The Glen Rock Indian Community hosts a series of events per year. Managing user registration and payments becomes a big ordeal. In order to save the run around, we use this app to manage the whole process.
If you are interested to learn Stripe integration with spring-boot, you can use this app.
Message to get added to the GRIC organizer as a contributor.
mvn clean install
POST to /event
Use the json
"name" : "GRIC Diwali 2016",
"startDateTime" : "2017-09-28T18:00:00Z",
"endDateTime" : "2017-09-28T23:00:00Z",
"location" : "190 US-46, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663",
"adultCost" : "100.00",
"childCost" : "50.00",
"free" : false
Import into your IDE, and work!