v1.16.0 (2022-03-25)
v1.15.2 (2022-01-25)
v1.14.7 (2022-01-29)
v1.15.1 (2022-01-14)
v1.14.6 (2022-01-14)
v1.15.0 (2022-01-13)
v1.14.5 (2022-01-05)
v1.14.4 (2021-12-24)
v1.13.11 (2021-12-24)
v1.14.3 (2021-11-24)
v1.14.2 (2021-11-16)
v1.13.10 (2021-11-16)
v1.12.7 (2021-11-16)
v1.11.10 (2021-11-16)
v1.14.1 (2021-10-28)
v1.13.9 (2021-10-28)
v1.11.9 (2021-10-28)
v1.11.8 (2021-10-02)
v1.11.7 (2021-09-30)
v1.14.0 (2021-09-25)
v1.13.8 (2021-09-17)
v1.13.7 (2021-09-01)
v1.13.6 (2021-08-16)
v1.13.5 (2021-08-14)
v1.13.4 (2021-01-06)
v1.13.3 (2021-07-31)
v1.13.2 (2021-07-30)
v1.12.6 (2021-07-30)
v1.13.1 (2021-07-23)
v1.11.5 (2021-07-23)
v1.13.0 (2021-07-02)
v1.11.4 (2021-06-25)
v1.11.3 (2021-05-28)
v1.11.2 (2021-05-15)
v1.12.0 (2021-05-07)
v1.11.1 (2021-04-21)
v1.10.15 (2021-04-02)
v1.10.14 (2021-01-22)
v1.10.13 (2020-12-18)
v1.10.12 (2020-12-18)
v1.10.11 (2020-11-20)
v1.10.9 (2020-10-31)
v1.10.8 (2020-10-29)
v1.10.7 (2020-10-15)
v1.9.10 (2020-10-15)
v1.10.6 (2020-10-08)
v1.10.5 (2020-09-26)
v1.10.4 (2020-09-15)
v1.10.3 (2020-09-04)
Closed issues:
- Internal Ingress stuck at creating stage #1189
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry Pick #1246 [Require id cherry pick] #1247 (swetharepakula)
v1.10.2 (2020-09-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Require id in NegObjectReference #1246 (swetharepakula)
- Cherry-pick #1227 [Update ensureRedirectUrlMap() logic] into release-1.10 #1245 (spencerhance)
- cherrypick PR 1236(resource annotations for ILB) into release-1.10 #1244 (prameshj)
- Cherrypick PR 1241(Lookup forwarding rule before deletion on protocol change) into release-1.10 #1243 (prameshj)
- Cherry-pick #1239 [Add HTTPS Redirects to Metrics] into release-1-10 #1242 (spencerhance)
- Cherry-pick #1233 [Add missing features to ingress metrics] into release-1-10 #1238 (spencerhance)
- Cherry Pick #1230 [Enable neg crd by default] #1235 (swetharepakula)
- Cherry-pick #1223 [Fix internal ingress static IP bug] into release-1-10 #1232 (spencerhance)
- Cherry-pick #1209 [Expose custom health check ports in the firewall] into release-1-10 #1231 (spencerhance)
- Cherry Pick #1222 [Neg crd metrics] #1229 (swetharepakula)
- Cherry Pick #1218 [Validation generation] #1228 (swetharepakula)
- Cherrypick #1225[Bugfix http forwarding rule create workflow] into release-10 #1226 (skmatti)
v1.9.9 (2020-08-31)
Closed issues:
- Source IP address is lost with nginx-ingress, istio, others, behind a GCE Ingress #1219
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry-pick #1233 [Add missing features to ingress metrics] into release-1-9 #1237 (spencerhance)
- Cherry-pick #1209 [Expose custom health check ports in the firewall] into release-1-9 #1220 (spencerhance)
- Cherry pick #1174 [Implement support for Internal/Regional Static IP for L7-ILB] into release-1.9 #1201 (spencerhance)
- Cherry pick #1173 [Update k8s-cloud-provider to 1.13.0] into release 1.9 #1200 (spencerhance)
v1.10.1 (2020-08-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry pick #1212 [Fix negv1beta1 import] #1213 (swetharepakula)
v1.10.0 (2020-08-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Add e2e tests for neg naming and neg crd #1207 (swetharepakula)
- Implement support for HTTPS Redirects #1206 (spencerhance)
- Allow modifying protocol in L4 ILB service #1204 (prameshj)
- Add NegName to syncer key #1202 (swetharepakula)
- Ignore deletion timestamp when ensuring NEG CR #1199 (swetharepakula)
- Refactor tls package into translator #1198 (spencerhance)
- Use NEG CRs for NEG Garbage Collection #1197 (swetharepakula)
- Add repo SECURITY.md #1196 (joelsmith)
- Handle error when calculating endpoints for NEG. #1192 (prameshj)
- Allow modifying trafficPolicy for L4 ILB services #1191 (prameshj)
- Revert to individual secret get #1188 (liggitt)
- syncer writes neg desc on initialization #1187 (swetharepakula)
- Cleanup L4 ILB IP Reservation in all cases. #1181 (prameshj)
- Fix VM_IP_NEG creation and updates #1180 (prameshj)
- Cleanup Internal IP reservation after L4 ILB creation #1179 (prameshj)
- Compute number of L4 ILBs in error and success state #1176 (skmatti)
- Update GKE version mapping #1175 (skmatti)
- Implement support for Internal/Regional Static IP for L7-ILB #1174 (spencerhance)
- Update k8s-cloud-provider to 1.13.0 #1173 (spencerhance)
- Create corresponding Neg CRs when NEG CRD is enabled #1172 (swetharepakula)
- Initial Refactor of TargetProxy to Translator Package #1168 (spencerhance)
- Move APIs to work with health checks into translator package to prepare for future refactoring #1167 (rramkumar1)
- Neg crd feature gate #1166 (swetharepakula)
- Avoid unnecessary backend service update in NEG linker #1162 (skmatti)
- Update generated code for frontendconfig CRD #1160 (skmatti)
- Add open API validation for Security Policy #1159 (skmatti)
- Fix broken link in faq #1157 (knrt10)
- Commented out broken link #1156 (Gituser143)
- add logging in NEG syncer #1155 (freehan)
- Add NEG CRD definition #1154 (swetharepakula)
- Wait for NEGs deletion based on deletion option #1145 (freehan)
- Ensure ingress cleanup when finalizer exists #1144 (skmatti)
- Set access logging sampling rate to be 1 #1138 (skmatti)
- Add events for major lifecycle events #1137 (bowei)
- Remove cluster-service annotation to avoid conflicting with GKE addon… #1136 (bowei)
- run-local-glbc.sh needs to capture stderr in the log #1135 (bowei)
- Remove unnecessary
permissions #1134 (skmatti) - Update changelog for multiple release versions #1133 (skmatti)
- Update GKE version mappings #1130 (skmatti)
- Cherry-pick #1128 to release-1.9 [Add rbac permissions for networking.gke.io/frontendconfigs] #1129 (spencerhance)
- Add rbac permissions for networking.gke.io/frontendconfigs #1128 (spencerhance)
- Add translation for ForwardingRule #1126 (rramkumar1)
- Replace Ingress resource Update calls with Patch #1125 (skmatti)
- Add back local run script which was deleted #1124 (rramkumar1)
- Use patch for updating ingress/service finalizers #1123 (skmatti)
- Force send Enable field for LogConfig #1119 (skmatti)
- Update generated code for BackendConfig #1116 (skmatti)
- Script to run local e2e test #1110 (bowei)
- Wait for caches to sync before running node sync #1107 (bowei)
- do not sync IG when not necessary #1105 (freehan)
- Change project permissions check from 'foo' to 'k8s-ingress-svc-acct-… #1104 (bowei)
- Add test for pruning unknown fields of CRDs #1103 (skmatti)
- Wait for backendconfig CRD to be established #1102 (skmatti)
- Initial refactors to bootstrap self-contained translator #1101 (rramkumar1)
- Fix TestILBError test for NEG defaulting #1100 (freehan)
- Enable pruning of unknown fields for CRDs #1096 (skmatti)
- Add e2e tests for backendconfig access logging #1094 (skmatti)
- Add support for Port to BackendConfig HealthCheckConfig #1092 (spencerhance)
- Update L7-ILB API to GA #1091 (spencerhance)
- Replace GCE_PRIMARY_VM_IP to GCE_VM_IP NEG. #1090 (prameshj)
- Add transition e2e test to healthcheck #1086 (bowei)
- Add e2e test for configuring healthchecks via BackendConfig #1084 (bowei)
- e2e tests for SslPolicy #1083 (spencerhance)
- Update FrontendConfig v1beta1 API so that Spec and Status fields are optional #1082 (spencerhance)
- Fail ingress creation if specified staticIP name does not exist #1080 (prameshj)
- Update non-GCP deployment instructions to work with GKE On-Prem cluster instead of GCP GKE #1079 (cxhiano)
- Allow local zone override for NonGCP NEG #1077 (freehan)
- Return GCE LB deletion error #1076 (skmatti)
- Update go dependencies to k8s v1.18.0 #1070 (aledbf)
- Fix json tag for Logging #1066 (skmatti)
- Track count of user specified Static Global IPs #1065 (skmatti)
- Increase GLBC timeout to 60 minutes #1063 (skmatti)
- Update BackendConfig LoadBalancingScheme for L7-ILB to INTERNAL_MANAGED #1062 (spencerhance)
- Increase GCLB deletion timeout #1061 (skmatti)
- Handle health-check not found error gracefully #1058 (skmatti)
- Fix kube-config for CRD informers #1051 (skmatti)
- trivial: fixed broken link in Markdown #1048 (zioproto)
- Use backendconfig v1 for e2e tests #1045 (skmatti)
- Add support for Access Logs in BackendConfig #1041 (skmatti)
- Fix error message emitted during firewall create/update when using XPN. #1016 (prameshj)
v1.9.8 (2020-07-21)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Ingress for Internal L7 LB creates backend-service with wrong scheme #1059
- ingress creation should fail if static ip annotation does not exist #1005
- Changing app-protocol from HTTP2 to other protocols will cause glbc to hit nil pointer #675
Closed issues:
- NEG service loses zone when single node in zone is cordoned (multi-zone node pool) #1183
- Multi host ingress is using wrong certificate for single host #1178
