These notebooks are intended to help you learn Python, get up to speed on basic programming concept and finally write your own options analytics code using the GVol Python module.
Additional Resources on functions and variables
Use the package manager pip to install gvol.
pip install gvol
Basic GVol usage.
from gvol import GVol
#create GVol Client
gvol_client = GVol(header='x-oracle',gvol_api_key=GVOL_API_KEY)
gvol_client = GVol(header='gvol-lite-plus',gvol_api_key=GVOL_API_KEY_LITE_PLUS)
gvol_client = GVol(header='gvol-lite',gvol_api_key=GVOL_API_KEY_LITE)
##SELECT EXCHANGE: (Supported exchanges are |deribit|bitcom|okex|delta|)
exchange = 'deribit'
data = gvol_client.options_orderbook_details(exchange=exchange)
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