This is a repository for Clojure(-Script) specs written using the Ghostwheel gspec syntax, including specs for most of clojure.core.
It’s the Clojure version of Definitely Typed.
They can be used for run- and test-time instrumentation with clojure.spec to easily catch incorrect function calls in your code by requiring the corresponding ghostwheel.specs.* namespace and using Ghostwheel’s extrumentation feature or just calling s/instrument directly.
Instrumenting all of clojure.core as a whole is not recommended at this point because things will likely break.
PRs are welcome – please add your spec namespaces to the contrib
package. Their names should correspond to the namespaces they are speccing, so for example ghostwheel.contrib.cuerdas.core
. If the library works on both Clojure and ClojureScript, make sure your specs do as well.
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Copyright (c) 2018 George Lipov
Licensed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0