Team Members:
- Prashanth Adapa (015231164)
- Rohitkumar Yadav (015222961)
- Soham Kasar (015899442)
- Milan Joshi (015924571)
Front End, Back End: Milan Joshi, Prashanth Adapa, Soham Kasar, Rohitkumar Yadav
- Create User Login
- Create Landing Page for the application
- API to perform hotel search
- API to book room using rewards
- API to update a successful booking
- API to cancel a successful booking
- API to add hotel for an Employee
- Create Employee Login API
- Integrate both front end and backend for employee login
- Integrate both front end and backend for user signup/login
- Implement customer loyalty logic based on user booking history
- API to fetch all hotels
- Implement Dynamic Pricing for room selection based on date
- Deploy backend on AWS
- Create modals for both user signup and login
- Crete modal for Employee login
- API to search hotels
- Component to display hotels
- Add modal to display room information for the selected hotels
- Add modal to update customer booking
- Set up RDS
- Create Navbar with signup/login and home buttons
- Create Employee Landing Page
- API to fetch available rooms
- API to book selected rooms
- API to fetch customer booking history
- Implement cancel booking for user
- Communication : We conducted meetings every week in-person to discuss crucial aspects of the project by collaborating and communicating with each other.
- Feedback : Team members delivered software frequently, got feedback about it, and refractored the code to make improvements for working code and fix bugs.
How the team kept the core value?
- Team meetings were held during which diagrams were created to depict the structure of the tables in the back-end.
- Mock-ups of how the front-end will look like on Figma.
- Every Standup contains a discussion of the work completed, the obstacles encountered, and any deviations from the diagrams and mockups in the implementation.
- Frontend: ReactJS
- Backend: Java SpringBoot
- Database: RDS MySQL
- REST API: Postman(Testing APIs)
- Cloud: AWS EC2
- Create all the tables as per the Schema Diagrams discussed during the meetings (Initially with local MYSQL Database)
- Explore EC2 and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) using a basic schema.
- Added Tables:
- Customer
- Employee
- Hotel
- Room
- Booking
- RoomsBooked
- Added API Calls:
- /loginEmployee
- /addHotel
- /getHotels
- /registerUser
- /loginUser
- /fetchHotels
- /fetchRooms
- /bookRooms
- /fetchCustomerHistory
- /cancelReservations
- /updateReservations
- /getCustomerRewards
- /getCustomerLoyalty
- Design Patterns Used : Chain Of Responsibility and Singleton. We have used COR to handle Dynamic Pricing and Singleton to generate instance of a class which holds information of all public holidays.
- Deploy backend on EC2 (with every feature release)
- Setup load balancer and expose end point of the load balancer to redirect traffic.
- Create Routing
- Setup Redux for state management
- Create Home page
- Create Login and SignUp pages
- Create Navbar
- Create Routing on Navbar
- Add Links to Navbar
- Create Hotel Search
- Create Hotel add for Employee
- Create Booking Modal
- Add different rooms on booking
- Add Card View for different rooms
- Add Amenities on Room Book
- Create My Trips page
- Add Card View for users Trips
- Add Dynamic price addition on checking amenities
- Create Rewards on Room book
- Add Dynamic Price Deduction on room book using rewards
While designing the website, we adhered to the primary concept of simplicity while focusing on the main goal at hand: Allowing a user to book a hotel room in a flow that made sense to us. We created a table for each aspect of booking a hotel room: Customer, Hotel, Booking, Employee, Room, RoomsBooked. Our APIs are built around activities a user could perform to travel to a different section of the website and what the user would anticipate as a return value. We attempted to make the website as easy to use as possible. Pricing was introduced in a way that made sense to us: Higher costs on Saturdays and Sundays and surge on Public Holidays. Additionally, Prices also vary on the basis of the season - Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
- User can Login/Sign-up an account
- User can Make/Update/Cancel reservation.
- User can select location/check-in/checkout date for Hotel search
- User can select the type of room
- User can book a room with/without rewards
- User can select amenities at the time of booking a room in a hotel
- User can only book stay in a hotel for not more than 7 days
- User can select the number of rooms/people.
- Based on the number of people type of room will be displayed
- Loyalty points for user will be incrementally aded since the day user had created an account
- Hotel rates are based on Dynamic/Seasonal Pricing
- Booked history is displayed on My trips page
- Employee can Login as an Admin
- Admin can Create Hotel
- Tuesday
- Friday
- Went through project guidelines to start brainstorming
- who does what and finding tech stack to use (software, etc.)
- Finalizing front end tech stack
- Frontend: React JS, HTMl, CSS, JS
- Finalized backend tech stack
- Backend: SpringBoot with mySQL database on a RDS instance
- Created package.json
- Created index.js
- Setting up java springboot working environment
- Created an RDS instance for the database
- Created tables as per the decided schema
- Added user, hotel and room tables
- Inserted mock data to the tables
- Created user login API
- Created user signup API
- Tested the APIs using Postman
- Installed node packages for react-bootstrap
- Created Landing page for the application
- Created Navbar with login, signup and home buttons
- Created Modals for login and signup
- Integrated the login/signup with their APIs
- Added hotel search on Home page
- Created API for employee login
- Created Employee login Modal
- Created Employee login Landing Page
- Created hotel search API
- Created view rooms API
- Added component to display hotels
- Added modals to display room data for the selected hotel
- Added amenities for selection in the modal
- Added Book Room button
- Create Book successful Modal
- Create Boooking Error Modal
- Created book room API
- Integerated book room API with frontend
- Added My Trips page in frontend
- Created API to fetch the current bookings
- Implemented customer loyalty logic based on their signup and bookings
- Added feature to book a room using rewards points
- Implemented API to update and cancel existing bookings
- Added update booking modal on My Trips page
- Added cancel booking button on My Trips page
- Implemented API to fetch all hotels as Employee
- Implemented API to add hotel as Employee
- Created component to display all hotels on Employee Landing Page
- Created Modal Form to create a new hotel on Employee Landing Page
- Integrated all the APIs
- Implemented dynamic pricing
- Local storage Implementation
- Deployed the backend application
- Updated frontend with new API routes
- Tested the working of the application
- Refractor code and fixed bugs