- Update GKE Version Mapping #1153
- MultiClusterIngress with CDN #1093
- How to setup minReadySeconds/terminationGracePeriodSeconds with NEG? #1072
- Healthcheck configuration behavior #1009
- Ingress: http status code 413 Request entity too large #982
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1144 [Ensure ingress cleanup when finalizer exists] into release-1.9 #1194 (skmatti)
- Handle error when calculating endpoints for NEG. #1193 (prameshj)
v1.9.7 (2020-06-16)
Closed issues:
- Error during sync: error running backend syncing routine: unable to find nodeport in any service #1146
- LoadBalancerNegNotReady #931
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1159 [Fix Security Policy Config for Open API gen] into release-1.9 #1161 (skmatti)
- Cherrypicking #1155 into release 1.9 #1158 (freehan)
v1.8.3 (2020-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1138 [Set access logging sampling rate to be 1] into release-1.8 #1141 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #1076[Return GCE LB deletion error] into release-1.8 #1098 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #1051[Fix kube-config for CRD informers] into release-1.8 #1052 (skmatti)
v1.6.4 (2020-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1138 [Set access logging sampling rate to be 1] into release-1.6 #1139 (skmatti)
- Revert #849[Use protobufs for communication with apiserver] in v1.6 #1050 (skmatti)
v1.7.5 (2020-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
v1.9.6 (2020-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
v1.9.5 (2020-06-03)
Closed issues:
- docs: creating HTTP LB and adding GKE services as backends after the fact #1122
- Ingress Update Issue/s (Changing Backend/Rules) #1117
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry-pick #1128 to release-1.9 [Add rbac permissions for networking.gke.io/frontendconfigs] #1129 (spencerhance)
- Cherrypick PR 1080 into release-1.9 #1112 (prameshj)
v1.9.4 (2020-05-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Ingress stuck in "Creating ingress" state #1095
- OpenAPI v2 schema not published for BackendConfig #1055
- Orphaned Resources After Cluster Delete #136
Closed issues:
- GCE resource leak with v1 frontend namer #965
- Backend syncer should not block syncing if one backend fails GC #797
- Feature request: ssl-redirect on gce controller #51
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1105 into Release-1.9 #1121 (freehan)
- Cherrypick #1119 [Force send Enable field for LogConfig] into release-1.9 #1120 (skmatti)
- Update generated code for BackendConfig in release-1.9 #1115 (skmatti)
- Cherry Pick #1107 [Wait for caches to sync before running node sync] to release-1.9 #1114 (spencerhance)
- Cherry Pick #1104 [Change project permissions check from 'foo' to 'k8s-ingress-svc-acct-...] to release-1.9… #1113 (spencerhance)
- Cherrypick #1096[Enable pruning of unknown fields for CRDs] into release-1.9 #1111 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick PR 1090 to release-1.9 #1109 (prameshj)
- Cherry-Pick #1092 [Add support for Port to BackendConfig HealthCheckConfig] to release-1.9 #1108 (spencerhance)
- Cherrypick #1076[Return GCE LB deletion error] into release-1.9 #1099 (skmatti)
- Cherry-pick #1082 to release-1.9 [Update FrontendConfig v1beta1 API so that Spec and Status fields are omitempty] #1089 (spencerhance)
v1.9.3 (2020-04-23)
Closed issues:
- Can't create firewall when running in self-controlled mode #1085
- Cannot patch new rules onto this resource #1078
- Reverse certificate dependencies #1068
- WebSocket not works using GCE Ingress. Ingress set UNHEALTHY status always #1067
- Invalid value for field 'resource.IPAddress' when creating service type LoadBalancer #1057
- fix inaccessible links in the CHANGELOG.md #1042
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry Pick #1062 to Release 1.9 [Update BackendConfig LoadBalancingScheme for L7-ILB to INTERNAL_MANAGED] #1081 (spencerhance)
v1.9.2 (2020-04-07)
Closed issues:
- GKE: IAP > L7 > custom host and path rules > Error code 11 #765
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1065[User specified Static Global IPs] into release-1.9 #1071 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #1066[Fix json tag for Logging] #1069 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #1058[Handle health check not found error gracefully] into release-1.9 #1060 (skmatti)
v1.9.1 (2020-03-13)
Closed issues:
- Backendconfig and Frontendconfig CRD informers break with protobuf #1049
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1041[Add support for Access Logs in BackendConfig] into release-1.9 #1056 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #1051[Fix kube-config for CRD informers] into release-1.9 #1054 (skmatti)
v1.9.0 (2020-03-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- How do I set up RPS limit #670
Closed issues:
- BUG > Internal Load Balancer attempts to use regional cert #1047
- Add release tags for v1.6.2, v1.7.3 and v1.8.2 #1038
- Websocket not working with HTTP2 backend #855
- Ingress not Working With Websocket #793
Merged pull requests:
- Add feature flag
#1040 (bowei) - Add Access Log field to BackendConfig API #1039 (skmatti)
- Bugfix: Fix frontend resource deletion test #1037 (skmatti)
- Fix Access logs enable whitebox test #1036 (skmatti)
- Split large file healthchecks.go => healthcheck.go,healthchecks.go #1032 (bowei)
- Add L4 ILB usage metrics #1031 (skmatti)
- Fix backendconfig annotation key for beta #1030 (skmatti)
- Set healthcheck from BackendConfig #1029 (bowei)
- Reduce surface area of healthchecks #1028 (bowei)
- Typesafe composite conversion #1027 (bowei)
- Move apply probe to healthchecks package #1026 (bowei)
- Add asm-ready as the status signal of asm mode. #1025 (cadmuxe)
- Add whitebox test for access logs #1024 (skmatti)
- Add deployment guide for GLBC in non-gcp mode. #1022 (cxhiano)
- Add SetSslPolicyForTargetHttpsProxy() to composite #1021 (spencerhance)
- Add SslPolicy Field to FrontendConfig #1020 (spencerhance)
- Implement SslPolicies for TargetHttpsProxy #1019 (spencerhance)
- Update k8s-cloud-provider to 1.12.0 #1017 (spencerhance)
- Cherrypick #976, #984, #990 and #1012 [Ingress Usage metrics] into release 1.8 #1015 (skmatti)
- Remove
as a parameter #1013 (bowei) - Make metrics label Snake case compliant #1012 (skmatti)
- Remove enable-istio flag for e2e test. #1011 (cadmuxe)
- Add HealthCheckConfig to v1beta1 BackendConfig CRD #1010 (AnishShah)
- Ignore 'resource being used by' error #1008 (skmatti)
- Fix error log #1007 (skmatti)
- added test case TestBasicWindows #1006 (yliaog)
- Handle zones with non-uniform node count in L4 ILB Subsetting #1004 (prameshj)
- Add changelog for v1.8.0 #998 (spencerhance)
- Add version mapping for v1.8.0 #997 (skmatti)
- Adding support for healthchecks to the backend configs. #996 (vbannai)
- Make frontend resource deletion test verify that ingress VIP is unchanged #995 (skmatti)
- Bugfix: Use Static IP to create forwarding rule when available #994 (skmatti)
- Graduate backendconfig to GA #992 (skmatti)
- Add a controller for handling L4 Internal LoadBalancer services #991 (prameshj)
- Register NEG usage metrics #990 (skmatti)
- Fix the 'Get' & 'List' Composite API to call the underlying Regional service API #988 (prameshj)
- Use the Regional Service API in composite types #987 (prameshj)
- Fix e2e helper: WaitForNegs #986 (cadmuxe)
- Update to latest ks8-cloud-provider and compute api versions. #985 (prameshj)
- add neg usage metrics #984 (freehan)
- Skip checking delete for default NEG #983 (skmatti)
- Fix issue with Network name #981 (skmatti)
- Add e2e tests for NEG asm mode. #980 (cadmuxe)
- Fix timestamp of legacy-cloud-providers dependency #979 (prameshj)
- Fix the TrimField max length for ASM NEG name. #978 (cadmuxe)
- fix broken link #977 (ydcool)
- Add Ingress usage metrics #976 (skmatti)
- Update legacy-cloud-provider code to pickup ILB subnet changes. #975 (prameshj)
- Copy the address manager code for L4 ILB from k/legacy-cloud-providers #974 (prameshj)
- update yaml and doc for enabling asm neg. #972 (cadmuxe)
- e2e test run.sh add network #971 (spencerhance)
- Add createIlbSubnet flag to ilb e2e tests #970 (spencerhance)
- RegionalGCLBForVIP() Fix #969 (spencerhance)
- Use kube-system UID instead of its hash to compute resource suffix #967 (skmatti)
- Use type LoadBalancer instead of string #966 (skmatti)
- Emit events only for non-nil ingresses #963 (skmatti)
- Fix default backend port bug for ilb neg #961 (spencerhance)
- Update cloud-provider repo versions. #960 (prameshj)
- Support creation of GCE_VM_PRIMARY_IP NEGs for L4 ILB Services. #959 (prameshj)
- Bugfix: Fix ingress passed to postUpgrade #958 (skmatti)
