Welcome to the MissionPlanner-PathFinder!
This Program for optimizing the waypoint path of 'Mission Planner' with Pixhawk Drone :D
First of all, this document does not cover how to use the 'Mission Planner'.
This is a program created for the "Drone for Long distance delivery" Team of the Global Capstone Design Project with
Telkom University! ๐ฎ๐ฉ
Typically, waypoints manually entered through the mission planner do not have an optimized path. (When multiple waypoints are taken, the path between those locations is not optimized.)
We thought that this was an important stain on our subject, long-term flight, and we wanted to optimize it.
Download 'MPP_yourOS.zip' file.
Find your Input File(.waypoints) and Enter Output File name.
before MPP
after MPP
- run and If you find Text "I Love TelKom Univ...", it works well.
- I will upload althorithmm full code.(Traveling salesman problem)