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Tutorial: Creating a new class
Galacticus uses an object-oriented programming model. This means that most of the functionality in Galacticus is provided by "classes".
The easiest way to think about these as used by Galacticus is that each of these represents a "class" of calculation or physical process (e.g. a class might represent the rate of star formation in a galaxy).
The class itself defines only the interfaces of the functions (also known as "methods") needed for that calculation - the arguments to those functions, and the types of result they return. For example, in the case of a star formation rate class, it might define a method "rate
" which takes as an argument a component
object (representing, for example, the disk or spheroid of a galaxy) and returns a single number, the star formation rate in that component.
Importantly, the class itself does not actually do the calculation - all it does is define the interface to the method that will do the calculation. This allows us to separate interface and implementation - any other part of the Galacticus code can now make use of the star formation rate class without having to know anything about how the star formation rate is computed - it just passes the appropriate component
to the star formation rate class and gets back an answer.
The actual calculation (of star formation rate in this case) is carried out by an "implementation" of the class - an object that provides the actual functions implementing the methods that the class defined. There can be many different implementations of each class, which can be selected between via Galacticus' parameter files. This is where the flexibility and modularity of Galacticus arises - you can switch between different implementations of any calculation simply by changing the parameter file.
As you might expect, creating a new class involves first creating the class itself, and then creating an implementation (a class without an implementation is not very useful). These go in two separate files, which we'll see examples of below. For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to use as an example the star formation timescale class.
We'll begin by looking at the file that defines the class itself.
Below is the content of the file source/star_formation.timescale.F90
. Source files always go in the source/
folder, and are given a name in which concepts (here "star formation" and "timescale" are the two concepts relevant to this class) are separated by .
and words within concepts are separated by _
Contains a module which provides a class that implements timescales for star formation.
module Star_Formation_Timescales
Provides a class that implements calculations of timescales for star formation.
use :: Galacticus_Nodes, only : nodeComponent
<descriptiveName>Timescales for star formation</descriptiveName>
Class providing models of timescales for star formation.
<method name="timescale" >
<description>Returns the timescale (in Gyr) for star formation in the provided {\normalfont \ttfamily component}.</description>
<type>double precision</type>
<argument>class(nodeComponent), intent(inout) :: component</argument>
end module Star_Formation_Timescales
We will now go through each component of this file one at a time.
This section:
Provides a class that implements timescales for star formation.
is just a comment that tells someone reading this file what to expect to find in this file. Content inside !!{
blocks in Galacticus should be in LaTeX format - it will be included into our PDF documentation.
Every class is placed inside its own module
- this allows it to be imported into other parts of Galacticus wherever it's needed. The module is begun by this line:
module Star_Formation_Timescales
We give the module a descriptive name - usually this is similar to the name of the file, but with words capitalized, separated by _
, and pluralized. So, source/star_formation.timescale.F90
becomes Star_Formation_Timescales
The module is closed at the end of the file by the line:
end module Star_Formation_Timescales
Next, we have:
Provides a class that implements calculations of timescales for star formation.
This is another comment, this time associated with the module
instead of the entire file. Once again, it just provides a brief description of what this module does.
If the class is going to make use of any other objects or classes, we need to import them here. In our example case we want to be able to pass a nodeComponent
object as an argument to one of the class methods. So, we import that with a use
use :: Galacticus_Nodes, only : nodeComponent
Note that we import only
the object we want. The Galacticus_Nodes
module contains many objects and variables. It's good practice to only import the one we want to avoid any possible conflicts with objects/variables that we may import from other modules.
The next line:
declares that all content of this module is private by default - it can be exported to other parts of the code. Setting this default is also good practice - it prevents the rest of the code from accessing module content that it shouldn't. Of course, our module needs to export something in order to be useful! Galacticus knows that it needs to exploit that class that we are about to create in this module, and will do so automatically.
Finally we get to define our class. This is enclosed inside a !![
section. Code inside such sections is interpreted as XML, and is used when Galacticus is built to automatically generate lots of extra code.