- Bugfix: Fix service name in upgrade test #957 (skmatti)
- Update finalizer tests to validate against an ingress finalizer #956 (skmatti)
- Add NEG mocks for alpha API and a new transactions test #955 (prameshj)
- Migrate Neg validator to use frontend namer factory #953 (skmatti)
- Migrate Finalizer upgrade test to use the upgrade framework #952 (skmatti)
- Migrate upgrade tests to use the upgrade framework #951 (skmatti)
- Error out on invalid ingress frontend configuration #950 (skmatti)
- Fix naming scheme on creation #948 (skmatti)
- fix golint failures #930 (huyuwen0222)
- Add e2e tests for v2 frontend namer #921 (skmatti)
- Add e2e tests for frontend resource leak fix #905 (skmatti)
v1.8.2 (2020-02-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot Disable HTTP when using managed-certificates. HTTPS + HTTP are both provisioned #764
- Container Native Load Balancing Umbrella Issue #583
Closed issues:
- Traefik behind GCP Load Balancer, #1018
- standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "permission denied" #1000
- Ingress with both http and https enabled yields two separate IPs #993
- Add release note for 1.8 #989
- GCE Ingress multi-namespace routing #973
- GCE ingress health checks #937
- Consider throwing events when Readiness Reflector failed to patch pod #863
- Move e2e tests from k/k into this repository #667
Merged pull requests:
- Enable Access Logs by default #1035 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #994[Use Static IP to create forwarding rule when available] into release 1.8 #999 (skmatti)
v1.8.0 (2019-12-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- GKE self managed setup script should have an e2e test #760
- L7-ILB Support Tracking #731
- BackendConfig support for user-defined request headers #566
- Ingress-GCE docs overhaul #557
Fixed bugs:
- Long namespace/ingress names cause collisions with auto-created resources on GKE #537
- [GLBC] Changing front-end configuration does not remove unnecessary target proxies/ssl-certs #32
Closed issues:
- How to enable authentication for GKE ingress #914
- Unable to manage annotations via terraform due to chosen domain #908
- Bug: Incorrect ingress key function is being used #879
- V2 Frontend Naming Scheme for Ingress-GCE L7 #858
- Missing Changelog for 1.6 #857
- GCE Ingress creates a Network Endpoint Group with 0 configured #832
- Extend the Ingress e2e framework to handle more test cases #782
- health check interval adds 60sec from periodSeconds of readinessProbe unexpectedly #772
- Migrate Ingress type to networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 #770
- Firewall rule not updated properly with NEG if service uses name in targetPort or does not name its port #703
- Add tests for multi cluster ingresses #71
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #967[Use kube-system UID instead of its hash to compute resource suffix] into release 1.8 #968 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #963[Emit events only for non-nil ingresses] into release 1.8 #964 (skmatti)
- Cherry pick #961 [Fix default backend port bug for neg ilb] into release-1.8 #962 (spencerhance)
- Cherrypick #950 into release 1.8 #954 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #948[Fix naming scheme on creation] into release 1.8 #949 (skmatti)
- Fix return value #946 (skmatti)
- Cleanup unused functions #945 (skmatti)
- make Generic Upgrade test run in parallel #944 (freehan)
- change to use AppsV1 for deployment API call #943 (freehan)
- Disabling ASM mode if the Istio CRD is not available. #942 (cadmuxe)
- Add e2e test for connection timeout with l7-ilb #941 (spencerhance)
- Add session affinity e2e tests for l7-ilb #940 (spencerhance)
- add upgrade test for standalone neg #939 (freehan)
- Change return type of AggregatedListNetworkEndpointGroup in cloudprovideradapter. #938 (prameshj)
- iterate more than one backend for backend service status #936 (freehan)
- add configmap based config #935 (cadmuxe)
- Use Alpha API for hybrid NEGs. #934 (cxhiano)
- Fix a bug in NEG controller namedport handling #932 (freehan)
- enable readiness reflector for Standalone NEG #927 (freehan)
- Modify NEG libraries to use composite types. #926 (prameshj)
- remove transaction syncer reconciliation #925 (freehan)
- Update forwarding rule logic for l7-ilb #924 (spencerhance)
- Support more methods in composite NEGs. #923 (prameshj)
- move neg type into syncerKey #922 (freehan)
- Add a flag for Non-GCP mode NEG controller. #920 (cxhiano)
- NEG Namedport Fix #917 (freehan)
- remove batch syncer and move the unit test utils #916 (freehan)
- Bump TestAffinity transition timeout from 5 to 10 minutes #915 (spencerhance)
- fix golint failures #913 (FayerZhang)
- Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown #912 (spencerhance)
- Plumb region to neg validator for e2e testing #911 (spencerhance)
- Fix ILB forwarding rule bug #906 (spencerhance)
- Add go-cmp to dependencies #904 (skmatti)
- Cleanup e2e tests to use whitebox testing #901 (skmatti)
- enqueue default backend for NEG processing #900 (freehan)
- Shorten ILB e2e ingress names to less than 20 characters to avoid leaks #896 (spencerhance)
- Fix ILB subnet discovery to check for VPC as well #895 (spencerhance)
- Bugfix: Delete unused GCE load-balancer resources on ingress spec change #894 (skmatti)
- Add -network flag to e2e test framework for ILB subnet creation #893 (spencerhance)
- Add V2 frontend namer #892 (skmatti)
- remove add on manager labels #889 (freehan)
- Update version mapping in README #888 (rramkumar1)
- Add v1.5.2, v1.6.0 and v1.7.0 to CHANGELOG.md #887 (spencerhance)
- remove "addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode: Reconcile" annotation from #886 (cadmuxe)
- Fix CreateILBSubnet() logic in e2e tests #885 (spencerhance)
- Fix Ingress names for ILB e2e update test #884 (spencerhance)
- Refactor ingress key function and finalizer into separate package #883 (skmatti)
- deploy csm neg script and yaml #882 (cadmuxe)
- BugFix: Update ingress key function used for GC #881 (skmatti)
- Fix basic ilb test service name #880 (spencerhance)
- Fix backend services whitebox test to take into account the default backend #878 (rramkumar1)
- Check for invalid L7-ILB HTTPS configuration #877 (spencerhance)
- Disable Http on ILB Https e2e tests #876 (spencerhance)
- Update IngressPollTimeout to 45 minutes #874 (spencerhance)
- Update CreateILBSubnet() to catch 400s as well #873 (spencerhance)
- Update ILB e2e test resource names #871 (spencerhance)
- Add CreateILBSubnet() call to all ilb e2e tests #870 (spencerhance)
- Update list subnets call to Beta for L7-ILB #869 (spencerhance)
- Separate out health check errors for Backends #867 (spencerhance)
- Bugfix: Pass updated ingress for validation #865 (skmatti)
- split the error message in backend syncer health processing #864 (freehan)
- Some documentation fixes to reflect current state of world #862 (rramkumar1)
- Cleanup backend namer workflow #861 (skmatti)
- Migrating existing front-end namer logic to Legacy #860 (skmatti)
- Refactor namer into a separate package #859 (skmatti)
- refactor neg controller: processService, add unittest #856 (cadmuxe)
- Update e2e framework for ILB - Part 2 #852 (spencerhance)
- De-dupe additional source ranges for firewall #851 (spencerhance)
- Add more e2e tests for L7-ILB #848 (spencerhance)
- Use protobufs for communication with apiserver #847 (wojtek-t)
- e2e test framework add support for ilb subnet #846 (spencerhance)
- Remove word 'Basic' from ILB e2e test #845 (rramkumar1)
- Add supplementary e2e tests for Finalizer #844 (skmatti)
- Add support for composite types for zonal resources #804 (prameshj)
- Add scaffolding for supporting additional whitebox testing #603 (rramkumar1)
v1.7.4 (2020-05-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #1076[Return GCE LB deletion error] into release-1.7 #1097 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #1051[Fix kube-config for CRD informers] into release-1.7 #1053 (skmatti)
v1.7.3 (2020-02-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Update dependency google.golang.org/api to c3b745b #1033 (skmatti)
- Enable Access Logs by default #1023 (skmatti)
- Cherrypick #946 into Release 1.7 #947 (skmatti)
- Cherry pick #912 [Handle cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown] to release-1.7 #918 (spencerhance)
- Cherry Pick #906 (Fix ILB forwarding rule bug) to release-1.7 #907 (spencerhance)
- Cherry pick #900 into release-1.7 #903 (spencerhance)
- Cherry pick #881 into 1.7 #902 (skmatti)
- Cherry pick #895 into 1 7 #897 (spencerhance)
- Cherry Pick #869 [Update list subnets call to Beta for L7-ILB] to release-1.7 #890 (spencerhance)
v1.7.0 (2019-09-26)
Fixed bugs:
- NEG controller should create NEG for default backend when enabled #767
