This is a barebones drupal 8 entity with tests.
- Composer
- Drush 8.x.x
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev drupal --stability dev --no-interaction
cd drupal/web
drush si testing --db-url=mysql://root@localhost/rrre --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin
drush en simpletest -y
cd modules
git clone advertiser
cd ..
php core/scripts/ --module advertiser
Tests start from scratch - hence no need for drush pm-uninstall; drush en advertiser
when you have updated the meta-properties of your entity.
Tests don't give you a verbose output, to test specific stuff in terminal:
drush php-eval '$entity = \Drupal\advertiser\Entity\Advertiser::create(); $entity->save();'
drush php-eval '$entity = \Drupal\advertiser\Entity\Advertiser::create(); print($entity->uuid()."\n"); $entity->save();'