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Melting Pot substrate concepts and design


This document explains the main concepts of the Melting Pot substrates and their relation to DeepMind Lab2D.

If you want to learn how to create a level using Melting Pot, head here instead. A good place to start if you are completely new to Melting Pot substrates is our tutorial.

Throughout this document, we distinguish between DMLab2D (the engine) and Melting Pot (our framework for creating DMLab2D levels with abstractions for GameObjects and Components). Whenever we refer to the engine, we are talking about DMLab2D.

DMLab2D main concepts

For more complete information, please refer the documentation for DMLab2D.

The grid

Substrates created with DMLab2D consist of a grid with coordinates (x, y, layer). You can have as many layers as you want. Layers are indexed by strings, while x and y coordinates are non-negative integers. The order in which the layers are rendered is controlled by the user.

grid and layers


Think of a piece like a piece on a chess board. Only one piece can occupy each specific (x, y, layer) position at a time. Pieces can move to different locations in the grid, including to different layers (either with relative or absolute movement). Pieces have an orientation (the 4 cardinal directions: North, East, South and West). Orientations can also can be changed relatively or absolutely.

Pieces have states, which control the appearance, layer and groups the piece belongs to. States are represented as strings. Different logic can be assigned to different states. Pieces can change states dynamically.


Most of the logic in a created substrate is implemented via callbacks for specific states of pieces. The engine will call these functions when the appropriate event or interaction occurs. For more specific details on how and when the callbacks are called, please refer to the advanced documentation.

Melting Pot

Most of what Melting Pot does is encapsulate the functionality offered by the grid and the callbacks of pieces into an Object-Oriented paradigm.

The central concepts of this framework are GameObjects and Components. See below for more information.


Every object in Melting Pot is a GameObject, this includes the avatars, walls, spawn points, purely logical objects, etc. Everything that does anything is a GameObject. However, a GameObject is an empty vessel that does not by itself do anything at all.

You need to add Components to a GameObject to make it functional. Different GameObjects will generally have different combinations of components. This lets them fill different functions.

Melting Pot comes with a library of built-in Components. If you like, you can also extend Melting Pot by writing your own Components.

Game objects

In practical terms, a GameObject contains a number of Components. Each Component is a piece of logic (code) that adds to the overall logic of the GameObject.

object and components

GameObjects have a range of useful functions, for example:

  • hasComponent(name): Returns whether the object has a component of the requested name (as a string).
  • getComponent(name): Returns the first component found of the named type. Typically, only one component of each type is available. It is a failure if the objectt does not have a component of the given name (as a string).
  • getComponents(name): Returns a list of all the components that have the requested name (as a string).

In addition to the above methods, there is an important property that is available after creation, but before any callbacks are performed:

A GameObject always has a StateManager component and a Transform component. All other components are optional.

Other utility methods specific to required components are detaild below. Refer to the source code for more detailed information.

NOTE: GameObjects cannot currently be added dynamically. A particular substrate needs to create all objects it will ever need at initialisation time. Objects that are not immediately needed can be made invisible and immaterial (i.e. they are dormant and don't interact with any other entity in the substrate).


The StateManager component keeps track of the states of the GameObject and provides an API for switching between them.

The state is composed of the following concepts, but other logic can be attached to the state in other Components, by having custom logic depending on the current GameObject's state.

  • layer (string): The layer coordinate of the object.
  • sprite (string): The name of the sprite that the object uses when it is in this state. Usually sprites are managed by the Appearance component (see below).
  • groups (table of strings): The groups of which this object is a member of. The concept of groups is used mainly in two ways:
    1. for obtaining all the objects that currently belong to the group in order to perform an action on them.
    2. to run an updater acting only on objects in a group. See Updaters or update below.
  • contact (string): The contact name of the object. Whenever objects enter (or leave) the same (x, y) coordinate as another object (but at different layers), they cause an onEnter (or onExit) event. The event is tagged with this contact name.

