An introductory standards-based SPA and API code sample, to get integrated with OAuth endpoints:
- The SPA uses the traditional OpenID code flow with PKCE.
- The SPA interacts with an API that validates JWTs and uses claims-based authorization.
The SPA is a simple UI with some basic navigation between views, to render fictional investment resources.
First ensure that Node.js 20+ is installed.
You must use custom development domains and add this DNS entry to your hosts file: localhost
Ensure that Node.js is installed, then run the start script:
The browser is invoked and you can sign in with my AWS test credentials:
- User:
- Password:
- See the Sample 1 Overview for a summary of behaviour.
- See the Sample 1 Details for further details on running the code.
The initial SPA uses OAuth tokens in JavaScript code, to demonstrate a productive SPA architecture.
In 2021 the best practice is to keep tokens out of the browser, to limit the impact of XSS exploits.
See the Final SPA Code Sample for a more secure implementation.
- The SPA and its views use plain TypeScript code.
- The API uses Node.js and TypeScript.
- Express is used as the HTTP server for both the API and the SPA's web static content.
- The SPA uses the oidc-client-ts library to implement OpenID Connect.
- The API uses the jose library to validate JWT access tokens.
- AWS Cognito is the default authorization server for the SPA and API.