This section begins with:
which simply tells Galacticus that we want to create a new class (referred to as a functionClass
Next, we give a name for our class:
<descriptiveName>Timescales for star formation</descriptiveName>
The name
element here should be a simple, descriptive name. It should contain the same "concepts" used in naming the file and module, but uses camelCaseConvention
where the first word is lower case, and the rest have their first letter uppercased - there are no separators between words. The descriptiveName
element gives a descriptive name for this class - this will appear in the documentation so should be something that a reader will readily understand.
Next we provide a description for the class - this will be incorporated into the PDF documentation.
Class providing models of timescales for star formation.
Every class has a default implementation. If a class is needed by Galacticus, but the parameter file does not specify which implementation to use, the default implementation is chosen. In this case, we make the dynamicalTime
implementation the default option.
We now get to define any methods that we want our class to have. Our example class has just one, but we can include as many as we want (just add additional method
sections below the first). Our method
section looks like this:
<method name="timescale" >
<description>Returns the timescale (in Gyr) for star formation in the provided {\normalfont \ttfamily component}.</description>
<type>double precision</type>
<argument>class(nodeComponent), intent(inout) :: component</argument>
In the first line, we give a name
for our method - in this case that name is timescale
. This name is how other parts of the code will call this method. So, it should be descriptive of what the method computes. In this case, our method computes the timescale for star formation - so timescale
is an appropriate name.
Next we include a description
- this should be in LaTeX format and will be incorporated into the PDF documentation - it should explain clearly what the method does (and it's good to include details of what units are expected for arguments and the return value).
The type
element specifies the type of quantity that the method should return. In our example case, we want to return a timescale, so a single double precision
value. So, we just set the type
to double precision
. Any valid Fortran type can be included here. For methods that don't return any value, set this to void
- these will be implemented as subroutines
in the generated code.
Next, the pass
arguments specifies whether the object of this class (i.e. the specific object created from whichever implementation of the class was chosen at run time) should be passed as the first argument to the method. Almost always this should be yes
Finally, we need to specify what arguments our method expects. Arguments are given by argument
elements - you can include multiple of these if needed. In our case we have:
<argument>class(nodeComponent), intent(inout) :: component</argument>
This specifies that we want an argument of the nodeComponent
(which is used to represent components of galaxies in Galacticus). The intent(inout)
specifies that the argument must have a defined value when passed to the method, and may be modified (and returned) by the method. Last, we give the name of the argument, component
in this case. Any valid Fortran argument definition is allowed here.
Last, we close the functionClass
That's all we need to define our class. When you compile Galacticus, the functionClass
definition is used to generate the class itself in Fortran code. Additionally, a lot of useful infrastructure associated with your class is automatically built - including functions that allow duplication of class objects across parallel threads, serialization/deserialization of the class to/from files, descriptor strings used to ensure tabulated results are unique, and functionality to allow the class to be built from the contents of the parameter file provided at run time. You should never need to think about this infrastructure - it's created automatically and should "just work".
Next, we'll look at creating an implementation of this class.
Below is the content of the file source/star_formation.timescale.halo_scaling.F90
. The name for this file should follow the name for the corresponding class file, but with a suffix that specifies the concepts for this implementation - .halo_scaling
in this example.
Implementation of a timescale for star formation which scales with the circular velocity of the host halo.
use :: Cosmology_Functions , only : cosmologyFunctionsClass
use :: Dark_Matter_Halo_Scales, only : darkMatterHaloScaleClass
<starFormationTimescale name="starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling">
A star formation timescale class in which the timescale scales with halo properties. Specifically,
\tau_\star = \tau_\mathrm{\star,0} \left( {V_\mathrm{vir} \over 200\hbox{km/s}} \right)^{\alpha_\star} (1+z)^{\beta_\star},
where $\tau_\mathrm{\star,0}=${\normalfont \ttfamily [timescale]}, $\alpha_\star=${\normalfont \ttfamily
[exponentVelocityVirial]}, and $\beta_\star=${\normalfont \ttfamily [exponentRedshift]}.
type, extends(starFormationTimescaleClass) :: starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
Implementation of a haloScaling timescale for star formation.
