Supplemental material for paper "Fair-mod: Fair Modular Community Detection", to be published in the proceedings for Complex Networks and their Applications 2024. Publication available here: <>. See also pre-pub in the main folder of this repository.
This repository contains the implementation of the Fair-mod modularity-based community detection algorithm, with a weighted balance-based fairness. The implementation is based on the source code for Louvain community detection found in the NetworkX library, see source code here: (
The algorithm expects as input a NetworkX graph object. The graph should be undirected (directed graphs are not currently supported), and the sensitive attribute S for the graph should be coded as a node attribute named color
, taking either of two values: red
or blue
. Future versions will address the limitations of the implementation.
The repository also includes:
: Code to process the raw social network datasets featured in the paper, generating the desired NX
: Code for the Scalable Fair Spectral Clustering (sFairSC) algorithm, translated from the original MATLAB version of the code in Credit for the algorithm goes to the original authors:
[1] Ji Wang et al. (2023). Scalable Spectral Clustering with Group Fairness Constraints. Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.