- Removing Node Pool from Cluster Breaks Ingress Controller #649
- Ingress controller should react to node scale down event from autoscaler #595
- BackendConfig OpenAPI spec #563
Closed issues:
- GKE is not creating Load Balancer automatically #868
- Websockets not working over TLS (wss) #854
- Fix or verify the GC logic for multi-cluster ingress #836
- Scale test is failing #831
- Duplicate rules created in load balancer #821
- Unable to use TLS 1.3 #817
- Is there any way an Ingress can send X-Forwarded-* headers to the service/deployment #805
- Recently , I have same issue on both clusters.... #801
- Ingress not redirect to https #800
- Proposal: Declarative Configuration of Multi-Cluster Ingress #794
- Links to examples folder are broken in docs #791
- Backend Config client import Must() method from runtime package that no longer exist #777
- Source IP only contains ISP address & ephemeral address #775
- failureThreshold of readinessProbe is not reflected to health check #771
- jobs failing with "unknown flag: --verbose" #700
- Does it support a second jump? #657
- Controller fail on syncing config when a service is not found #646
- Defaults per cluster or project? #632
Merged pull requests:
- Update list subnets call to Beta for L7-ILB #869 (spencerhance)
- Bugfix: Pass updated ingress for validation #865 (skmatti)
- split the error message in backend syncer health processing #864 (freehan)
- Some documentation fixes to reflect current state of world #862 (rramkumar1)
- Refactor namer into a separate package #859 (skmatti)
- De-dupe additional source ranges for firewall #851 (spencerhance)
- Add more e2e tests for L7-ILB #848 (spencerhance)
- Use protobufs for communication with apiserver #847 (wojtek-t)
- e2e test framework add support for ilb subnet #846 (spencerhance)
- Remove word 'Basic' from ILB e2e test #845 (rramkumar1)
- Add supplementary e2e tests for Finalizer #844 (skmatti)
- Update e2e framework for ILB - Part 1 #843 (spencerhance)
- fix a typo #842 (freehan)
- try to spread the pods across zone to avoid test timeout #841 (freehan)
- Bugfix: don't GC instance groups while multi-cluster ingresses exist #838 (skmatti)
- Switch L7-ILB versions to Beta #835 (spencerhance)
- add timeout for polling NEG health status for pod readiness #834 (freehan)
- Add e2e tests for Finalizer #833 (skmatti)
- add more neg tests #829 (freehan)
- fix possible nil pointer #828 (freehan)
- Add CSM NEG support. #827 (cadmuxe)
- add namespace in the ingress builder #826 (freehan)
- Cleanup finalizer workflow and improve Ingress GC #825 (skmatti)
- follow up for #820 #823 (freehan)
- Legacy api e2e #822 (bowei)
- tolerate non zonal NEG included in the AggregatedList API response #820 (freehan)
- Refactor LB GC #819 (spencerhance)
- NEG support default backend for L7-ILB #818 (spencerhance)
- Get gke-self-managed.sh working on macOS #816 (yfuruyama)
- Update k8s-cloud-provider to 1.9.0 #815 (spencerhance)
- Update gce.md with links that don't return 404 #813 (rramkumar1)
- Refactor loadbalancer features #812 (spencerhance)
- Add cloud pointer to neg linker and backend syncer #811 (spencerhance)
- Refactor Backend GC #810 (spencerhance)
- make SandboxEventDump a deferred function to avoid being skipped by t.Fatal #809 (freehan)
- fix panic caused by the ingress api migration #808 (freehan)
- Change from "extensions.v1beta1" to "networking.v1beta1" #806 (bowei)
- Move to k8s 1.15 #803 (prameshj)
- dump events in sandbox #802 (freehan)
- Update cluster-setup.md with the right instructions for deleting the ingress-gce pod #799 (rramkumar1)
- Add beta regional resources to composite #798 (spencerhance)
- HealthChecks switch from fakes to fakeGCE #796 (spencerhance)
- Implement custom request headers for backend config #795 (mcfedr)
- Added NoSchedule effect to GetNodeConditionPredicate #792 (vinicyusmacedo)
- More composite updates for integration #790 (spencerhance)
- Add support for L7-ILB (take 2) #789 (spencerhance)
- Integrate composite types into controller #788 (spencerhance)
- Rename composite files #787 (spencerhance)
- Follow up on #774 #786 (freehan)
- Composite updates for integration #785 (spencerhance)
- Redo "Remove Loadbalancer interface and use k8s-cloud-provider mocks" #784 (spencerhance)
- Revert "Remove Loadbalancer interface and use k8s-cloud-provider mocks" #783 (rramkumar1)
- Remove Loadbalancer interface and use k8s-cloud-provider mocks #781 (spencerhance)
- bump draining poll timeout to reduce flakes #779 (krzyzacy)
- use GlobalForwardingRules().Get() when detected a global fw rule #778 (krzyzacy)
- add explicit logs when fail to get a cloud resource #776 (krzyzacy)
v1.6.2 (2020-02-28)
Merged pull requests:
v1.6.0 (2019-06-14)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- HTTPS frontend listener isn't deleted after setting ingress.allow-http: "false" annotation #766
- Backends healthchecks and expected operation #762
- Update GKE self managed script #758
- Deploying to GKE self managed has invalid YAML #755
- problems with spdy/http2 for some urls - net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING #749
- Controller not syncing LoadBalancer IP when certificate is invalid #733
- Measure and Adjust Resource Request Limit #55
Merged pull requests:
- Follow up on Readiness Reflector #774 (freehan)
- Revendor K8s Cloud Provider #768 (freehan)
- Parse the gce endpoint flag the same way as k8s #763 (krzyzacy)
- Add option to override gce endpoint in test #761 (krzyzacy)
- Updates for usability of GKE self managed setup script #759 (KatrinaHoffert)
- GCP forwarding rule/target proxy description field populated #757 (KatrinaHoffert)
- Deploying to GKE self managed has invalid YAML #756 (KatrinaHoffert)
- flag gate readiness reflector #754 (freehan)
- Rebase of #559 "Scaffolding for FrontendConfig" #753 (spencerhance)
- Emit event if Ingress spec does not contain valid config to setup frontend resources #752 (rramkumar1)
- readiness reflector #748 (freehan)
- Adding the /healthz handler to the 404-default-server-with-metrics to … #747 (vbannai)
- Update canonical rbac.yaml with latest, minimal bindings #746 (dekkagaijin)
- Adding docker configuration file for the 404-server-with-metrics and … #745 (vbannai)
- More composite types #742 (spencerhance)
- Switch to go modules #735 (spencerhance)
v1.5.2 (2019-05-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Link for the example on deploying ingress controller is not valid #686
- If readiness probe is on port different than the service (app) port - ingress fails to sync the correct healthcheck #647
Fixed bugs:
- The networking.gke.io/suppress-firewall-xpn-error: true annotation doesn't in combination with kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name #569
Closed issues:
- Cannot Disable HTTP when using managed-certificates. Results in infinite Creating ingress and 'no frontend configuration' #738
- not picking up TLS secret updates #724
- HealthCheck cannot get ReadinessProbe #717
- Configuring SSL Policies #716
- Add option to enable proxy protocol #699
- Disabling/Configuring HSTS #693
- Confusion about the root health check #674
- ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR when streaming text/event-stream #518
- unable to activate gzip #493
- Deprecate echoserver and add new container image based on cmd/echo #427
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #728 onto 1.5 branch. #741 (rramkumar1)
v1.5.1 (2019-03-15)
Fixed bugs:
- [GLBC] GCE resources of non-snapshotted ingresses are not deleted #31
Closed issues:
- Why GCP deploy an ingress controller on the master node rather than worker node? #685
- How to expose ports #634
- load balancer controller out of sync with gcp and ingress annotations #562
- Example service and ingress gives Unknown Host error #560
- GKE Ingress controller ignoring ingress.class annotation #476
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry pick #688 into release.15 #692 (freehan)
- Cherrypick #678 into release-1.5 #691 (freehan)
- Fix supporting secret-based and pre-shared certs at the same time #687 (michallowicki)
v1.5.0 (2019-02-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update version mapping for GKE 1.11.2 #535
- Is github release tab forgotten or abandoned? #534
- Certificate update path is not clear #525
- Support session affinity via Ingress annotation #516
Fixed bugs:
- BackendConfig
cdn: enable: true
uses scary defaults #599 - Instance is Not Removed from IG when node is marked as unschedulable #591
- Readiness Probe does not get reflected for NEG enabled ingress #541
- Firewall rule required message ignores existing rules (shared VPC) #485
- Ingress-GCE does not GC LB resources when ingress class changed and no other ingress on GCE exists #481
