Distribute rewards for crowdloan participation in parachain-native tokens.
Polkadot and Kusama will allocate parachain slots using an [auction mechanism] (https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/en/learn-auction). Bidders can be normal relay chain accounts, or crowdloans. A parachain project may use a crowdloan to allow its community to pool funds to bid for a slot. Pooled funds will be locked up, so parachain projects will need to reward their community for taking the opportunity cost of locking tokens in a crowdfund.
There are good docs in the crate. For now see them in src/lib.rs
First you will need to make sure your project is using the same Substrate dependencies as this pallet.
In your Cargo.toml
# --snip--
pallet-crowdloan-rewards = { git = "https://github.com/purestake/crowdloan-rewards", default-features = false, branch = "main" }
default = ['std']
std = [
# --snip--
In your lib.rs
parameter_types! {
pub const Initialized: bool = false;
pub const MinimumReward: Balance = 1000;
pub const InitializationPayment: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(25);
pub const MaxInitContributorsSize: u32 = 500;
pub const RewardAddressRelayVoteThreshold: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(100);
pub const SignatureNetworkIdentifier: &'static [u8] = b"chain-name";
impl pallet_crowdloan_rewards::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Initialized = Initialized;
type InitializationPayment = InitializationPayment;
type MaxInitContributors = MaxInitContributorsSize;
type MinimumReward = MinimumReward;
type RewardAddressRelayVoteThreshold = RewardAddressRelayVoteThreshold;
type RewardCurrency = Balances;
type RelayChainAccountId = sp_runtime::AccountId32;
type RewardAddressChangeOrigin = EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type SignatureNetworkIdentifier = SignatureNetworkIdentifier;
type RewardAddressAssociateOrigin = EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type VestingBlockNumber = cumulus_primitives_core::relay_chain::BlockNumber;
type VestingBlockProvider = cumulus_pallet_parachain_system::RelaychainBlockNumberProvider<Self>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_crowdloan_rewards::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
construct_runtime! {
// --snip--
CrowdloanRewards: pallet_crowdloan_rewards
In your chain_spec.rs
const CROWDLOAN_FUND_POT: u128 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_u128; // Total reward amount
// Add crowdloan config in testnet_genesis
crowdloan_rewards: CrowdloanRewardsConfig {
funded_amount: crowdloan_fund_pot,