Mernstack hotel booking website created using the MERN stack and implementing Redux. This website contains multiple pages that showcase the hotel's amenties and offerings and allows users to browse multiple rooms and book them. All bookings are stored and managed in the backend and user's are only able to book rooms that are currently available based on their selected dates as well as number of guests.
Register Page
Login Page
Home Page
Profile Page
At the top right corner of the homepage, there's a little box you can click on. When you click it, a menu drops down. In that menu, there's an option called "Profile." If you select that, it takes you to a page where you can see and manage your personal information, like your name, email, and maybe other details you provided when you signed up.
This page shows your profile with all your details. It's like your personal info card, displaying things like your name, email, and any other information you shared when signing up.
Search bar
Hotels page after filter
On the hotels page, you can use the search bar to type where you want to go. It then shows you all the hotels available in that destination.
On the hotels page, there's a way to set a price range using a minimum and maximum amount. When you do this, it filters and shows only the hotels that fit within that price range.
Particular Hotel page
Payment page
Also the website has a favicon icon to enhance its UI and increase its authenticity.
- Fullstack MERN Hotel Website that utilizes CRUD functionality
- Users can browse rooms and create bookings on selected dates
- Users enter their details in a checkout form to create a booking and store their information
- Backend handles date collision's and notifies user's if a room is available or unavailable on the selected dates
- User can view and delete their bookings by entering the provivded confirmation code or email
- Room and booking data is stored within a MongoDB databse
- Website is fully responsive and looks great across multiple platforms
The app was created with the following technologies
- MongoDB
- Express.JS
- ReactJS
- Redux
- NodeJS
Have NodeJS and MongoDB installed on your machine.
VARIABLE | Sample value |
JWT_SEC | sample_key |
MONGO_URL | mongodb://localhost/ |
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd ./booking-app
- Install node dependencies in all folders.
npm install
- Create a new .env file in server directory.
- Setup the environment variables as described above.
- Start the server
nodemon ./index.js
- Start the client
npm start
- The frontend is now running at http://localhost:3000/ and backend is now running at http://localhost:8080/