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A gRPC client-server application illustrating health checks of gRPC servers on Kubernetes


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Health checking gRPC server on Kubernetes

This gRPC client server application was implemented for the purpose of showing how to do the health check of gRPC servers on Kubernetes.

Kubernetes health checks (liveness and readiness probes) detect unresponsive pods, mark them unhealthy, and cause these pods to be restarted or rescheduled.

Kubernetes does not support gRPC health checks natively which means that the developers should implement it when they deploy to Kubernetes.

gRPC has a standard health checking protocol that can be used from any language. In this example, we have implemented this standard health checking protocol in our gRPC app, and invoked the Check() method to determine the server's status.

The next sections provide explanations of each part of the application.


The server should export a service defined in the following proto for the health check. The following code which can be found here is added to the api.proto file:

syntax = "proto3";


message HealthCheckRequest {
  string service = 1;

message HealthCheckResponse {
  enum ServingStatus {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    SERVING = 1;
    NOT_SERVING = 2;
  ServingStatus status = 1;

service Health {
  rpc Check(HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse);

Our server provides a ProcessText service which receives a message and the client name as InputRequest and sends a message and the server name as OutputResponse. We define the remote procedure call functions for this service in the api.proto file:

// Defining the remote procedure call function that we want to be able to call on the data.
service ProcessText{
  rpc upper(InputRequest) returns (OutputResponse){}
// The serialized message that client sends.
message InputRequest{
  string text = 1;
  string clientName =2;
// What server responds to as a result of getting InputRequest.
message OutputResponse{
  string text = 1;
  string serverName =2;

Makefile for api

The Makefile for the api helps you to install the necessary plugins and compile your .proto file.


To start, make sure that the $PATH and $GOPATH is set up proparly.

make dep runs the following command which installs the Go protocol buffers plugin:

go get -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}

make generate-proto runs the following command which compiles api.proto:

protoc -I . api.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.

make generate-proto-in-docker is useful if you have difficulties using the previous command to compile your api.proto file. This command generates the api.pb.go inside a docker image and then returns the file and removes the docker.

docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR):$(CURDIR) -w $(CURDIR) znly/protoc -I . api.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.


The server is given a specific name and it listens on a specific port for client requests. It provides the Upper service which takes the message received from the client and converts it to upper case and adds a smiley face emoji at the end of the string. Server sends the server name as a part of the OutputResponse.

func (s server) Upper(c context.Context, req *api.InputRequest) (*api.OutputResponse, error) {
	x := happyUpper(req.GetText())
	log.Printf("➡️ Received message from client %v: %v ", req.GetClientName(), req.GetText())
	return &api.OutputResponse{ServerName: serverName, Text: x}, nil

The server has a dummy database in db.go that has a readiness flag isDatabaseReady that is initially false. The dummy database waits up to a certain amount of time (e.g. 30 seconds) and then it changes the isDatabaseReady flag to true. In this application, the gRPC health check is implemented for the dummy database.

func connectDB() error {
	sleepTime := 30
	log.Println("⏳ Connecting to the dummy database. This might take up to", sleepTime, "seconds")
	time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Second)
	log.Println("📣 Database is ready now!")
	isDatabaseReady = true
	return nil

If the isDatabaseReady flag is true, then Check() returns a HealthCheckResponse_SERVING status and if the flag is false, it returns a HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING health check response.

In general, there are four health check response serving status: HealthCheckResponse_UNKNOWN, HealthCheckResponse_SERVING, HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING and HealthCheckResponse_SERVICE_UNKNOWN.

func (h *Health) Check(ctx context.Context, req *grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckRequest) (*grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse, error) {
	log.Println("🏥 K8s is health checking")
	if isDatabaseReady == true {
		log.Printf("✅ Server's status is %s", grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING)
		return &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse{
			Status: grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING,
		}, nil
	} else if isDatabaseReady == false {
		log.Printf("🚫 Server's status is %s", grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING)
		return &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse{
			Status: grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING,
		}, nil
	} else {
		log.Printf("🚫 Server's status is %s", grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_UNKNOWN)
		return &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse{
			Status: grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_UNKNOWN,
		}, nil

In the startGrpcServer function, the following steps were taken to build and start the server:

  1. Specify the port we want to use to listen for client requests using ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", port).
  2. Create an instance of the gRPC server using grpcServer := grpc.NewServer().
  3. Register our service implementation with the gRPC server using api.RegisterProcessTextServer(grpcServer, srv).
  4. Register the health service using grpc_health_v1.RegisterHealthServer(grpcServer, &Health{})
  5. Call Serve() on the server err = grpcServer.Serve(ln) with our port details to do a blocking wait until the process is killed or Stop() is called.