- ingress controller gave me 2 IP addresses instead of 1 when I added TLS #410
Closed issues:
- GCP - Kubernetes Ingress Backend service unhealthy #621
- BackendConfig security policy not enforced #616
- Multiple e2e jobs are failing #606
- GKE ingress stuck in creating after deploying ingress 1.11.5.gke.5 #605
- Release Summary: v1.4.1 #602
- BackendConfig timeoutSec doesn't seem to work with GCE Ingress #598
- Ingress controller does not work with TCP readiness probe, defaults back to HTTP #596
- Feature Request - Configuration via ConfigMap #593
- Firewall change required by network admin #584
- Not exposed in ingress #568
- URL map / backend service mapping is totally shuffled #555
- Backend health is reported as "Unknown" if there are no pods in the first zone of a regional cluster #554
- Ingress controller does not support HTTP2 with mutual TLS #553
- ErrImagePull: k8s.gcr.io/defaultbackend:1.5 not found #549
- configure maxRatePerInstance in backend #545
- GKE BackendConfig permissions change
does not exist #538 - A new home for 404-server (defaultbackend) #498
- Does not work if workers are in different subnet. #282
- original http request origin and host headers are overridden #179
Merged pull requests:
- Modify NameBelongToCluster to tolerate truncated cluster name suffix #650 (freehan)
- Shorten the name of the namespace for test sandboxes #648 (rramkumar1)
- Move lone function in kubeapi.go into existing utils.go #644 (rramkumar1)
- Update CHANGELOG and version mapping for v1.4.3 #643 (rramkumar1)
- Support secret-based and pre-shared certs at the same time #641 (michallowicki)
- Remove direct support for ManagedCertificate CRD #637 (michallowicki)
- Update GKE version mapping in README #630 (rramkumar1)
- Configure leader election with completely separate k8s client #623 (rramkumar1)
- Simplify upgrade_test - only loop during k8s master changes. #620 (agau4779)
- Add more unit tests for transaction syncer #619 (freehan)
- make backoff retry handler unit test faster #618 (freehan)
- Add changelog for 1.4.2 release #615 (agau4779)
- Add Finalizers for Ingress #613 (agau4779)
- [BackendConfig] CDN default cache key policy should be true instead of false. #611 (rramkumar1)
- standardize loadbalancer naming for GC #607 (agau4779)
- Add changelog for v1.4.1 + Add config file for github-changelog-generator #604 (rramkumar1)
- Add link to OSS Ingress docs in README.md #601 (rramkumar1)
- Delete documentation that is now covered by GCP docs #600 (rramkumar1)
- Switch to use the beta+ NEG API #597 (freehan)
- add unit test for GetZoneForNode helper func #594 (freehan)
- [E2E] In run.sh, add option to disable the resource dump at the end of the test. #592 (rramkumar1)
- Replace all uses of Snapshotter with CloudLister #590 (agau4779)
- Upgrade Test: Ignore connection refused errors when WaitForIngress() is called. #588 (rramkumar1)
- Revert "Remove unused named ports from instance group's" #585 (rramkumar1)
- reflect readiness probe in health check for NEG enabled ClusterIP service backend #582 (freehan)
- fix a bug where transaction neg syncer will miss neg retry #581 (freehan)
- remove loop from flush(). start/stop informers depending on k8s master #580 (agau4779)
- add a flag to control neg syncer type #579 (freehan)
- update openapi generator. generate v1 backendconfig files #578 (agau4779)
- Ingress e2e test cleanup #577 (agau4779)
- do not use condition predicate while getting zone for node #576 (pondohva)
- Increase deletion timeout for e2e tests #575 (rramkumar1)
- Fix error format strings according to best practices from CodeReviewComments #574 (CodeLingoBot)
- Fixed misspell (annotation name) i README.md #573 (jaceq)
- Add masterupgrading flag #571 (agau4779)
- Create task queues with a name so that usage metrics can be tracked by Prometheus #570 (rramkumar1)
- Ingress upgrade testing fixes #567 (agau4779)
- rename basic_upgrade -> upgrade #561 (agau4779)
- Initialize directories which will house our updated documentation. #558 (rramkumar1)
- defaultbackend image now has the architecture in the image name #556 (bowei)
- Fix wrong filtering of ManagedCertificate objects. #551 (krzykwas)
- Connection Draining E2E: Fix test log message level #548 (rramkumar1)
- do not leak LB when ingress class is changed #547 (pondohva)
- Ingress Upgrade Testing #546 (agau4779)
- Update version mapping to latest state #536 (rramkumar1)
- README.md: don't assume instance groups where NEG is an option #533 (bpineau)
- Transaction Syncer #532 (freehan)
- add util for transaction table #528 (freehan)
- e2e and fuzz tests for session affinity #527 (bpineau)
- e2e tests for timeout and draining timeout #521 (bpineau)
- Add pkg/common/operator & pkg/common/typed to make resource joins much cleaner. #517 (rramkumar1)
- Add Syncer Skeleton #509 (freehan)
- Welcome defaultbackend to the ingress-gce repo #503 (jonpulsifer)
- Add a Backoff Handler utils #499 (freehan)
v1.4.3 (2019-02-12)
Closed issues:
- GCP - Kubernetes Ingress Backend service unhealthy #621
- BackendConfig security policy not enforced #616
- original http request origin and host headers are overridden #179
Merged pull requests:
- reflect readiness probe in health check for NEG enabled ClusterIP service backend [release-1.4] #633 (freehan)
- do not leak LB when ingress class is changed [release-1.4] #626 (agau4779)
- Configure leader election with completely separate k8s client [release-1.4] #624 (rramkumar1)
v1.4.2 (2019-01-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Certificate update path is not clear #525
Fixed bugs:
- BackendConfig
cdn: enable: true
uses scary defaults #599
Closed issues:
- Multiple e2e jobs are failing #606
- GKE ingress stuck in creating after deploying ingress 1.11.5.gke.5 #605
- Release Summary: v1.4.1 #602
- BackendConfig timeoutSec doesn't seem to work with GCE Ingress #598
- Ingress controller does not work with TCP readiness probe, defaults back to HTTP #596
- Feature Request - Configuration via ConfigMap #593
- Firewall change required by network admin #584
- Not exposed in ingress #568
Merged pull requests:
- (1.4 Cherry Pick) [BackendConfig] CDN default cache key policy should be true instead of false #612 (rramkumar1)
- do not use condition predicate while getting zone for node #609 (freehan)
v1.4.1 (2019-01-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Instance is Not Removed from IG when node is marked as unschedulable #591
- Readiness Probe does not get reflected for NEG enabled ingress #541
- Firewall rule required message ignores existing rules (shared VPC) #485
- Ingress-GCE does not GC LB resources when ingress class changed and no other ingress on GCE exists #481
- ingress controller gave me 2 IP addresses instead of 1 when I added TLS #410
Closed issues:
- URL map / backend service mapping is totally shuffled #555
- Backend health is reported as "Unknown" if there are no pods in the first zone of a regional cluster #554
- Ingress controller does not support HTTP2 with mutual TLS #553
- ErrImagePull: k8s.gcr.io/defaultbackend:1.5 not found #549
- configure maxRatePerInstance in backend #545
- GKE BackendConfig permissions change
does not exist #538 - A new home for 404-server (defaultbackend) #498
- Does not work if workers are in different subnet. #282
Merged pull requests:
- [1.4 Cherry pick] Revert "Remove unused named ports from instance group's" #587 (rramkumar1)
- Fix wrong filtering of ManagedCertificate objects. #552 (krzykwas)
Closed issues:
- Rewrite ingress-gce general documentation #249
- Documentation: Would like to see example yaml snippet for GCP certificate resource for SSL/TLS #229
- GCE health check does not pick up changes to pod readinessProbe #39
- [GLBC] Expose GCE backend parameters in Ingress object API #28
v1.4.0 (2018-10-30)
Closed issues:
- can not access nginx through ingress and problem in curl #490
- HTTP2 health check does not use readiness probe path #487
- Tool or job to cleanup ingress related GCP resource after test failure #483
- Changes to ingress resource doesn't update forwarding rules most of the time in 1.10.6-gke.2 #477
- GKE Ingress controller ignoring ingress.class annotation #476
- Addon-manager "Reconcile" annotation deletes default-http-backend service and deployment #474
- Ingress-GCE has a nil pointer exception #471
- GKE ingress with https load balancer and IAP/security policy enabled #469
- Allow configuration-snippet Annotation. #445
- ci-ingress-gce-e2e-scale is failing #438
- unhealthy backend services, with 400, 412, 409 errors #396
- Need e2e test to ensure an ingress with non-nodeport services won't break the others #250
- Fail earlier instead of using defaults #201
- Ingress Controller Clobbers Backend Service #156
