 action -p PROJECT [-j <jira_url>] [-w <weeks>]
Provides some basic functionality to connect to Jira and extract information for analysis of Jira project issues.
Reads connection credentials from the users .netrc which should contain a machine entry like the following:
machine <jirahost>
login <username>
password <password>
action <issue_history | weekly_throughput >
action | description |
issue_history |
print issues transition details as plain text output to stdout |
weekly_throughput |
export weekly throughput of Stories and Tasks for the last <n> weeks (default n = 4) |
-p|--project PROJECT
the jira project id
Print a help message and exit
-j|--jira <jira_url>
url of the JIRA instance to connect to, defaults to http://localhost:2990/
which is the url used by the Development JIRA from the Atlassian SDK
-w|--weeks <weeks>
number of weeks to count back, defaults to four weeks
Here are some examples of the actions available and the output they create
python3 issue_history -p PROJECT -j <jira_url>
Running jira-tools
25/07/2019 09:31 Created
26/07/2019 04:03 Status In Progress
26/07/2019 04:03 Status Review
29/07/2019 04:03 Status Done
PROJECT-38 Story
22/05/2019 04:43 Created
17/06/2019 08:12 Status Backlog
17/06/2019 08:19 Status To Do
18/06/2019 05:09 Status Ready
23/06/2019 11:27 Status In Progress
05/07/2019 03:25 Flagged Impediment
10/07/2019 04:04 Unflagged
11/07/2019 03:10 Status Review
11/07/2019 03:14 Status Done
PROJECT-113 Task
11/07/2019 07:04 Created
11/07/2019 07:05 Status In Progress
22/07/2019 11:20 Flagged Impediment
25/07/2019 03:13 Unflagged
25/07/2019 08:15 Status Review
26/07/2019 03:38 Status Done
python3 weekly_throughput -w 6 -p PROJECT -j <jira_url>
Running jira-tools
Total stories completed to date: 33
Completed stories so far this week 1
weekly totals for the last 6 weeks
Last week 10
Two weeks ago 3
Three weeks ago 6
Four weeks ago 7
Five weeks ago 1
Six weeks ago 2