To use the gRPC standard health checking protocol, we need to include the compiled grpc_health_probe in the container image of the server. To do this, we have used the following commands in the server.Dockerfile:

    wget -qO/bin/grpc_health_probe${GRPC_HEALTH_PROBE_VERSION}/grpc_health_probe-linux-amd64 
RUN chmod +x /bin/grpc_health_probe  


The main() function in main.go instantiates a client connection, on the TCP port the server is bound to. You can specify an ip and port by using Command-Line Flag. For example:

./client -ip=

If Command-Line Flag is not used then the default ip and port will be used for the connection.

ipPtr := flag.String("ip", "", "Description: ip address")

In main.go a client has been created for the ProcessText service:

client :=api.NewProcessTextClient(conn)

The client is given a name which is a random number.

randomClientName := strconv.Itoa(seededRand.Intn(10000))

The client sends the client name and a random message to the server periodically. It then receives the server name and the constructed message from the server and sleeps for 2 seconds.

for {
    // Create a random string of length 10 to send to the server.
    randomMessage := randomString(10)
    // Create a context.
    ctx := context.Background()
    // Send a request.
    reqMessage := &api.InputRequest{
        Text:       randomMessage,
        ClientName: randomClientName}
    log.Println("⬅️ Client sent a message to server :", randomMessage)
    // Receive response.
    resp, err := client.Upper(ctx, reqMessage)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("❌ Error doing upper : %v", err)
    log.Printf("➡️ Received Response from server %v : %s ", resp.GetServerName(), resp.Text)
    // Sleep for 2 seconds before sending another message.
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)


The deploy.yaml defines the container and pod's spec to be deployed on Kubernetes. We use Kubernetes exec probes and define liveness and readiness probes for the gRPC server container.

For the readinessProbe, we use the command /bin/grpc_health_probe.

    command: ["/bin/grpc_health_probe","-addr=:3000"]
  initialDelaySeconds: 10
  periodSeconds: 1

initialDelaySeconds indicates the number of seconds that kubelet should wait after the start of the container to performe the first health probe.

periodSeconds indicates how often, in seconds, the kubelet should perform the health probe.

For the liveness probe, similarly we can use the gRPC health probe /bin/grpc_health_probe, or a command such as cat /tmp/healthy that if executes successflully it returns 0 and the container is considered alive.


Open a terminal window, and $ cd into your project directory.

Start Minikube and create a cluster:

minikube start 

Use the following command to work with the Docker daemon on your Mac or Linux host:

eval $(minikube docker-env)     

Build the server and client images:

make build-imgs

Apply the configuration in kubernetes/deploy.yaml to a pod and deploy to Kubernetes.

make deploy

Now you can use kubectl get pods to get a list of the pods and find the exact name of the pod which should start with grpc-deploy.

You can retrieve more information about each pod using kubectl describe pod. For example:

kubectl describe pod grpc-deploy-8f95984fd-qm2xd

This should show a message about the readiness probe failing Readiness probe failed: service unhealthy (responded with "NOT_SERVING").

If you check the Readiness status of the server using kubectl describe pod before the database is ready, it should show false, otherwise if you check it after the database is ready, then it should show true.

To see the messages that are sent and received between client and server, you can use the following commands to print the logs of the client and server containers:

kubectl log grpc-deploy-8f95984fd-qm2xd  -c client
kubectl log grpc-deploy-8f95984fd-qm2xd  -c server

Finally, to delete the deployment, simply use:

kubectl delete deploy grpc-deploy




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A gRPC client-server application illustrating health checks of gRPC servers on Kubernetes








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  • Go 78.2%
  • Makefile 11.3%
  • Dockerfile 10.5%