For convenience, some of the methods from StateManager are available directly from GameObject. The most important ones are:

  • getState(): Returns the current state of the object, as a string. This value is persistent throughout an update cycle (i.e. an substrate step). Changes to the state within an update cycle will be queued to take effect after the update.
  • getAllStates(): Returns a list of all the possible states that this GameObject can have.
  • setState(newState): Schedules a state change for this object. The parameter must be a string from the valid sets of states for this object. State changes are not immediate. They will only take effect after an engine update. If you need to record a state change manually, you can save it and cache it as desired, but beware that the information might be stale after an update.

In addition, a GameObject provides other utility functions, like getGroupsForType(state), getGroups() (for the active state), getSprite(), getLayer(), etc.


The Transform component represents an object’s position and orientation. It provides an API for getting and setting the position and orientation of the GameObject.

Like with StateManager, GameObject provides some methods to interact directly with the Transform:

  • getPosition(): Returns the current position as a table with keys x and y (both integers).
  • getOrientation(): Returns the current orientation as a single character string from "N", "E", "S", "W".
  • moveAbs(orientation): Moves the object by one grid cell in the absolute direction given by orientation.
  • moveRel(orientation): Moves the object by one grid cell in the relative (to the current orientation) direction given by orientation.
  • teleport(position, orientation): Moves the object to the specified absolute position and orientation.
  • teleportToGroup(groupName, state, orient): Moves the object to one of the locations occupied by objects in the specified group. It also changes the object's state tot he provided new state, and sets the new orientation according to the value of orient. The orient parameter is optional. Can be one of:
  • turn(amount): Turns this GameObject by a given value amount:
    • 0 -> No Op.
    • 1 -> 90 degrees clockwise.
    • 2 -> 180 degrees.
    • 3 -> 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
  • setOrientation(direction): Sets this GameObject to face a particular direction:
    • 'N' -> North (decreasing y).
    • 'E' -> East (increasing x).
    • 'S' -> South (increasing y.
    • 'W' -> West (decreasing x).

NOTE: GameObject and Transform also provide the function getPiece() which returns the engine's internal piece ID for this object. The user should not need to interact with this directly. Instead only use the GameObject's states.


A Component is a piece of logic attached to a GameObject. Component instances can only belong to a single GameObject. The parent GameObject can be accessed via self.gameObject, once the component has been added to the GameObject (this happens at initialisation).

navigating the tree

Lua components can have the following methods, all of which are optional:

  • awake(): Called when the component is added to a GameObject.
  • reset(): Called every episode to initialise the Component's internal variables, just before start().
  • start(): Called once all initialisation is complete.
  • postStart(): Called once all game objects have completed their start calls.
  • preUpdate(): Called every frame, always before update().
  • update(): Called every frame.
  • registerUpdaters(updaterRegistry): Used instead of update, offers fine control over the order in which updates happen across components, as well as functionality to delay execution & update probabilisitically (see below).
  • onBlocked(blockingGameObject): called when this object attempts and fails to enter an occupied (x, y, layer) absolute location.
  • onEnter(enteringGameObject, contactName): Called when another object enters the same (x, y) location (but in another layer) as the containing object. contactName is the contact string associated with the state (state) of the entering object.
  • onExit(exitingGameObject, contactName): Called when another object occupying the same (x, y) location as this object (but in another layer) leaves the location. contactName is the contact string associated with the state (state) of the entering object.
  • onHit(hitterGameObject, hitName): Called when the object is hit by a beam of the hitName type created by the hitter object.
  • onStateChange(previousState): Called when the GameObject has changed its state. Recall that state changes are not immediate, so this will be called in between updates.

In addition to the above functions, there are other functions that are typically restricted to special types of Components like the Avatar, the Zapper, or the Appearance. For completeness, these are:

  • addHits(worldConfig): Used to register hits (e.g. a zapper or custom beam)
  • addSprites(tileSet): Adds sprites associated with states. Don't use this directly, instead, use the Appearance component.
  • addCustomSprites(customSprites): Enables adding sprites that are not immediately associated with any state. Don't use this directly, instead use the AdditionalSprites component.
  • getSpriteNames(): Should return a list of all the available sprites for use with the object. Don't use this directly, instead use the Appearance component.
  • addObservations(tileSet, world, observations): Adds observations to the substrate. Don't use this directly, instead use the Avatar component.
  • addDiscreteActionsSpec(actSpec): Adds entries to the global action spec. Don't use this directly, instead use the Avatar component.
  • discreteActions(actions): Inform the engine of the actions that are to take place at next substrate step. Don't use this directly, instead use the Avatar component.
  • addPlayerCallbacks(callbacks): Deprecated.