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_ => null()
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass), pointer :: darkMatterHaloScale_ => null()
double precision :: expansionFactorFactorPrevious , exponentVelocityVirial , &
& exponentRedshift , timescaleNormalization , &
& timescaleStored , velocityPrevious , &
& velocityFactorPrevious , expansionFactorPrevious, &
& timeScale_
logical :: timescaleComputed
integer (kind_int8 ) :: lastUniqueID
<method description="Reset memoized calculations." method="calculationReset" />
final :: haloScalingDestructor
procedure :: autoHook => haloScalingAutoHook
procedure :: timescale => haloScalingTimescale
procedure :: calculationReset => haloScalingCalculationReset
end type starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
interface starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
Constructors for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation class.
module procedure haloScalingConstructorParameters
module procedure haloScalingConstructorInternal
end interface starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
double precision, parameter :: velocityVirialNormalization=200.0d0
function haloScalingConstructorParameters(parameters) result(self)
Constructor for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation feedback class which takes a
parameter set as input.
use :: Input_Parameters, only : inputParameter, inputParameters
implicit none
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
type (inputParameters ), intent(inout) :: parameters
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass ), pointer :: darkMatterHaloScale_
double precision :: timescale , exponentVelocityVirial, &
& exponentRedshift
<description>The timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
<description>The exponent of virial velocity in the timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
<description>The exponent of redshift in the timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
<objectBuilder class="cosmologyFunctions" name="cosmologyFunctions_" source="parameters"/>
<objectBuilder class="darkMatterHaloScale" name="darkMatterHaloScale_" source="parameters"/>
<inputParametersValidate source="parameters"/>
<objectDestructor name="cosmologyFunctions_" />
<objectDestructor name="darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
end function haloScalingConstructorParameters
function haloScalingConstructorInternal(timescale,exponentVelocityVirial,exponentRedshift,cosmologyFunctions_,darkMatterHaloScale_) result(self)
Internal constructor for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation class.
implicit none
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
double precision , intent(in ) :: timescale , exponentVelocityVirial, &
& exponentRedshift
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), intent(in ), target :: cosmologyFunctions_
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass ), intent(in ), target :: darkMatterHaloScale_
<constructorAssign variables="exponentVelocityVirial, exponentRedshift, *cosmologyFunctions_, *darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
self%lastUniqueID =-1_kind_int8
self%timescaleComputed =.false.
self%velocityPrevious =-1.0d0
self%velocityFactorPrevious =-1.0d0
self%expansionFactorPrevious =-1.0d0
! Compute the normalization of the timescale.
self%timeScale_ =+timescale
self%timeScaleNormalization=+timescale &
& /velocityVirialNormalization**self%exponentVelocityVirial
end function haloScalingConstructorInternal
subroutine haloScalingAutoHook(self)
Attach to the calculation reset event.
use :: Events_Hooks, only : calculationResetEvent, openMPThreadBindingAllLevels
implicit none
class(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
call calculationResetEvent%attach(self,haloScalingCalculationReset,openMPThreadBindingAllLevels,label='starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling')
end subroutine haloScalingAutoHook
subroutine haloScalingDestructor(self)
Destructor for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation class.
use :: Events_Hooks, only : calculationResetEvent
implicit none
type(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
<objectDestructor name="self%cosmologyFunctions_" />
<objectDestructor name="self%darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
if (calculationResetEvent%isAttached(self,haloScalingCalculationReset)) call calculationResetEvent%detach(self,haloScalingCalculationReset)
end subroutine haloScalingDestructor
subroutine haloScalingCalculationReset(self,node,uniqueID)
Reset the halo scaling star formation timescale calculation.