- Test ingress creation after hitting error creating GCP resource due to quota #94
Merged pull requests:
- Managed Certs integration: Fix code so that informers are not instantiated if managed certs is not enabled #529 (rramkumar1)
- BackendConfig support for session affinity #526 (bpineau)
- Add an example for running specific test case to readme #524 (MrHohn)
- In e2e tests, always skip checking for deletion of default backend service #523 (rramkumar1)
- [e2e test] append key value to resources instead of pointer #522 (MrHohn)
- Update deploy/glbc yaml files for BackendConfig #520 (bpineau)
- Fix events-based e2e tests #519 (bpineau)
- BackendConfig support for timeouts and connection draining #513 (bpineau)
- Implement support for ManagedCertificate CRD #508 (krzykwas)
- Allow for setting the rate limiter on the work queue #505 (rramkumar1)
- Expose utils.hasFinalizer #504 (rramkumar1)
- Fix a potential nil pointer exception #502 (freehan)
- merge negBelongsToCluster into IsNEG #501 (freehan)
- Update OWNERS file to reflect reality. #500 (rramkumar1)
- Update vendor #497 (rramkumar1)
- Update defaultbackend image to 1.5 #496 (aledbf)
- include NEG naming scheme for NameBelongsToCluster #494 (freehan)
- Restructure syncer package #492 (freehan)
- Modify GroupKey type to contain group name + modify NEG linker to consider provided name #491 (rramkumar1)
- Restructure NEG controller #489 (freehan)
- Use HTTPS readiness probe for HTTP2 services because the Kubernetes A… #488 (anuraaga)
- Bump Alpine base image version #484 (awly)
- add work queue to process endpoint changes #482 (freehan)
- Replace kubernetes-users mailing list link with discuss forum link #479 (mrbobbytables)
- Remove add on manager label from GLBC Yaml deployment #478 (rramkumar1)
- Fix the issue where Shutdown doesn't shutdown taskqueue #365 (anfernee)
v1.3.3 (2018-09-13)
Closed issues:
- GCE ingress stuck on "Creating ingress" status, existing ingresses don't update #470
- Issue with multiple domains and SSL certificates when using ingress-gce #466
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #388 on release 1.3 branch #473 (rramkumar1)
- Cherrypick of #434 on release 1.3 #472 (rramkumar1)
- Revert "Refactor some uses of snapshotter.Add() to use bool rather than real object" #464 (rramkumar1)
- Support short names in CRD Meta. Allows for abbreviating CRD's in kubectl #463 (rramkumar1)
- Harden NEG GC #459 (freehan)
- Do not truncate tls certs based on target proxy limit #451 (prameshj)
- Fire warning event instead of hard failing if TLS certificate is not present #388 (munnerz)
v1.3.2 (2018-08-31)
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #461 into release 1.3 #462 (freehan)
- Refactor Ingress Filtering and Ingress Backend Traversal #461 (freehan)
- Refactor some uses of snapshotter.Add() to use bool rather than real object #458 (rramkumar1)
- Cherrypick #456 into release-1.3 #457 (freehan)
- NEG controller bug fix #456 (freehan)
- Remove JSONMergePatch util #455 (rramkumar1)
v1.3.1 (2018-08-29)
Closed issues:
- When using NEG services only, the controller still creates instance groups #433
- [GLBC] LB garbage collection orphans named ports in instance groups #43
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #452 into release-1.3 #454 (freehan)
- Add JSONMerge patch utilities and move some files around #453 (rramkumar1)
- fix and refactor on NEG annotation handling #452 (freehan)
- deflake TestGetNodePortsUsedByIngress unit test #450 (freehan)
- Move joinErrs() to utils and export it #449 (rramkumar1)
- Slight refactor of Controller interface to eliminate Ingress type specifically #448 (rramkumar1)
- Export getPatchBytes in pkg/util #447 (rramkumar1)
- Add some utility functions to support finalizers #446 (rramkumar1)
- Cherrypick #442 into release-1.3 #444 (MrHohn)
- Move NegStatus and PortNameMap to pkg/neg/types #443 (rramkumar1)
- Remove 'Description' and 'Required' from OpenAPI schema root layer #442 (MrHohn)
- Fix main controller health check #441 (rramkumar1)
- do not create instance group with NEG backends #440 (freehan)
- Remove unused named ports from instance group's #430 (rramkumar1)
- Introduce a new interface to encapsulate Ingress sync and controller implementation of the sync #428 (rramkumar1)
v1.3.0 (2018-08-16)
Closed issues:
- ingress-gce-image-push job is failing #426
- Multiple pre-shared certificates not working #419
- BackendService Sync bug in 1.2 #400
- Way to check what version of GLBC is running on a GKE cluster #395
- Align node filtering with service controller #292
- Remove NEG FeatureGate #274
- Explore options for removing code which adds legacy GCE health check settings #269
- Clean up unit tests for load balancer pool, backend pool and controller #261
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry-pick necessary commits for v1.3.0 release. #439 (rramkumar1)
- Add myself to OWNERS so I can do a release. #437 (rramkumar1)
- Fix error handling in controller sync() #436 (rramkumar1)
- BackendPool Update() should set backend service version #435 (rramkumar1)
- Fix null-pointer exception in url map ensure logic #434 (rramkumar1)
- Add a version mapping for both GCE and GKE clusters #432 (rramkumar1)
- Fix bug in backend syncer where backend service was being created without health check #431 (rramkumar1)
- move NewIndexer to utils #429 (agau4779)
- Push dependency on the Cloud up out of the neg controller #425 (bowei)
- Extract BackendPool interface into three 3 separate interfaces #424 (rramkumar1)
- export TrimFieldsEvenly #423 (agau4779)
- Refactor to remove ClusterManager completely #422 (rramkumar1)
- Remove EnsureInstanceGroupsAndPorts wrapper func #421 (rramkumar1)
- Move joiner methods into context #420 (rramkumar1)
- Remove all code related to legacy health checks #418 (rramkumar1)
- Introduce cloud.google.com/app-protocols to eventually replace existing annotation #417 (rramkumar1)
- Add doc link for backend config #416 (MrHohn)
- Expose newIndexer in pkg/context #415 (rramkumar1)
- unit test: add locking when read from shared map #414 (MrHohn)
- Rename context's hcLock to lock #413 (rramkumar1)
- Bump timeout in tests to match reality #412 (MrHohn)
- Fix issue with yaml in glbc deploy/ #411 (rramkumar1)
- Extract firewall management into separate controller #403 (rramkumar1)
- Update README.md #391 (mgub)
- Align node filtering with kubernetes service controller #370 (lbernail)
v1.2.3 (2018-07-19)
Closed issues:
- External CNAME records do not route properly via hostnames #404
- Add annotation for specifying backend-service timeout #399
- Unneeded health check created for kube-system:default-http-backend service #385
- Ingress health check not following ReadinessProbe #317
- Fix the coverage badge #132
- Does/will the GCE ingress controller support whitelist-source-range? #38
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry pick on release-1.2 for #408 #409 (rramkumar1)
- Raw patch to cloud provider to fix operations issue #408 (rramkumar1)
- cherrypick #402 to release-1.2 branch #407 (freehan)
- Remove EnsureLB from ClusterManager #406 (rramkumar1)
- Introduce ControllerContextConfig and move some command-line tunable stuff there #405 (rramkumar1)
- uniq function should compare more than NodePort difference #402 (freehan)
- Pace operation polling #401 (nicksardo)
- Remove error return value from controller initialization #398 (rramkumar1)
- Documentation fixes #394 (rramkumar1)
- Implement security policy validator for real #393 (MrHohn)
- promote http2 to beta #382 (agau4779)
- Typo in message: SyncNetworkEndpointGroupFailed->SyncNetworkEndpointGroupFailed #374 (AdamDang)
- URLMap sync #356 (nicksardo)
v1.2.2 (2018-07-09)
Closed issues:
- "./deploy/glbc/script.sh --clean" does not reset the file "./deploy/glbc/yaml/default-http-backend.yaml" #363
- Ingress tries to create SSL certificate from secret with illegal name #321
- tls secrets not updating due to invalid resource.name #311
- Invalid certificate leads to firewall rule no longer being updated on GKE #298
- Exclude Master and ExcludeBalancer nodes from Instance Groups #295
- Error 400: The SSL certificate could not be parsed. #294
- https-only GKE ingress is still showing port 80 #290
- Create a SECURITY_CONTACTS file. #286
- Ingress e2e tests should ensure that default backend passes health checks. #263
- Long time-to-first-byte problem #245
- Failing to pick up health check from readiness probe #241
- Scale test failed because ingress wasn't deleted #219
- Replace link parsing and generation with cloud library #215
- Support Leader Election for GLBC for HA masters #204
- Failing to create an Ingress shouldn't stop the controller from creating the others #197
- Controller doesnt reenque on instance group GC failure #186
