Detailed guide:
- Java 11+
git clone
cd gopay-java-api
mvn package
- Building a specific module
git clone
cd gopay-java-api/<module-name>
mvn package
All artifacts are located in the maven central repository.
<!-- GPAPI common -->
<!-- GPAPI Apache Http Client -->
To be able to communicate with our gateway it's required to create an auth token.
IGPConnector connector =<API_URL>);
The token gets cached in GPConnector object and its lifetime is 30 minutes. The method getAppToken(String, String)
creates token in a scope "payment-create"
. If you would like to create a token in a different scope call method getAppToken(<CLIENT_ID>,<CLIENT_CREDENTIALS>,<SCOPE>)
Once the token expires its required to obtain a new one by calling the method getAppToken again.
IGPConnector connector =<API_URL>);
The connector provides methods for interacting with our gateway.
BasePayment payment = PaymentFactory.createBasePaymentBuilder()
.addItem(<ITEM_NAME>, <AMOUNT>, <FEE>, <COUNT>)
.addAdditionalParameter(<Key>, <VALUE>)
.withCallback(<RETURN_URL>, <NOTIFY_URL>)
try {
Payment result = connector.createPayment(payment);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
try {
Payment payment = connector.paymentStatus(<PAYMENT_ID>);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
try {
PaymentResult result = connector.refundPayment(<PAYMENT_ID>, <AMOUNT>);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Payment payment = PaymentFactory.createPaymentBuilder().preauthorize()...
try {
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
try {
PaymentResult voidAuthorization = connector.voidAuthorization(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2016);
calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 2);
calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
Recurrence r =
.withTimeInterval(RecurrenceCycle.WEEK, 1)
try {
} catch {GPClientException e) {
try {
PaymentResult capture = connector.capturePayment(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
try {
PaymentResult voidRecurrency = connector.voidRecurrency(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
All methods above throw checked exception GPClientException on a failure.
} catch (GPClientException e) {
for (ErrorElement err : e.getError().getErrorMessages()) {
int code = err.getErrorCode();
String message = err.getMessage();
String field = err.getField();
For more code samples check out unit tests
If Apache HTTP Client does not suit you, the api supports two frameworks
- Resteasy
- Apache CXF
Each integration has its own maven module.
Creating Resteasy connector
IGPConnector connector =<API_URL>);
Requires Resteasy connector:
<dependency> <groupId>cz.gopay</groupId> <artifactId>gp-java-api-v3-resteasy</artifactId> <version>3.8.1</version> </dependency>
Creating Apache CXF connector
IGPConnector connector =<API_URL>);
Requires apache cxf connector:
<dependency> <groupId>cz.gopay</groupId> <artifactId>gp-java-api-v3-apache-cxf</artifactId> <version>3.8.1</version> </dependency>
If you would like to create your own GPConnector, inherit from a class AbstractGPConnector and override a method
T createRESTClientProxy(String apiUrl, Class<T> proxy)
.The proxy parameter is either an interface PaymentClient or AuthClient. You must create implementations of both and return instance of correct class.
You can use several builder objects to achieve better code readability.
Payment builder
BasePayment payment = PaymentFactory.createBasePaymentBuilder() .order(<ORDER_NUMBER>, <AMOUNT>, Currency.EUR, <DESCRIPTION>) .addItem(<ITEM_NAME>, <AMOUNT>, <FEE>, <COUNT>) .addAdditionalParameter(<Key>, <VALUE>) .withCallback(<RETURN_URL>, <NOTIFY_URL>) .payer(<Payer>) .inLang(Lang.EN) .toEshop(<GO_ID>) .build();
Payer builder
Payer payer = new PayerBuilder() .withAllowedPaymentInstruments(Arrays.asList(PaymentInstrument.BANK_ACCOUNT)) .addAllowedSwift(<SWIFT>).build();
Contributions from others would be very much appreciated! Send pull request/ issue. Thanks!
Copyright (c) 2016 MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.