The Default Offers API allows a Partner to request AMEX's standard card offers and display them to prospective customers.
This Java SDK allows AMEX partners to integrate seamlessly to the Default Offers Service
and reduces the complexity of coding service layer integration with the Default Offers API.
It assumes you have already set up your credentials with American Express and have your certs prepared.
- Installation
- Compatibility
- Configuration
- Authentication
- Getting Default Offers
- Error Handling
- Samples
- Contributing
- License
- Code of Conduct
- Install maven
brew install maven
- Clone repo
- Go inside the repo folder and type
$ mvn clean install
This sdk will support Java Version 8 or higher.
The SDK needs to be configured with OAuth and Mutual Auth.
Please see the createDefaultOffersClient()
method in for a sample configuration snippet.
private DefaultOffersClient createDefaultOffersClient() throws IOException, CertificateException,
NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException, KeyManagementException {
Map<String, String> sampleConfig = buildClientConfig();
DefaultOffersClient defaultOffersClient = null;
InputStream inputStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
ks.load(inputStream, sampleConfig.get(OAUTH_KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE_PROPERTY).toCharArray());
KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(sampleConfig.get(KEYSTORE_JKS));
InputStream trustStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
trustStore.load(trustStream, sampleConfig.get(OAUTH_KEYSTORE_LOAD_TRUST_STREAM).toCharArray());
SSLConnectionSocketFactory socketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(
new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(trustStore, (chain, authType) -> false)
.loadKeyMaterial(ks, sampleConfig.get(OAUTH_KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE_PROPERTY).toCharArray(),
(aliases, socket) -> sampleConfig.get(OAUTH_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PROPERTY))
defaultOffersClient = DefaultOffersClient.Builder
.proxyConfig(new ProxyConfig(sampleConfig.get(PROXY_PROTOCOL), sampleConfig.get(PROXY_HOST),
return defaultOffersClient;
Default Offers API uses token based authentication. The following examples demonstrates how to generate bearer tokens using the SDK :
AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = getAuthenticationToken(defaultOffersClient); //success response
defaultOffersClient.setAccessToken(accessTokenResponse.getAccessToken()); //set the Access Token for further API calls
Sample Response :
scope: 'default',
status: 'approved',
expires_in: '3599', // token expiry in seconds, you can cache the token for the amount of time specified.
token_type: 'BearerToken',
access_token: 'access token example'
Note : you can skip this call if you have an active Token in your cache. if you have an active token, you can just set the bearerToken in config under authentication or call setAccessToken('access_token')
method to update the config.
Below is a sample code snippet to get Default Offers. Please refer to for the full example.
DefaultOffersClient defaultOffersClient = createDefaultOffersClient();
DefaultOffersService defaultOffersService = defaultOffersClient.getDefaultOffersService();
// populate the request header
RequestHeader requestHeader = objectMapper.readValue(Thread.currentThread()
// send GET request to Default Offers API. The External Entry Point (EEP) will determine which default offer is returned.
OffersResponse offersResponse = defaultOffersService.getDefaultOffers("defaultoffers", requestHeader);
A successful response will return an array of Default Offers.
In case of exceptions encountered while calling American Express APIs, the SDK will throw Errors.
Possible exceptions :
: Is a generic type of error. It will be raised when there is an Internal server error or any other error which is not covered by any of the named errors. -
: Authentication errors with the API -- example : invalid API Key or Secret is sent to the API -
: Request Validation Error -- request or configs provided to the SDK are invalid, you can see more info in err.fields for the fields that failed validations. -
: ResourceNotFoundError will be raised when the the resource is not found. -
: NoOffersAvailable will be raised when there are no Default Offers found.
See for a sample usage of Default Offers SDK.
The "" resource file contains the variables needed to run the sample. Please replace the example values with actual values before running the sample.
developer.portal.sdk=jks_file_example.jks // SDK keystore
keystore.jks=jks // Java keystore format type // Path to trust store file // Keystore username // Keystore password // Alias (or name) under which the key is stored in the keystore
oauth.offers.api.endpoint= // Default Offers API endpoint
oauth.api.key=auth_key_example // OAuth Client ID/Key
oauth.api.secret=secret_example // OAuth Secret
proxy.protocol=http // Protocol Client uses to connect to proxy/load balancer // Proxy host
proxy.port=8080 // Proxy port
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