This is forked from @fixie-ai/ai-jsx
Reasons for forking
Streamlined Library: We found that the original library, [@fixie-ai/ai-jsx], came with an abundance of tools, integrations, models, and features that surpassed our project's requirements. Our fork aims to provide a more focused and simplified version tailored to prompt generation and LLM interactions.
Imporoving Performance: The production instance of ai-jsx exhibited performance issues, consuming approximately 30MB of heap memory per stream. This version aims to maintain a low memory footprint.
Tailored Functionality: We identified several features in the original library that were surplus to our project requirements. By slimming down the functionality we aim to create a more single purposed library.
AIJSX is a framework/toolkit designed to facilitate the construction of Large Language Model (LLM) prompts in a composable and ergonomic manner by leveraging JSX.
import {
} from '@gammatech/aijsx'
function JokePrompt(props: { input: string }) {
return (
<SysytemMessage>You are funny</SysytemMessage>
<UserMessage>Tell me a joke about: {props.input}</UserMessage>
const result = await createRenderContext().render(
<JokePrompt input="bananas" />
JSX facilitates the mixing of string interpolation and control flow logic in a type-safe and familiar manner.
JSX excels in handling composition, allowing the chaining of prompt results to the input of another.
JSX enjoys widespread support across various build systems and does not necessitate a one-off compilation for string-based templating.
It's important to note that using JSX is distinct from using React. JSX is compile-time sugar that converts a component into a function call. In contrast, React + ReactDOM is a framework responsible for synchronizing the state of a virtual representation of the DOM with an actual browser DOM. AIJSX leverages JSX more akin to using React.renderToString.
In its simplest form, AIJSX transforms a tree of JSX components into a string. This resulting string can serve as input to an LLM call or be returned via API, offering flexibility in usage. Unlike React, where components may need to respond to updates and state changes, AIJSX follows a render-once-and-done approach.
React's Component Type Signature
type Component = (props: P) => React.Element
AIJSX Component Type Signature
export interface RenderableStream {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => AsyncGenerator<string, void, unknown>
type AINode = Literal | AIElement<any> | AINode[]
type Renderable = AINode | PromiseLike<Renderable> | RenderableStream
type AIComponent = (props: P, context: RenderContext) => Renderable
AIComponents in AIJSX can return two additional types: PromiseLike<Renderable>
and RenderableStream
. This distinction fundamentally changes the rendering paradigm in AIJSX, introducing asynchronous rendering that can return either a Promise
or an object with access to an AsyncGenerator
The asynchronous render abstraction is powerful, allowing chaining of results from asynchronous operations (such as an LLM API call) to the input of another component.
const GetLang: AIComponent<{ children: AINode }> = (
{ children },
{ render }
) => {
const renderedChildren = await render(children)
const language = await determineLanguage(renderedChildren)
return language
You'll notice several differences from normal React components. The second argument to AIComponent
is the RenderContext
object, which has a render
method, allowing us to resolve the value of this components children and use them as inputs to an API call.
Because GetLang
returns Promise<string>
which matches the signature of a Renderable
in AIJSX we can use it as an input in another component
import {
} from '@gammatech/aijsx'
const WritePoem: AIComponent<{ input: string }> = (
{ sentence },
{ logger }
) => {
return (
<SysytemMessage>You are a world class poet</SysytemMessage>
Write a poem about "{sentence}" in <GetLang>{sentence}</GetLang>
const result = createRenderContext.render(<WritePoem input="公共車" />)
The above code will first render all of the elements under <OpenAIChatCompletion>
<SysytemMessage>You are a world class poet</SysytemMessage>
Write a poem about "公共車" in <GetLang>公共車</GetLang>
<SysytemMessage>You are a world class poet</SysytemMessage>
<UserMessage>Write a poem about "公共車" in Simplified Chinese</UserMessage>
can take a logger: LogImplementation
option. This is used as the base logger when the RenderContext
traverses the component tree and passes Logger
to each component.
At the very least, extenders of LogImplementation
must implement:
abstract log(ctx: RenderContext, level: LogLevel, message: string): void
Basic synchronous components
const Text: AIComponent<{ children: AINode }> = ({ children }) => {
return (
Creating Async Components
const AsyncComponent: AIComponent<{ input: string }> = async ({ input }) => {
const result = await someApICall(input)
return <>result: {result}</>
Creating AsyncGenerator Components
async function* GeneratorComponent(props: { input: string }) {
yield 'this '
yield 'is '
yield 'a '
yield 'test'
// NOTE: AsyncGenerator component in AIJSX do not return values, and it's assumed that
// there yielded results should be string concattenated together
async function* GeneratorComponent2(props: { input: string }) {
return yield* someAsyncGeneratingFunction(input)
- creates a render context used to render a
export function createRenderContext(opts: {
logger?: LogImplementation
rootRenderId?: string
}): RenderContext
export interface RenderContext {
parentContext: RenderContext | null
element: AIElement<any>
renderId: string
logger: Logger
getContext<T>(context: Context<T>): T
render(renderable: Renderable): RenderResult
logger?: LogImplementation
- Defualts toNoopLogImplementation
rootRenderId?: string
- allows setting the root RenderContext's renderId, auto-generates a nanoid if left undefined