- Condense backend pool with default backend pool #184
- 502 Server Error #164
- Seems ingress don't transfer the "Transfer-encoding" Header from backend #157
- ingress-gce does not work...very little documentation ..instructions lead to 404 pages #149
- REST request fails with "The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds" #141
- SSL certificate name non-unique when namespace + ingress name too long #131
- Default backend service is created when no ingress needs it #127
- Experiencing downtime when updating hosts backend in ingress controller #116
- ingress path confusing #76
- Is there nginx-controller like session affinity support #60
- multiple TLS certs are not correctly handled by GCE (no SNI support) #46
- controllers/gce/README.md doc review #45
- Why does GCE ingress defer promoting static IP #37
- GCE: improve default backend handling #23
- Ingress creates wrong firewall rule after
service was clobbered. #19
Merged pull requests:
- Cherrypick #383: Unmask get backend config errors #390 (MrHohn)
- Cherrypick #381and #384 into release-1.2 #389 (freehan)
- Modify security policy e2e test to create unique GCP resources. #387 (rramkumar1)
- Increase timeout on waiting for GLBC resource deletion #386 (rramkumar1)
- Patch NEG version into features.go and add more docs for features package #384 (MrHohn)
- Add more negative test cases for backend config #383 (MrHohn)
- Some fixes for 1.2 #381 (freehan)
- cherrypick #377 into release-1.2 #378 (freehan)
- PortNameMap should also compare values #377 (freehan)
- Fix run.sh to properly print exit code of test run #376 (rramkumar1)
- Add a negative test case for referencing not exist BackendConfig #372 (MrHohn)
- Fix WaitForGCLBDeletion() callers #371 (MrHohn)
- Update deploy script to edit copy of default backend service yaml #368 (rramkumar1)
- Add simple e2e test for CDN & IAP #367 (rramkumar1)
- Switch to use beta HealthCheck for NEG #366 (freehan)
- Fix order-dependency in test cases #364 (anfernee)
- Revendor GCE go client, cloud provider and fixes to make it work #362 (freehan)
- Fix missing gcloud command in e2e script #361 (bowei)
- Implement e2e test for security policy #360 (MrHohn)
- nit fixes #358 (freehan)
- Implement fuzzer for feature security policy #357 (MrHohn)
- Add host to echo dump #355 (nicksardo)
- Fix hasAlphaResource and hasBetaResource #354 (MrHohn)
- Add backendconfig client to e2e framework #353 (MrHohn)
- Trigger ingress sync on system default backend update #352 (MrHohn)
- Minor fix to backend config errors #351 (MrHohn)
- merge Ingress NEG annotation and Expose NEG annotation #350 (agau4779)
- Add Liveness Probe for NEG controller #349 (freehan)
- Make sure we get a BackendService after updating it to populate object fingerprint [WIP] #348 (rramkumar1)
- On removal of backend config name from service annotation, ensure no existing settings are affected #347 (rramkumar1)
- Adds readme for e2e-tests #346 (bowei)
- Modify IAP + CDN support to not touch settings if section in spec is missing #345 (rramkumar1)
- Delete ingress and wait for resource deletion #344 (bowei)
- Retry on getting PROJECT, dump out project resources #343 (bowei)
- Minor fix for retrieving backendService resource #342 (MrHohn)
- use flag instead of gate for NEG #341 (agau4779)
- Testing improvements #339 (rramkumar1)
- Add logging to the GLBCFromVIP for debugging #338 (bowei)
- Allow LoadBalancer services #335 (nicksardo)
- Add quotes to echo, allow CONTAINER_BINARIES override #334 (nicksardo)
- Update Dockerfile for the e2e test #333 (bowei)
- NEG Metrics #332 (freehan)
- Add fixtures and helpers in e2e framework for BackendConfig #331 (rramkumar1)
- Handle empty cluster name in sslcert namer #330 (prameshj)
- Fixes #329 (bowei)
- Make Ingress builder reusable #327 (bowei)
- Fix typos in copyright year #326 (bowei)
- Many small cleanups to get basic_test.go working #325 (bowei)
- Fix build to only build the executable target #324 (bowei)
- Add error types for errors to improve testing and readability #323 (rramkumar1)
- Fix ingress translation logic to not GC backend if non-fatal error occurred #322 (rramkumar1)
- IAP + CDN e2e testing implementation #319 (rramkumar1)
- Break out some helper functions for better testing + reuse #318 (rramkumar1)
- Move cloud to ControllerContext #316 (nicksardo)
- Support caching in echoserver #315 (rramkumar1)
- Add server version to echo #314 (nicksardo)
- Moved BackendService composite type to its own package #313 (rramkumar1)
- Simple web server for testing ingress-gce features #312 (nicksardo)
- Add beta backend service support to composite type #310 (MrHohn)
- Add version and gitcommit to the e2e test #309 (bowei)
- Use cloud ResourceID for URL parsing, generation, and comparison #308 (nicksardo)
- Revert "Use cloud ResourceID for URL parsing and generation" #307 (nicksardo)
- Add skeleton for the e2e tests #306 (bowei)
- Store feature names in backend service description #305 (MrHohn)
- Use cloud ResourceID for URL parsing and generation #304 (nicksardo)
- Use generated mocks to implement unit tests for pkg/backends #303 (rramkumar1)
- Split l7.go into resource-specific files (no logic changes) #302 (nicksardo)
- IAP + CDN #301 (rramkumar1)
- Add IngressValidator and supporting utilities #300 (bowei)
- Slight refactor of controller context to include both NEG & BackendConfig switches #299 (rramkumar1)
- Update vendor for gce provider #293 (MrHohn)
- Add support for security policy #291 (MrHohn)
- Add custom validation for BackendConfig + hook validation into Translator #289 (rramkumar1)
- Fix bug with ensuring BackendService settings + health checks #288 (rramkumar1)
- Add SECURITY_CONTACTS file #287 (nicksardo)
- Bake backend config into ServicePort #285 (MrHohn)
- Add annotation for exposing NEGs #284 (agau4779)
- Make sure structs in OpenAPI spec are serialized with 'type: object' #283 (rramkumar1)
- Define security policy API in BackendConfig #281 (MrHohn)
- Refactor pkg/backends to use new BackendService composite type #280 (rramkumar1)
- Ensure Load Balancer using IG links instead of IG compute object #279 (rramkumar1)
- Update documentation to include multiple-TLS support. #278 (rramkumar1)
- Update gce provider in vendor #277 (MrHohn)
- fake backendservices save alpha objects by default #276 (agau4779)
- TranslateIngress changes #275 (nicksardo)
- Fix BackendConfigKey to use beta #273 (MrHohn)
- Add simple validation for BackendConfig using OpenAPI schema generation #272 (rramkumar1)
- BackendConfig v1alpha1->v1beta1 #271 (MrHohn)
- Pass service/port tuple separate from ServicePort #270 (nicksardo)
- Add event handlers for BackendConfig #268 (rramkumar1)
- Fix typo in faq #267 (ChristianAlexander)
- Small aesthetic fixes to code base. #266 (rramkumar1)
- Introduce configuration for IAP & CDN into BackendConfig spec #265 (rramkumar1)
- Condense health checkers into one health checker for all backends. #264 (rramkumar1)
- BackendService naming for NEG backend services & healthchecks #262 (nicksardo)
- Update healthcheck docs regarding containerPort #260 (sonu27)
- Use leader election to prevent multiple controllers running #258 (nicksardo)
- Merge the logic of ToUrlMap() and IngressToNodePorts() #257 (rramkumar1)
- Minor cleanup to docs and examples #256 (nicksardo)
- Refactor gceurlmap to a struct representation #254 (rramkumar1)
- Add utils for retrieving backendconfigs for service (and reversely) #252 (MrHohn)
- Re-vendor K8s to ~1.11.0-alpha.2 #248 (nicksardo)
- Add util functions for backendConfig annotation #247 (MrHohn)
- Condense backendPool and defaultBackendPool #242 (rramkumar1)
- Rename serviceextension -> backendconfig #240 (MrHohn)
- Final changes to make MCI controller work #238 (rramkumar1)
- Add an interface to manage target resources #237 (rramkumar1)
- Add code for building cluster client and other resources. #236 (rramkumar1)
- Small addition to ClusterServiceMapper interface #235 (rramkumar1)
- Add ability for MCI controller to enqueue ingresses #234 (rramkumar1)
- First pass at an interface to manage informers #233 (rramkumar1)
- Add support for logging latest commit hash of GLBC build being used #232 (rramkumar1)
v1.1.2 (2018-04-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for logging latest commit hash of GLBC build being used #231 (rramkumar1)
- Add support for logging latest commit hash of GLBC build being used #230 (rramkumar1)
- Bump glbc.yaml to 1.1.1 #228 (nicksardo)
- Add support for logging latest commit hash of GLBC build being used #226 (rramkumar1)
- Remove dead code for e2e testing. We do all e2e testing through k/k now #225 (rramkumar1)
- Update changelog for 1.1.1 #224 (nicksardo)
- Integrate ClusterServiceMapper into translator. #223 (rramkumar1)
