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Given a configuration file, this program generates a Lexer.

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Lexer Generator

Language: Scala

Tests passed:

  • 1st stage: all
  • 2nd stage: all
  • 3rd stage: all

Table of Contents

Stage 1 - Prenex to NFA to DFA


My implementation of the generic class Nfa[A] has 5 class members:

  • $Q: $ states: Set[A] which holds the states of the automata. I chose the type to be of Set because it makes no sense to have duplicate states to do different things.
  • $\Sigma: $ alphabet: Set[Char] which holds the alphabet of the NFA. Same reason as above to why I chose this to be a Set.
  • $\Delta: $ transitionFn: HashMap[(A, Either[Char, SpecialAtoms]), Set[A]], which is is a HashMap with keys of type state (A) and character read, which is either a simple character (Left[Char]) or special expression Right[SpecialAtoms]. I choose this instead of String because I wanted to make clear the existence of the special atoms.
  • $q_0: $ startState: A.
  • $F: $ finalStates: Set[A].


My implementation of the generic class Dfa[A] has 6 class members:

  • $Q: $ states: Set[A], same explanation as at NFA.
  • $\delta: $ transitionFn: HashMap[(A, Char), A], which takes a pair of current state and character read, and returns the next state if present in the transition function, or sink.
  • $\Sigma: $ alphabet: Set[Char].
  • $q_0: $ startState: A.
  • $F: $ finalStates: Set[A].
  • $SINK: $ sink: A, which represents the sink state. This was added because of the given signature of the next function, making it impossible to not return a state when not found in the transition function. This sink state is hardcoded to not overlap with ANY other states.

Thompson's Construction

  • Before processing the prenex, we need to split the given prenex string into members. This is done via find all matches with a regex, which splits on whitespaces, excluding commas.
val listOfOperations: List[String] = {
    .map(x => "^\'|\'$".r.replaceAllIn(x, ""))
  • There are a multitude of ways to process a prenex, but I found the easiest one to be transforming it into a postnex (Regex in postfix notation - $RPN^1$).
  • The transformation algorithm in very simple, just reversing the prefix notation does the job.
  • After that, I keep a stack of type Stack[Nfa[Int]]. For each parsed member of the postnex there are two possible cases:
    • if it parses a character, void or eps, I just push it to the stack after converting it to the appropriate NFA.
    • if it parses an operation of type CONCAT or UNION, I pop two NFA's from the stack, construct the appropiate NFA in terms of the previous operation, and then push the result to the stack.
    • if it parses an operation of type STAR, PLUS or MAYBE, I pop one NFA from the stack, construct the appropiate NFA given the operation, and then push the result to the stack.
  • After parsing ALL of the postnex, if it was a valid postnex (ex: not UNION c) there will be one remaining element on the stack, that being the resulting NFA.

Powerset Construction

Encoding of the states

This construction is very easy to do both in code and on paper. The only small challenge in code is that this will return you a Dfa[Set[Int]], not the desired Dfa[Int]. In order to achieve this, we need a function of signature:

Set[Int] => Int

which is bijective (aka have a mapping of each element to a unique value). It needs to have this property in order to not let any two states overlap. For example, if we choose this function to be the sum of the elements of the given set, it will not have an unique output for every input (Set(1,2,3).sum == Set(1, 5).sum). The function is the following:
  x => dfa.getStates

This function basically transforms a set to its index in the DFA's set of states ( $Q$ ).

Actual algorithm

Now that we got the encoding part out of the way, let's get to the actual core of the algorithm.

  • First of all, let's look at how to get the start state of the DFA:
private def getStartSubSet(nfa: Nfa[Int]): Set[Int] =

This is exactly as states by the algorithm: the epsilon closure of the start state of the NFA.

  • Next, we need a function which takes as from a group of states, reading a character to the next group of states:
private def getNextSubSet(nfa: Nfa[Int], char: Char, subSet: Set[Int]): Set[Int] = {
        (curr, acc) =>, char) union acc

This function collects the next states of each function from the input group.

  • Now, we need to actually build the states and the transition function of the constructed DFA. This is done via the following function:
private def fromNFAtoDFA(nfa: Nfa[Int]): Dfa[Set[Int]]

I didn't add the implementation here because it's quite long. What it does is, having a start group and a stack to keep account of which state to group is being analyzed, it looks through all of the possible transitions from that group, building the Dfa[Set[Int]] along the way.

  • Finally, having all of the group states, it's very easy to get the final ones:
    val finalStates: Set[Set[Int]] =
            stateSet => stateSet.exists(
                state => nfa.isFinal(state)

This lambda returns the group states in which there exists at least one final state.

The alphabet is the same as the NFA's and the sink state is hardcoded to be -1.

Now, we have all the elements to build our DFA:

  def fromPrenex(str: String): Dfa[Int] = {
    val dfa: Dfa[Set[Int]] = fromNFAtoDFA(Nfa.fromPrenex(str))
        x => dfa.getStates

Stage 2 - Regex to Prenex


The preprocessing of the Regex is done in the preprocess method. It iterates through each character of the regex, one by one, classifying it as either as a control character or a normal one. It returns a List[Either[Char, Char]], which has the following significance:

  • Left(char): This holds a normal character, which could also be a character used as an operation (*, | etc.).
  • Right(control): This holds a character with a special meaning, such as an operation, parenthesis, epsilon.

This function also has the functionality of desugarizing syntax. A range written as [0-2] will be translated to 0|1|2. Also, it concatanates explicitly, by adding Right('.') between operands.

Actual Algorithm

The algorithm for converting a Regex to a Prenex is based on the $Shunting \ Yard \ Algorithm^2$ by Dijkstra. It first converts it to a Postnex because it's easier, after which it will simply convert the Postnex to an equivalent Prenex using a function with the following signature:

private def fromPostfixToPrefix(postnex: String): String

Stage 3 - Lexer Generator

Minimum DFA

I implemented a DFA minimization algorithm mostly because after minimizing a DFA, there will remain a single sink state.

The algorithm used is $Brzozowski's\ algorithm^3$. The formula is the following:


And translated in code it looks like this:

def minDFA(dfa: Dfa[Int]): Dfa[Int] = {
    def reverseAndDeterminate(d: Dfa[Int]): Dfa[Int] = {

    val DFA1: Dfa[Int] = reverseAndDeterminate(dfa)
    val DFA2: Dfa[Int] = reverseAndDeterminate(DFA1)



Rules are a simple mapping from an automata/regex to its token. They are applied in the following order:

Regex Rules

Found in the object Rules, they map a Regex to a Token.

NFA Rules

Also found in the object Rules, they map an NFA to a Token.

DFA Rules

Found in the object RulesDeterminizer, they map a DFA[Set[Int]] to a Token.

ENC Rules

Found in the object RulesEncoder, they map a DFA[Int] to a Token.

Min DFA Rules

Found in the object RulesMinimizer, they map a minDFA to a Token.

Lexer automata

I chose to implement the lexer not as a big DFA, but as a set of DFAs which all work in parallel. The algorithm works on the same principle as a monadic parser, having the following type signature:

private def lexWord(word: String, fullWord: String): Either[ErrorMessage, (Token, String, String)]

Which means that it returns a tuple which holds the Token lexed, the word lexed and the rest of the string which is to be lexed.

After that, the lexWord function is used on all of the sentence to generate the lexemes.


  1. Reverse Polish Notation - RPN
  2. Shunting Yard Algorithm
  3. Brzozowski's algorithm


Given a configuration file, this program generates a Lexer.







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