contents parser by Golang, INI
config data management.
- Easy to use(get:
..., set:Set
) - Support multi file, data load
- Support for decode data to struct
- Support data override merge
- Support parse ENV variable
- Support comments start with
, multi line comments/* .. */
- Support multi line value with
- Complete unit test(coverage > 90%)
- Support variable reference, default compatible with Python's configParser format
Package parser
is a Parser for parse INI format content to golang data
Package dotenv
that supports importing ENV data from files (eg .env
If you want more support for file content formats, recommended use gookit/config
- gookit/config - Support multi formats:
go get
- example data(
# comments
name = inhere
age = 50
debug = true
hasQuota1 = 'this is val'
hasQuota2 = "this is val1"
can2arr = val0,val1,val2
shell = ${SHELL}
noEnv = ${NotExist|defValue}
nkey = val in default section
; comments
key = val0
some = value
stuff = things
varRef = %(nkey)s
package main
import (
// go run ./examples/demo.go
func main() {
// config, err := ini.LoadFiles("testdata/tesdt.ini")
// LoadExists will ignore not exists file
err := ini.LoadExists("testdata/test.ini", "not-exist.ini")
if err != nil {
// load more, will override prev data by key
err = ini.LoadStrings(`
age = 100
newK = newVal
some = change val
// fmt.Printf("%v\n", config.Data())
- Get integer
age := ini.Int("age")
fmt.Print(age) // 100
- Get bool
val := ini.Bool("debug")
fmt.Print(val) // true
- Get string
name := ini.String("name")
fmt.Print(name) // inhere
- Get section data(string map)
val := ini.StringMap("sec1")
// map[string]string{"key":"val0", "some":"change val", "stuff":"things", "newK":"newVal"}
- Value is ENV var
value := ini.String("shell")
fmt.Printf("%q", value) // "/bin/zsh"
- Get value by key path
value := ini.String("sec1.key")
fmt.Print(value) // val0
- Use var refer
value := ini.String("sec1.varRef")
fmt.Printf("%q", value) // "val in default section"
- Set new value
// set value
ini.Set("name", "new name")
name = ini.String("name")
fmt.Printf("%q", name) // "new name"
type User struct {
Name string
Age int
user := &User{}
ini.MapStruct(ini.DefSection(), user)
Special, mapping all data:
ini.MapStruct("", ptr)
url = http://%(host)s:%(port)s/api
host = localhost
port = 8080
If variable resolution is enabled,will parse %(host)s
and replace it:
cfg := ini.New()
// enable ParseVar
// OUT:
// http://localhost:8080/api
type Options struct {
// set to read-only mode. default False
Readonly bool
// parse ENV var name. default True
ParseEnv bool
// parse variable reference "%(varName)s". default False
ParseVar bool
// var left open char. default "%("
VarOpen string
// var right close char. default ")s"
VarClose string
// ignore key name case. default False
IgnoreCase bool
// default section name. default "__default"
DefSection string
// sep char for split key path. default ".", use like "section.subKey"
SectionSep string
Setting options for default instance:
Setting options with new instance:
cfg := ini.New()
cfg.WithOptions(ini.ParseEnv, ini.ParseVar, func (opts *Options) {
opts.SectionSep = ":"
opts.DefSection = "default"
Package dotenv
that supports importing data from files (eg .env
) to ENV
err := dotenv.Load("./", ".env")
// err := dotenv.LoadExists("./", ".env")
val := dotenv.Get("ENV_KEY")
// Or use
// val := os.Getenv("ENV_KEY")
// get int value
intVal := dotenv.Int("LOG_LEVEL")
// with default value
val := dotenv.Get("ENV_KEY", "default value")
- go tests with cover
go test ./... -cover
- run lint by GoLint
golint ./...
- gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
- gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
- gookit/gcli Build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
- gookit/slog Lightweight, easy to extend, configurable logging library written in Go
- gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
- gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
- gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
- gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
- gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
- gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
- gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
- More, please see
- go-ini/ini ini parser and config manage
- dombenson/go-ini ini parser and config manage