8.13.1 (2025-03-01)
You can now add a grid inside a Row Detail, however there are a few things to be aware. Any time a Row Detail is falling outside the main grid viewport, it will be destroyed and until it comes back into the viewport it will then be recreated & re-rendered. The process of destroying and recreating means that Row Detail previous shape & states aren't preserved, however you could use Grid State & Presets (as shown in the demo) to overcome this problem. Also note that the logic to calculate in/out of viewport was completely re-implemented and should (hopefully) work better and should re-render a lot less often and only when necessary.
New example
Bug Fixes
- add sanitizer to Row Detail create dynamic component (363065a)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (f276e6b)
- Row Detail preload comp should call destroy lifecycle (fd0185e)
- Row Detail with inner grids (193b366)
Please remember that all packages of @slickgrid-universal
) and Angular-Slickgrid
) must be updated at the same time and they will always get bumped on the same day to avoid any upgrade issues. You can also consult the Versions Compatibility Table - Wiki
also remember that Slickgrid-Universal monorepo is where the biggest portion of the code exists (~90%), so most of the commits are now happening on that side.
- review the Slickgrid-Universal changelog
- and the Angular-Slickgrid changelog (above)