This repository contains the source code powering The site is built using Hugo, a static site generator, and styled with Tailwind CSS.
To work on this project and update the Tailwind CSS locally, follow these steps:
First, clone this repository to your local machine and init the project:
git clone
cd frankenphp-website
pnpm install
Before building the project, you need to fetch the documentation content. Run the following command to clone the documentation:
php clone-documentation.php
Please note that you might need to set up a GitHub token with the necessary permissions as a GITHUB_KEY environment variable.
To watch and update the Tailwind CSS during development, use the following command:
pnpm watch
Once you have cloned the documentation and updated the CSS, you can start the development server using Hugo. Open a new terminal tab or window and run the following command:
hugo server --disableFastRender
This will launch a local server, and you can access the FrankenPHP Documentation site at http://localhost:1313.
Prettier is configured in this project to help you maintain consistent and well-formatted templates. To format your Hugo templates, use the following command:
pnpm prettify