A statistics server driven by netcat. It can display several server information like hardware, memory, temperatures etc over a simple tcp/http connection. Data will be generated as JSON and merged all together at the SERVER machine. The CLIENT machines will only collect these data and make them available over tcp/http-api.
- netcat
- php
clone this repo and enter the repo dir. afterwards install the server
git clone git@github.com:gemichelst/stateSRV.git
cd stateSRV
to start this application on client machines which should provide their stats use this command:
statSRV client
if you need to use another port and another netcat command: (default port: 7236, default nccmd: nc)
statSRV [port] [client]
[port] is optional [nccmd] is optional
to start this application on the host machine which should collect the stats from the clients and provide a webgui to display the data use this command:
statSRV host
to use the webgui you need a webserver like apache or nginx. Add a new vhost or site like usual and set the root dir to the www folder. You will find an apache site-config at the folder conf.
developed by Michael Matzat 2019 www.gemichelst.de