Bleiben-Note is German for "Remember-Note", which takes us back to our signature phrase, "The app that remembers for you". It was developed as the 5th project in the Laboratoria bootcamp.
In this project, you can:
You can create your account with any email and password. You can login and logout at any time. Once you are logged in, you can see your initials in the little pink circle in the top (See captures).
You can create your own notes with a title and a content. This web app is intended to be used by several people, so I added a notification bar in the top, so you can keep track of what's been going on.
The page will automatically update when you make any edits or changes..
You can see your notes in the dashboard page (initial page), but you can also click on them to see the content of each one of them. Once you click a note, you can delete it or edit it.
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Firebase
- Materialize
- Giovanna PC
Giov's Github
Giov's email:
The Net Ninja, for his tutorials and patience!
Youtube Channel -
The Laboratoria Team, for always being there for us.