A desktop calculator
A simple lightweight desktop calculator (this time based on C++11 to try some it's features. As far i coud see they are useful, and as i'am just getting use to it not try to over featurize). Write down your calculation e.g.:
3 + 4 * 5
and press [control] and [enter] to evaluate it.
Adjustable output format: decimal, scientific, hexadecimal and octal. Input for decimal and hexdecimal numbers with local support (octal numbers e.g. 0123 are only parsed as such when the output format is octal). Adjustable angle unit: radian, degree, gon.
The following operators are supported:
+,- add, subtract *,/,% multiply, divide, modulo ^ or ** power |,&,!,<<,>> logical or, and, xor, shift left, shift right
The following functions are supported:
* sqrt, square root * cbrt, cubic root * log,ln, logarithm on base e * log2, logarithm on base 2 * log10,lg, logarithm on base 10 * exp, e ^ x * sin, sinus * cos, cosinus * tan, tangens * asin, arcus sinus * acos, arcus cosinus * atan, arcus tangens * abs, absolut value * fac, factorial (usually writen as n!)
Usage of variables e.g.
a = 3 + 4 * 5 b = a + 7
the variable table can be edited so its easy to change a value by clicking it. Or rename a variable by clicking on its name. To remove a variable you can change its name to an empty string.
Unicode support for variable/constant names e.g. π (if you read this without unicode support small greek letter pi)
Automatic save/restore of edit buffer and window position.
A character list allows picking symbols by choosing a unicode page and click on the character.
A simple calendar view is included.
- The parsing doesn't support grouping separators (and they are missing in output as well).
To build on (Lin)ux use (as a prerequisite genericImg is required):
autoreconf -fis ./configure --prefix=/usr make
Build for windows was integrated at least for msys2
look for "$host_os" = "mingw32"