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FDK React Templates


FDK React Templates is a React component library designed specifically for Fynd Commerce. It includes a collection of reusable components, tools, and utilities to streamline the development process. This library is built with Webpack to handle JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and other assets, making it efficient and easy to maintain.


  • Dynamic Entry Points: Automatically includes all .jsx files from the src directory.
  • Optimized Output Configuration: Outputs files to the dist directory, maintaining the relative path structure.
  • Support for CSS and Less: Handles both CSS modules and global CSS, as well as Less files.
  • Comprehensive Asset Management: Supports various asset types including fonts and SVGs.
  • Powerful Plugins: Utilizes CleanWebpackPlugin and MiniCssExtractPlugin for efficient build processes.
  • Advanced Optimization: Configured with Terser for JavaScript minification and optimized chunk splitting.



  • Node.js (v18 or later recommended)
  • npm (v8 or later)
  • fdk-cli
  • All the external packages in themes node modules

Installation Steps For Use

  1. Install the package in react theme repositary.

    npm install github:gofynd/fdk-react-templates.git#V.X.X.X

    Replace V.X.X.X.X with proper version. Example :

    npm install github:gofynd/fdk-react-templates.git#V.1.0.0
  2. Use in your Component

    import ProductListing from "fdk-react-templates/pages/product-listing/product-listing";

Installation Steps For development

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd fdk-react-templates
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install


Build for Production

To build the project for production, run:

npm run build

This will generate the output in the dist directory.


For development, use: To test locally package in your local system before publishing npm package in your local theme repo, run: \r

npm i "src url of fdk-react-templates"

This will install the development package in your projects node_modules.

Project Structure

  • src/: Source files including JavaScript/TypeScript, CSS, Less, and assets.
  • dist/: Output directory for the production build.
  • webpack.config.js: Webpack configuration file.

Webpack Configuration

Entry Points

The entry points are dynamically generated by including all .jsx files from the src directory:

entry: () => {
    const entryFiles = glob.sync('./src/**/*.jsx');
    const entry = {};
    entryFiles.forEach(file => {
        entry[file.replace('src', '')] = file;
    return entry;


The output is configured to generate files in the dist directory, maintaining the relative path structure:

output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
    filename: (chunkInfo) => {
        const getNameFromPath = (path) => path.replace(/\.jsx$/, ""); = getNameFromPath(;
        return '[name].js';
    libraryTarget: "umd",
    library: "firestone",
    umdNamedDefine: true,
    globalObject: 'typeof self !=="undefined" ? self : this',
    clean: true,
    publicPath: './',


The configuration includes several plugins to enhance the build process:

  • CleanWebpackPlugin: Cleans the dist directory before each build.
  • MiniCssExtractPlugin: Extracts CSS into separate files, supporting both modules and global CSS.


Various loaders are configured to handle different types of files:

  • babel-loader: Transpiles JavaScript and TypeScript files using Babel presets.
  • css-loader, style-loader, postcss-loader: Handles CSS files with support for CSS modules.
  • less-loader: Compiles Less files, with support for both modules and global styles.
  • @svgr/webpack: Processes SVG files to be used as React components.
  • asset/resource: Manages font files and other static assets.


Certain libraries are treated as external dependencies to reduce the bundle size So make sure to add them in your package.json:

externals: {
    'react': 'react',
    'react-router-dom': 'react-router-dom',
    'fdk-core/components': 'fdk-core/components',
    'fdk-core/utils': 'fdk-core/utils',
    'awesome-snackbar': 'awesome-snackbar',
    'react-outside-click-handler': 'react-outside-click-handler',
    'react-hook-form': 'react-hook-form',
    'react-range-slider-input': 'react-range-slider-input',
    'imask': 'imask',
    'card-validator': 'card-validator',
    '@react-google-maps/api': '@react-google-maps/api',
    'react-google-autocomplete': 'react-google-autocomplete',
    'framer-motion': 'framer-motion',
    'html-react-parser': 'html-react-parser',
    'google-libphonenumber': 'google-libphonenumber',
    'react-international-phone': 'react-international-phone',
    '@emotion/is-prop-valid': '@emotion/is-prop-valid'


The project uses Terser for minification and optimizes chunk splitting:

optimization: {
    minimizer: [
        new TerserPlugin({
            terserOptions: {
                keep_fnames: true,
                keep_classnames: true,
    splitChunks: {
        chunks() {
            return false;


The Pages includes a variety of pre-built page templates designed to streamline the development process. Each page is crafted to meet specific use cases and can be easily customized to fit your project's needs.


The Components offers a collection of reusable UI components that can be integrated into any React application. These components are designed to be flexible and easy to use, promoting consistency across your project.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes.


For any questions or feedback, please contact Prashant Pandey at

This README provides a detailed overview of the FDK React Templates library, including installation, usage, and configuration details. Ensure to update any placeholders with actual information specific to your project.