Ignore this if cloning. This is just the series of steps in first setting up this repo's submodule.
git submodule add -b main git@github.com:piximi/documentation.git documentation/
git submodule update --init --recursive
git add .gitmodules documentation/
git commit -m "Add submodule for documentation repository
Clone the directory and setup submodules:
git clone git@github.com:gnodar01/piximi-docs-dev.git
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
curl -fsSL https://pixi.sh/install.sh | bash
Install the project dependencies:
pixi install --all
Run build:
pixi run build
View the build in browser:
pixi run view
If there are changes in the main
branch of the submodule, pull the updates:
git submodule update --remote documentation/
Check the status of a submodule:
git submodule status
Work in the submodule:
cd documentation
# normal development
# e.g.
git switch dev-branch
# ...modify files
git add -A
git commit -m "change such and such"
git push
cd ..
git add documentation/
git commit -m "Update submodule reference"
NOTE: A post-checkout
git hook can be added, such that when doing git switch <branch_name>
in the dev repo, it will mirror a checkout of the same branch name in the documentation/
This assumes branch names are identical.
Here is the post-checkout
# Get the current branch of the parent repository
current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
# Navigate to the submodule directory and switch to the same branch
submodule_path="documentation" # Change this to your submodule's path
if [ -d "$submodule_path" ]; then
cd "$submodule_path"
git fetch origin "$current_branch"
if git rev-parse --verify "$current_branch" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
git switch "$current_branch"
git switch -c "$current_branch" origin/"$current_branch"
cd ..