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Presentation notes

Randy Gingeleski edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Work in progress

Behavior-driven testing

  • Before you can do, you have to believe

    • The security and development teams need to buy into the practices and benefits of this methodology
  • Then the doing gets supported by tools that facilitate BDD adoption

    • Tools propose a structure for writing specifications that bring needed clarity into requirements
  • BDD expects desired behavior to be written in a Given, When, Then format

    • Given the pre-requisites to the expectation
    • When the actions happen that we have expectations about
    • Then we make assertions about what we expected
Given my application is up in an integration environment
When a "GET" request is made to endpoint "/helloworld"
Then the response status code is 200
And the response body is "Hello World"
  • BDD testing tools help automate and execute scenarios like this
    • These specs then serve as living documentation
    • If a requirement changes here, the execution of the test changes with it
    • Cucumber is one such tool

Cucumber adoption

  • TODO

Losing your head (in Selenium)

  • TODO

Writing the best security tests ever

  • TODO

Open source contributions


  • Contains the common step definitions


  • Sample project against a full web application
  • Leverages the cukelib-jvm library


  • Sample project against a REST API
  • Leverages the cukelib-jvm library