- Update annotations.md #221 (buzzedword)
v1.1.1 (2018-04-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Set glog levels in loadbalancer pool & fix markdown #218 (nicksardo)
- Bootstrap multi-cluster controller #217 (nicksardo)
- Cherrypick: Fix multiple secrets with same certificate #216 (nicksardo)
- Code to setup removal of ServicePort logic out of translator #214 (rramkumar1)
- Fix multiple secrets with same certificate #213 (nicksardo)
- Add multi-cluster flag #212 (nicksardo)
- Split sync up #211 (nicksardo)
- Update post-release-steps.md #210 (rramkumar1)
- Refactor translator.ToURLMap to not re-fetch backend services #207 (rramkumar1)
- Introduce MultiClusterContext as part of ControllerContext #203 (rramkumar1)
- Vendor in Cluster Registry code #202 (rramkumar1)
- Add ServiceExtension CRD lifecycle management and empty spec definition #163 (MrHohn)
v1.1.0 (2018-04-11)
Closed issues:
- Some links in 'ingress' repo GCE release notes are 404 #30
Merged pull requests:
- Remove duplicate nodeport translation #206 (nicksardo)
- Start changelog file #205 (nicksardo)
- Change naming of SSL certs #200 (nicksardo)
- Ensure only needed nodeports on instance group on ingress sync #199 (MrHohn)
- Ensure .go/cache in build #198 (MrHohn)
- Support for multiple TLS certificates #195 (rramkumar1)
- Update vendor/ to support multiple TLS certificates interface #193 (bowei)
- Bump golang build image to 1.10 #192 (nicksardo)
- Small changes to deploy/glbc/README #191 (rramkumar1)
- Update glbc manifest to v1.0.1 #190 (nicksardo)
- Satisfy golang 1.10 vetting #189 (nicksardo)
- Add some documentation on post-release TODO's #188 (rramkumar1)
- Add Ingress HTTP2 feature gate #161 (agau4779)
v1.0.1 (2018-04-03)
Closed issues:
- Test Failing: [sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:Ingress] multicluster ingress should get instance group annotation #185
- ingress controller should only manage instance groups for multicluster ingress #182
- Missing ListUrlMaps from LoadBalancers interface #162
dep ensure
is broken #155- Duplicate patch from PR #148 into main repo. #154
- ingress-gce major refactor and performance fixes #152
Merged pull requests:
- Cherry-pick checkpoint changes to 1.0 #187 (nicksardo)
- Fix sync of multi-cluster ingress #183 (nicksardo)
- Fix path default-http-backend.yaml #180 (atotto)
- Updating FakeLoadBalancers.Delete to return NotFound when appropriate #178 (nikhiljindal)
- Minor spelling and capitalization changes #177 (nicksardo)
- Checkpoint() takes a single LB rather than a list of LBs #170 (bowei)
- Use given name rather than regenerating it in UrlMap fake #169 (nikhiljindal)
- Update testing.md #168 (AdamDang)
- Adding ListUrlMaps to LoadBalancers interface #165 (nikhiljindal)
- Fix formatting error in docs/README.md #153 (rramkumar1)
- Ingress HTTP/2 Support #146 (agau4779)
v1.0.0 (2018-03-16)
Closed issues:
- sitemap endpoint? #145
- "internal" ingresses #138
- Multiple Healthcheck Requests from GCP L7 #137
- Issue closed without comment #134
- Document ingress.gcp.kubernetes.io/pre-shared-cert annotation #52
- GCE: WebSocket: connection is broken CloseEvent {isTrusted: true, wasClean: false, code: 1006, reason: "", type: "close", …} #36
- GCE: respect static-ip assignment via update #26
- GCE cloud: add a kube-specific header to GCE API calls #22
- e2e test leaves garbage around #21
- GLBC ingress: only handle annotated ingress #20
- Point gce ingress health checks at the node for onlylocal services #17
Merged pull requests:
- Fix copyright in deploy/glbc/script.sh #151 (rramkumar1)
- Cleanup some unused files #150 (rramkumar1)
- Initial implementation for ingress rate limiting #148 (rramkumar1)
- update: s_k/ingress-k/ingress-gce_ in annotations.md #147 (G-Harmon)
- Adding information about using GCP SSL certs for frontend HTTPS #144 (nikhiljindal)
- Add instructions and a tool for people who want to try out a new version of the ingress controller before it is released. #140 (rramkumar1)
- fix event message for attach/detach NEs #139 (freehan)
v0.9.8-alpha.2 (2018-02-12)
Closed issues:
- [GLBC] Surface event when front-end not created #41
Merged pull requests:
v0.9.8-alpha.1 (2018-02-09)
Closed issues:
- Ingress name has random trailing hash in events #130
- Support for rewrite-target annotation #124
- Ingress without default backend explicitly configured doesn't work at all #110
- Wrong health check with end-to-end https scheme #105
- Large file upload fails after 30 seconds #102
- Ingress E2E setup is breaking #93
- examples/websocket/server.go: concurrent write to socket #77
- Invalid value for field 'namedPorts[*].port': '0' #75
- support for proper health checks #65
- support for session affinity #64
- TLS certificate validations causes tls creation to fail #61
- GLBC: Ingress can't be properly created: Insufficient Permission #49
- GLBC: Ingress can't be properly created: Insufficient Permission #47
- GLBC: Each ingress sync updates resources for all ingresses #44
- Disabled HttpLoadBalancing, unable to create Ingress with glbc:0.9.1 #29
- [GLBC] Expose GCE backend parameters in Ingress object API #27
- High glbc CPU usage #25
- Specify IP addresses the Ingress controller is listening on #24
- Add e2e testing #16
Merged pull requests:
- Emit event on RuntimeInfo error #133 (MrHohn)
- Periodic resync #129 (nicksardo)
- Rename Port to NodePort #128 (nicksardo)
- Add some documentation for how to run e2e tests locally. #126 (rramkumar1)
- sync node on node status change #125 (freehan)
- Sync ingress-specific backends and minor logging changes #123 (nicksardo)
- Firewall Sync: Allow entire nodeport range #122 (nicksardo)
- Introduce flag endpoint #121 (nicksardo)
- fix typo #120 (bowei)
- Always set -logtostderr (this matches the original behavior) #119 (bowei)
- Code review comments #117 (bowei)
- Remove some vars from make push-e2e target #115 (rramkumar1)
- Update README.md to point to example #114 (zrosenbauer)
- Update vendor #113 (bowei)
- Emit event on TLS errors #112 (MrHohn)
- Add unit test to verify pre-shared cert retention #111 (MrHohn)
- Remove .travis.yml #108 (rramkumar1)
- Add unit test for the generated GCE config reader func #107 (MrHohn)
- Sync one ingress #106 (bowei)
- Remove the duplicate health check example and restructure example folder #104 (MrHohn)
- Modify VERSION to use "latest" in push-e2e target #103 (rramkumar1)
- Cleanup #101 (bowei)
- Deprecate --use-real-cloud and --verbose flags #100 (bowei)
- Fix push-e2e make rule #99 (rramkumar1)
- Fix gce #98 (bowei)
- Cleanup #97 (bowei)
- Update vendor #96 (bowei)
- Minor cleanup #92 (bowei)
- Translator #91 (bowei)
- Move taskQueue to utils.PeriodicTaskQueue #90 (bowei)
- Delete unreferenced constants #89 (bowei)
- Add e2e make rule #88 (rramkumar1)
- Add code-of-conduct.md #86 (spiffxp)
- Minor fixes to example JS #85 (nicksardo)
- Fixing typos in gce-tls example readme #84 (nikhiljindal)
- Add build, coverage and report badges #82 (MrHohn)
- Update websocket example #80 (nicksardo)
- Add ListGlobalForwardingRules to the LoadBalancers interface. #78 (G-Harmon)
- Add ability to change prefix in the Namer #74 (bowei)
- Add unit test for functions in namer #73 (bowei)
- Move GetNamedPort to Namer #72 (bowei)
- Centralize more of the naming of GCE resources #70 (bowei)
- Removing non code test's dependency on testing package #69 (nikhiljindal)
- Split namer into its own file #68 (bowei)
- Rename OWNERS assignees: to approvers: #66 (spiffxp)
- move neg annotation to annotations package #62 (freehan)
- Extracting tlsloader into a separate package to enable reuse #59 (nikhiljindal)
- Extracting out annotations to a separate package to allow reuse #58 (nikhiljindal)
- Updating loadbalancer/fakes.go to return 404 #57 (nikhiljindal)
- Updating backends/fakes to return 404 in the same way as all other fakes #56 (nikhiljindal)
- revendor k8s cloud provider and its dependencies #54 (freehan)
- Rename local var to reflect what it is. #53 (G-Harmon)
- K8s-NEG Integration #48 (freehan)
- Update build #15 (bowei)
- Update travis #12 (bowei)
- PRE-NEG changes #11 (freehan)
v0.9.7 (2017-10-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix the glbc build by removing 'godeps' from command. #10 (G-Harmon)
- Get value of string pointer for log message #9 (nicksardo)
- Release 0.9.7 #8 (nicksardo)
- Stop ignoring test files and non-go files in vendor #7 (nicksardo)
- Minor cleanup to instance group management #6 (nicksardo)
- Move main.go to cmd/glbc #5 (nicksardo)
- Migrate to dep #4 (nicksardo)
- Fix issue when setting instance group named ports #3 (nicksardo)
- Update repo to be GCE specific #2 (nicksardo)
- Handle forbiddenError for XPN clusters by raising event #1 (nicksardo)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator