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Cradle - A Schema Pipeline Build Status

What is Cradle?

Cradle is a tool for loading data models from one place and emitting it to another. This can be leveraged to eliminate the manual creation of redundant and tedious code within your project/application. We provide the ability to create specs that can, in turn, be executed against emitters with the output resulting in the code you wish to use.

Getting Started
An Example Cradle Spec
Cradle Schema
The Cradle CLI

Getting Started

To get started, first install Cradle in your local project folder: npm i --save-dev @gatewayapps/cradle

The Cradle Flow

Cradle was built to load a schema from any source via CradleLoaders and emit to any destination via CradleEmitters.

When you execute npx cradle emit, it will load your schema, then send it to each of your configured emitters. We have developed a few emitters for you to use (@gatewayapps/cradle-template-emitter and @gatewayapps/cradle-react-emitter), but the API is simple to understand and implement.

Cradle Loader API

If you want to develop a custom Cradle Loader, (for instance, loading from Postgres or Mongo), all you have to do is implement ICradleLoader in a npm module.

    prepareLoader: (options: {[key: string]: any}, console: IConsole) => Promise < void >
    readModelNames: () => Promise < string[] >
    readModelPropertyNames: (modelName: string) => Promise < string[] >
    readModelPropertyType: (modelName: string, propertyName: string) => Promise < PropertyType >
    readModelReferenceNames: (modelName: string) => Promise < string[] >
    readModelReferenceType: (modelName: string, referenceName: string) => Promise < ModelReference >
    readModelMetadata: (modelName: string) => Promise < object >
    finalizeSchema: (schema: CradleSchema) => Promise < CradleSchema >
    loadSchema: () => Promise<CradleSchema>

You can reference @gatewayapps/cradle-sql-loader for a functioning loader

Cradle Emitter API

You can also write a custom emitter. Suppose you wanted to write your schema to a database, you could implement a sql-emitter by implementing the ICradleEmitter interface.

  prepareEmitter(options: IEmitterOptions, console: IConsole)
  emitSchema(schema: CradleSchema)

You can reference @gatewayapps/cradle-template-emitter or @gatewayapps/cradle-react-emitter to see a functioning emitter.

An Example Cradle Spec

Cradle provides a custom loader and emitter out of the box called spec. The cradle spec is something we developed for easily modeling our data in an agnostic way. Here's a sample

    id: integer primary auto(1,1)
    name: string(100)
    totalBoxOffice: decimal min(0)
    releaseDate: datetime
    isDeleted: boolean default(false) delete
      isArray: true
      modelRef: Actor
      returns: Film

    id: integer primary auto(1,1)
    firstName: string(100)
    lastName: string(100)
    dateOfBirth: datetime

To learn more about defining a cradle spec, see the wiki page here

Cradle Schema

Let's see what a cradle schema looks like as a JSON object:

  "Models": [
      "Name": "Film",
      "Properties": {
        "id": {
          "TypeName": "Integer",
          "IsPrimaryKey": true,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false,
          "Autogenerate": {
            "Seed": 1,
            "Increment": 1
        "name": {
          "TypeName": "String",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false,
          "MaximumLength": 100
        "totalBoxOffice": {
          "TypeName": "Decimal",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false,
          "MinimumValue": 0,
          "Precision": 18,
          "Scale": 2
        "releaseDate": {
          "TypeName": "DateTime",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false
        "isDeleted": {
          "TypeName": "Boolean",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "DefaultValue": false,
          "Unique": false
        "actors": {
          "TypeName": "Array",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "DefaultValue": [],
          "Unique": false,
          "MemberType": {
            "TypeName": "ModelReference",
            "IsPrimaryKey": false,
            "AllowNull": true,
            "DefaultValue": null,
            "Unique": false,
            "ModelName": "Actor",
            "ModelType": {
              "TypeName": "Object",
              "IsPrimaryKey": false,
              "AllowNull": false,
              "Unique": false,
              "Members": {
                "id": {
                  "TypeName": "Integer",
                  "IsPrimaryKey": true,
                  "AllowNull": false,
                  "Unique": false,
                  "Autogenerate": {
                    "Seed": 1,
                    "Increment": 1
                "firstName": {
                  "TypeName": "String",
                  "IsPrimaryKey": false,
                  "AllowNull": false,
                  "Unique": false,
                  "MaximumLength": 100
                "lastName": {
                  "TypeName": "String",
                  "IsPrimaryKey": false,
                  "AllowNull": false,
                  "Unique": false,
                  "MaximumLength": 100
                "dateOfBirth": {
                  "TypeName": "DateTime",
                  "IsPrimaryKey": false,
                  "AllowNull": false,
                  "Unique": false
      "References": {}
      "Name": "Actor",
      "Properties": {
        "id": {
          "TypeName": "Integer",
          "IsPrimaryKey": true,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false,
          "Autogenerate": {
            "Seed": 1,
            "Increment": 1
        "firstName": {
          "TypeName": "String",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false,
          "MaximumLength": 100
        "lastName": {
          "TypeName": "String",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false,
          "MaximumLength": 100
        "dateOfBirth": {
          "TypeName": "DateTime",
          "IsPrimaryKey": false,
          "AllowNull": false,
          "Unique": false
      "References": {}
  • Models: is an array of the models defined in the cradle spec file(s)
  • TypeName: is the cradle data type
  • AllowNull: is true if the ? notation was used to define the property
  • Unique: is true if the unique keyword was used to define the property
  • If the property is an array, then there is a MemberType property which contains the values and data type of the array

The Cradle CLI

Cradle provides a CLI with a few different commands:


Use the verify command to ensure that any given spec file is valid:
npx cradle verify -c [path to cradle config]

This command will output the cradle spec in the terminal or command window in which the command was executed. Any warnings or errors will also be output.


Use the emit command to run the specified emitter:
npx cradle emit -c [path to cradle config] -e spec

This command will run the specified emitters(see the Configuration section). Use the -e argument to specify a particular emitter or omit it to run all configured emitters.


Cradle uses a JavaScript based configuration file in order to execute loading the spec and executing emitters. Below is an example configuration file:

const cradle = require('@gatewayapps/cradle')
const path = require('path')

const loaderOptions = new cradle.LoaderOptions('spec', {
    source: './examples/specs/cradle-base.yaml'
}, console)

const emitterOpts = [
    new cradle.EmitterOptions('schemaTest', '@gatewayapps/cradle-template-emitter', {
        sourcePath: './examples/templates/schemaTest.handlebars',
        outputPath: './examples/server/test/schemaTest.ts',
        overwriteExisting: true,
        mode: 'schema',
        shouldEmit: (model) => {
            return model.Meta !== undefined && model.Meta.topLevel
    }, console),
    new cradle.EmitterOptions('serverModels', '@gatewayapps/cradle-template-emitter', {
        sourcePath: './examples/templates/serverModel.handlebars',
        outputPath: './examples/server/models/{{Name}}.ts',
        overwriteExisting: true,
        languageType: 'mongoose',
        shouldEmit: (model) => {
            return model.Meta !== undefined && model.Meta.topLevel
    }, console)

module.exports = new cradle.CradleConfig(loaderOptions, emitterOpts)

Let's break down the configuration file in more detail:

const loaderOptions = new cradle.LoaderOptions('spec', {
    source: './examples/specs/cradle-base.yaml'
}, console)

This section configures the cradle spec loader. This is required in order to read the cradle spec files. The first option is the type of loader(spec), the second option is the location of the cradle spec file.

const emitterOpts = [
    new cradle.EmitterOptions('schemaTest', '@gatewayapps/cradle-template-emitter', {
        sourcePath: './examples/templates/schemaTest.handlebars',
        outputPath: './examples/server/test/schemaTest.ts',
        overwriteExisting: true,
        mode: 'schema',
        shouldEmit: (model) => {
            return model.Meta !== undefined && model.Meta.topLevel
    }, console),
    new cradle.EmitterOptions('serverModels', '@gatewayapps/cradle-template-emitter', {
        sourcePath: './examples/templates/serverModel.handlebars',
        outputPath: './examples/server/models/{{Name}}.ts',
        overwriteExisting: true,
        languageType: 'mongoose',
        shouldEmit: (model) => {
            return model.Meta !== undefined && model.Meta.topLevel
    }, console)

This section is configuring emitters. These two examples uses the cradle template emitter in order to generate code. More information about these arguments can be found in the ReadMe for that particular library.


  • Cradle Spec Loader: This is included in cradle and drives the loading of the cradle spec files
  • MSSQL Loader: This loader can be used to read the database schema from a MSSQL database and generate a cradle spec


  • Cradle Spec Emitter: This is included in cradle and can be used to output a generated spec file
  • Cradle Template Emitter: This emitter leverages Handlebars templating in order to generate pretty much any code desired
  • Cradle React Emitter: This emitter generates basic React components for model properties. Rather than starting a UI from scratch, this emitter provides a starting point with functional components that can then be tweaked/altered.