gow is a command line program to watch go files changes to re-build or to re-run tests.
Uses https://github.com/gopsql/watch.
go install -v github.com/gopsql/gow@latest
Usage: gow [options] -- [go build/test args] -- [app run args]
-cd string
set working directory of commands
run go clean -cache or -testcache (if -test) first
-ext value
add extra file extensions to watch (default .go, .mod)
-go string
path to the go executable
-ignore value
add extra directory name to ignore (default node_modules, .git, dist)
do not run the executable after go build
-prebuild string
run command before go build or go test
-rebuild-key string
key to rebuild (default "r")
run go test instead of go build
# this watches all go files in current directory:
# gow by default ignores node_modules, .git, dist,
# to ignore extra directory names:
gow -ignore vendor -ignore another-dir
# to add extra go build arguments:
gow -- -v -race -o another-name
# to add extra app run arguments:
gow -- -v -race -o another-name -- --custom-flag-of-my-app
# clean test cache before running "go test -v ./..." in "tests" directory
gow -cd tests -test -clean -- -v ./...
# --no-run
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm gow --no-run -- -o my.wasm -v
# run extra command before build
gow -prebuild "swag init --markdownFiles docs" -- -v -race