A generic Schedule rate limiter for NodeJS. Useful for API clients and sms, email, notification daemons which tasks that need to be throttled.
Use NPM to install using;
npm install schedule-limiter --save
let ScheduleLimiter = require('schedule-limiter');
let limiter = new ScheduleLimiter({
database: {
type: 'Redis',
options: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379
let id = 1; // e.g. userId
limiter.setLimit(id,100); // Set Limit as 100
limiter.createSchedule(id, {'2015': {'Dec': 50}, '2016': {'Jan': 60}})
.then(function(usage) {
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle error and notify user
limiter.getUsage(id, {'2015': ['Dec'], '2016': ['Jan', 'Feb'] })
.then(function(usage) {
// {'2015': {'12': 50}, '2016': {'1': 60, '2': 0}}
limiter.cancelSchedule(id, {'2015': {'Dec': 50}, '2016': {'Jan': 60}})
.then(function(usage) {
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle error and notify user
Following methods are available in Schedule Limiter;
- constructor
- setLimit(id, limit)
- getLimit(id)
- setLimits(limits)
- createSchedule(id, tokens [,force])
- cancelSchedule(id, tokens [,force])
- getUsage(id, months))
Create new instance of Schedule Limiter
let ScheduleLimiter = require('schedule-limiter');
let limiter = new ScheduleLimiter({
database: {
type: 'Redis',
options: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379
Set the limit against particular id. Then this limit will consider as limit for every month
- id : {Integer/String} ID (appId or userId) which want to limit
- limit : {Integer} Limit value
Get the stored limit against particular ID
- id : {Integer/String} ID (appId or userId) which want to limit
{Integer} Limit value
Set the limit against particular id. Then this limit will consider as limit for every month
- limit : {Array} Array of limit Objects s.t. [{'userId': 1000}, {'userId2: 500}, ...]
Increase the usage value of given set of months against particular ID. If successfully increase the values, return values after increment. Otherwise rollback to previous state and return an error.
- id : {Integer/String} ID (appId or userId) which want to limit
- tokens : {Object} Number of tokens which want to use s.t. {'2015': {'Jan': 10, 'feb': 15, 3: 20, '4': 30}, '2016': {'1': 40}}
{Object} Remaining limits for each month s.t. {'2015': {'1': 10, '2': 15, '3': 20, '4': 30}, '2016': {'1': 40}}
Increase the usage value of given set of months against particular ID. If successfully increase the values, return values after increment. Otherwise rollback to previous state and return an error.
- id : {Integer/String} ID (appId or userId) which want to limit
- tokens : {Object} Number of tokens which want to use s.t. {'2015': {'Jan': 10, 'feb': 15, 3: 20, '4': 30}, '2016': {'1': 40}}
{Object} Remaining limits for each month s.t. {'2015': {'1': 10, '2': 15, '3': 20, '4': 30}, '2016': {'1': 40}}
Get the current usage (used tokens) against a particular id.
- id : {Integer/String} ID (appId or userId) which want to limit
- months : {Object} Object which contains Months Array s.t. {'2015': ['Jan', 'feb', 3, '4']}
{Object} Remaining limits for each month s.t. {'2015': {'1': 10, '2': 15, '3': 20, '4': 30}}
This Software is licensed under MIT License
Copyright (c) 2015 Gihan Karunarathne gckarunarathne@gmail.com