This is a demonstration of a Multi Docker Compose.
The purpose of this repositoy is ongoing research on "Docker compose" architecture design for easier and elegant control over the services, without duplication.
To create a new environment
mkdir platform-new
touch platform-new/.env
ln -s docker-compose.base.yml platform-new/docker-compose.yml
touch platform-new/docker-compose.override.yml
Tree view visualizing of the filesystem
├── data
│ └── backend1
│ └── config
│ └── main.yml
├── docker-compose.override.yml
└── docker-compose.yml -> ../docker-compose.base.yml
In short:
We link the original docker-compose.base.yml.
We create new .env file.
- Each .env can configure the inside/outside ports and other user configurable options.
Each override has the example structure:
version: '3'
# add content here
- ./data/backend3/config:/config
Each platform environment will not to be committed to GIT.
The platform environments will be created on the dev machine or production.
There can be an infinite number of environments on one machine/node as long as the ports are different in each .env file.
Having a data directory which can be mounted/binded to particular location inside the target service.
PORT_BACKEND1 is the outside port
PORT_BACKEND1_IN is the inside port
BACKEND1_PORT is the listen port for the service
cd platform-dev # sample env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Test: http://localhost:8003
cd platform-dev # sample env
docker-compose ps
Multi environment docker compose
Building an image instructions
Controlling inside env vars
Controlling outside env vars in docker -compose
Structuring environment variables for easier control and maintaince
Multi stage Dockerfile builds
- (for the Go sample insipiration)
Please check the Issues section for a complete list of pending features here.