You can find these and other useful components in the component_library.

Updaters or update

There are two ways to execute code periodically on a Component. One is through the update method that simply gets called at each substrate step. While this is quite generic and flexible, there is no guarantee as to the order in which updates will be called across GameObjects and Components.

The other way to update a component regularly is through the use of an updater. Updaters are handled by the engine, and offer fine control over when they are executed, for which states they apply, at what rate the update occurs, and if there is a delay on the onset of the updating after a state change. This is the approach we use in our substrates.

For full documentation, see the implementation in updater_registry. Intuitively, instead of defining a function that gets called at every step, you register an updater function (named or anonymous) along with some parameters describing when the function will be called. They key parameters are:

  • priority: The priority of the update. If not provided, defaults to priority 100. Higher priority denotes earlier execution.
  • startFrame: The number of frames to wait after any state change to start executing this update.
  • probability: The probability that the update gets called per time step. By default this is set to 1, so that the update function is called every frame.
  • group: The group to which the registered updater applies. That is, all game objects which are on a state that has this group will have the update function registered here called on them. If group is not given, it defaults to grouping (corresponding) updates from the same component across all game objects.
  • state: The game object state for which this functioon should be called. If not provided, the function will be called for all states.
  • states: a list of states for which this update should be called. This takes precedence over state. If both are provided, only the value of states is used.

Updaters are registered within the component's registerUpdaters function that receives an UpdaterRegistry instance. There you can register your updaters, e.g. by:

    priority = 200,
    state = self.config._aliveState,
    updateFn = self:highPriorityUpdate(),

Internal component variables

Components will have two properties _config and _variables. Both are tables, and by convention, the _config is a table that stores all static information and parameters for the object (e.g. the parameters passed to the constructor), whereas _variables is used to store mutable data. This distinction is important to support resetting substrates. When a reset is requested (triggering a call to reset()), all internal variables (i.e. _variables) should be cleared. However, this is not enforced.

You can also create any property in the class instance, just like you would in Python, e.g. self._my_property = "Yay!".

Other Concepts


The Simulation contains all GameObjects. It is in charge of creating the world configuration (which happens automatically from the point of view of the user) as well as creating and initialising all the GameObjects.

The simulation has utilities for getting game objects:

  • getAllGameObjects(): Return an unordered table of all GameObjects.
  • getGameObjectsByName(name): Return all GameObjects that have the given name as a list.
  • getAllGameObjectsWithComponent(componentName): Return all GameObjects that have a Component called componentName as a list.

The Simulation also has functions to find objects from the internal engine pieces, but this functionality should be largely irrelevant to users.

Avatars are GameObjects with the Avatar component. They are special in that they require special initialisation to handle spawn points and deferred initialisation of their internal engine piece. However, from the perspective of the user, avatars should be considered just another type of GameObject.

RayCast and Queries

Raycasts and queries are ways to get information about objects in specific locations in the grid.

Queries are exposed in Melting Pot through the Transform component via:

  • queryDiamond(layer, radius): Returns a list of all GameObjects with an L1 distance to the calling object's position that is less than or equal to radius. In a torus topology the positions returned are not normalised.
  • queryDisc(layer, radius): Like queryDiamond, but using the L2 distance to the calling object's position.

Rays are exposed through beams. When a beam touches an object, its onHit callback is executed with the specific hit name as parameter. See the Zapper component for more details.

API Factory

The API Factory is a native concept of DMLab2D. It is the main entry point of the Lua bindings of the internal C++ engine. The API Factory defines the order of calls on the API object. All substrates are initialised from an subclass of the API Factory that contains a Simulation.

The user will likely never have to interact directly with this object.

Python interoperability

Melting Pot is fully accessible through Python. The entire configuration of the level is defined by a Python dictionary. In principle, the only time you will need to write Lua is when you are writing a new custom Component. For some examples, see the substrate configurations.

For more information, see the level creation guide.