A javascript-based 3D game development engine, which can be run from any webhost or locally on your machine using the included java webhost/multiplayer server. This multiplayer server can also be run on any webhost that can run java applications.
WSJS is the repository for the core code of the javascript 3D game development engine WSJS. It includes a java web/multiplayer server. Running a game requires a WSJS project, which is a directory that contains the game assets.
WSJS_Demo is a repository for a FPS (think DOOM) demonstration project; you can use this to learn about the engine or as a starting point for creating your own game.
WSJS_Demo_Kart is a repository for a kart-based (think Mario Kart) demonstration project.
WSJS_Demo_Platformer is a repository for a platform-based (think Super Mario World) demonstration project.
Clone this (WSJS) repository into a directory. For this example we will say the directory is WSJS. Create a folder named "projects" in the WSJS directory. Next, clone any of the demo projects into a folder within the projects folder, for this example we will use the WSJS_Demo project, and clone it into a folder named demo. The directory structure should resemble:
WSJS src target ... projects demo effects entities ...
Start the WSJS project through your IDE.
You can now hit the project in a webbrowser by navigating to: localhost/projects/demo/html/index.html
TODO -- will require a native-wrapped app or how to run the java app
You can also run it directly on a regular http server. You will not have multiplayer games but this works great for single player games and no special software is required.
Clone this (WSJS) repository into a directory on your local machine, for this example we will say the directory is WSJS. One your webhost (for this example, the root directory of your webhost) move over the contents of WSJS/src/main/resources/code into your webhost. Create a projects folder on the root of your webhost. Next, clone any of the demo projects into a folder on your local machine and copy that directory into the projects folder. The directory structure on your webhost should resemble:
public_html (your webhost root) code projects demo effects entities ...
Now on any browser just navigate the .../projects/demo/html/index.html file.
Each project is self-contained in it's own directory. It's probably easiest to start with a project and then tweak it to your needs.
TODO - needs docs
You can have as many projects as you want attached to a single instance of WSJS, each with it's own HTML entry point.