TI EdgeAI Studio Agent is required to be started on a TI Analytics device to use EdgeAI Studio with the device. To know more about EdgeAI Studio please visit https://dev.ti.com/edgeaistudio
First connect the UART cable to your PC and Open your terminal
Start minicom session on PC using:
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSBX -c on
In above command COM port can vary (/dev/ttyUSB), to confirm that check which all usb serial ports available:
ls /dev/tty | grep USB
- It will be mostly ttyUSB2 but to confirm try opening multiple minicom sessions with different serial ports (ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2, ttyUSB3) and check if the boot logs are visible on power cycle or POR.
When getting boot logs ; you will get login option as shown in the diagram, give root as login id
-For additional reference check link :- (https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spruj21c/spruj21c.pdf?ts=1669039866167&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252Fur ) refer Section :- 2.3.1 Uart-Over-USB [J4] With LED for Status
Now type command ifconfig to get the ip address, the highlighted one as shown in the figure below:
Now you can ssh into the target using this ip address using CMD(via HOST PC):
ssh root@ip-address
Navigate to edgeai-studio-agent folder:
cd /opt/edgeai-studio-agent/src
Execute device agent script:
python3 device_agent.py
- Note: Ensure you are inside folder /opt/edgeai-studio-agent/src before running device_agent.py