This binding was used to show how to use Feliz with ReactTransitionGroup.
It is not published because, I don't have the time to complete it. The problem is that the documentation of the npm package is neither clear or complete.
If someone want to complete it, I will be happy to publish it.
open Glutinum.Feliz.ReactTransitionGroup
open Feliz.Bulma
open type Glutinum.Feliz.ReactTransitionGroup.Exports
let duration = 300
let Fade () =
let inProp, setInProp = React.useState false
let nodeRef = React.useRef<Browser.Types.HTMLElement option>(None)
Html.div [
Transition [
transition.``in`` inProp
transition.nodeRef nodeRef
transition.timeout duration
transition.children (fun status ->
Html.div [
prop.ref nodeRef [
style.custom ("transition", $"opacity {duration}ms ease-in-out")
match status with
| TransitionStatus.Entered
| TransitionStatus.Entering -> style.opacity 1.
| TransitionStatus.Exiting
| TransitionStatus.Exited -> style.opacity 0.
| _ -> ()
prop.text "I'm a fade transition"
Html.button [
prop.text "Click to Enter"
prop.onClick (fun _ -> setInProp (not inProp))
let CSSTransitionDemo () =
let showMessage, setShowMessage = React.useState false
let showButton, setShowButton = React.useState true
let nodeRef = React.useRef<Browser.Types.HTMLElement option>(None)
Html.div [
if showButton then
Bulma.button.a [
prop.text "Show Message"
prop.onClick (fun _ ->
setShowMessage true
CSSTransition [
transition.nodeRef nodeRef
transition.``in`` showMessage
transition.appear true
transition.timeout 300
cssTransition.classNames "alert"
transition.onEnter (fun _ ->
setShowButton false
transition.onExited (fun () ->
setShowButton true
transition.child (
Bulma.message [
prop.ref nodeRef
prop.children [
Bulma.messageHeader [
Html.p "Message title"
Bulma.delete [
prop.onClick (fun _ ->
setShowMessage false
Bulma.messageBody [
Html.p "Message body"
Bulma.button.a [
prop.text "Close"
prop.onClick (fun _ ->
setShowMessage false