Equipe gl13, le 01/01/2020.
Decac is a compiler for "Deca" language, developed under CentOS, macOS and Ubuntu.
You can compile the project by typing in terminal:
$ mvn compile
You can clean the project by typing in terminal:
$ mvn clean
To run the compiler and generate the assembly file you simply need to open a terminal in any directory you want where the ".deca" files and then type:
$ deca file_name.deca
Then to execute the assembly file type:
$ ima file_name.ass
[-b] To print the team's banner (can't get arguments other than -b)
$ deca -b
[-mt] To print the methods table of deca program
$ deca -mt file_name.deca
[-p] To stop the compiler after the parser stage (stage A).
$ deca -p file_name.deca
[-v] To stop the compiler after the syntax analysis stage (stage B).
$ deca -v file_name.deca
[-n] Compile without check the tests of execution (overflow, null pointer..)
$ deca -n file_name.deca
[-r X] Limits the registers number to X registers used in the compiler (number between 4 and 16 included).
$ deca -r X file_name.deca
[-d] To activate debug traces, repeating the option will result in more traces levels.
$ deca -d file_name.deca
[-P] To execute multiple .deca files at once (parallel).
$ deca -P file1.deca file2.deca
IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.
Copyright © 2019 Lucas MORIN, Jérémy NAVARRO, Majd ODEH, Geoffroy OUDOUMANESSAH and Sylvain POUGET. All rights reserved.
École nationale supérieure d'informatique et de mathématiques appliquées Grenoble-INP ENSIMAG