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gfengster edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 2 revisions

Cake Manager with SpringBoot

Prerequisite Software

Install Java 1.8, Maven, git, docker.

Check out the code

Using git: git clone
Download zip:

Build and run in local machine

  1. Test, build and pack the project In a terminal, change path to the project.
    mvn clean test package
  2. Run the application
    java -jar ./target/cake-manager.jar

Build and run docker in local machine

  1. Test, build and pack the project In a terminal, change path to the project.
    mvn clean test package
  2. Build docker image
    docker build --tag cake-manager:latest .
  3. Run a container
    docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 18080:18080 cake-manager

CI/CD with GitHub

The project source code is hosted in GitHub. CI/CD has been configured in workflows. Changing code could trigger CI workflow, which test, build the project. If succeeded, docker image will be created and deployed to DockerHub.
CI/CD could be triggered manually.

  1. The auto built docker image location
  2. Pull docker image built in GitHub from DockerHub
    docker pull gfengster/cake-manager:latest
  3. Create a container and run the application
    docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 18080:18080 gfengster/cake-manager

Using the application

Note: Before run the application make sure port 8080, 18080 are free.

  1. List all cakes in table with browser
  2. Retrieve all cakes in JSON format
  3. Retrieve a cake with id in JSON format
    For example
  4. Create a cake with browser
  5. Create a cake with curl in terminal
    echo '{"title":"GFeng cake","desc":"My favourite cake is self made","image":""}' | curl -X POST -d @- http://localhost:8080/cakes --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  6. Check the created cake in browser
  7. Cakes list can be viewed from database directly in browser if the application run in local machine
  8. View SpringBoot actuator, which shows application internal information.