use :: Galacticus_Nodes, only : treeNode
use :: Kind_Numbers , only : kind_int8
implicit none
class (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
type (treeNode ), intent(inout) :: node
integer(kind_int8 ), intent(in ) :: uniqueID
!$GLC attributes unused :: node
self%lastUniqueID =uniqueID
end subroutine haloScalingCalculationReset
double precision function haloScalingTimescale(self,component) result(timescale)
Returns the timescale (in Gyr) for star formation in the given {\normalfont \ttfamily component} in the halo scaling
timescale model.
use :: Galacticus_Nodes, only : nodeComponentBasic
implicit none
class (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
class (nodeComponent ), intent(inout) :: component
class (nodeComponentBasic ), pointer :: basic
double precision :: expansionFactor, velocityVirial
! Check if node differs from previous one for which we performed calculations.
if (component%hostNode%uniqueID() /= self%lastUniqueID) call self%calculationReset(component%hostNode,component%hostNode%uniqueID())
! Compute the timescale if necessary.
if (.not.self%timescaleComputed) then
! Get virial velocity and expansion factor.
basic => component%hostNode%basic ( )
velocityVirial = self %darkMatterHaloScale_%velocityVirial (component%hostNode )
expansionFactor = self %cosmologyFunctions_ %expansionFactor(basic %time ())
! Compute the velocity factor.
if (velocityVirial /= self%velocityPrevious) then
self%velocityPrevious =velocityVirial
end if
! Compute the expansion-factor factor.
if (expansionFactor /= self%expansionFactorPrevious) then
self%expansionFactorPrevious = expansionFactor
end if
! Computed the timescale.
self%timescaleStored=+self%timeScaleNormalization &
& *self%velocityFactorPrevious &
& *self%expansionFactorFactorPrevious
! Record that the timescale is now computed.
end if
! Return the stored timescale.
end function haloScalingTimescale
We'll now go through each part of this file step-by-step.
Once again, we start with a comment that describes what this file contains:
Implementation of a timescale for star formation which scales with the circular velocity of the host halo.
This is in LaTeX format, and gets incorporated into our PDF documentation.
We next include a section that tells Galacticus that we're going to include an implementation of a class in this file:
<starFormationTimescale name="starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling">
A star formation timescale class in which the timescale scales with halo properties. Specifically,
\tau_\star = \tau_\mathrm{\star,0} \left( {V_\mathrm{vir} \over 200\hbox{km/s}} \right)^{\alpha_\star} (1+z)^{\beta_\star},
where $\tau_\mathrm{\star,0}=${\normalfont \ttfamily [timescale]}, $\alpha_\star=${\normalfont \ttfamily
[exponentVelocityVirial]}, and $\beta_\star=${\normalfont \ttfamily [exponentRedshift]}.
This is in XML format (because it's inside a !![
section). The opening element of the XML must match the name of the class, as you defined it in the class file (starFormationTimescale
in this case), and then we give the name for this implementation, which should always start with the class time, followed by something descriptive of the concepts of this implementation. In our example, we take the class name starFormationTimescale
and add HaloScaling
to describe this implementation, giving us starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
The remainder of this section is a description
element, which should give a detailed description of this implementation - the physics it implements, any relevant equations and references. This should be in LaTeX format, as it will be incorporated into the PDF documentation.
Next, we must define a type
for our implementation. This is the data type that will represent our implementation internally. It will contain any variables that our implementation might need (e.g. to store values of parameters, or tables of results that it needs to refer to, helper objects (e.g. root finders, interpolators), and pointers to other classes that it wants to make use of.
type, extends(starFormationTimescaleClass) :: starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
Implementation of a haloScaling timescale for star formation.
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_ => null()
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass), pointer :: darkMatterHaloScale_ => null()
double precision :: expansionFactorFactorPrevious , exponentVelocityVirial , &
& exponentRedshift , timescaleNormalization , &
& timescaleStored , velocityPrevious , &
& velocityFactorPrevious , expansionFactorPrevious, &
& timeScale_
logical :: timescaleComputed
integer (kind_int8 ) :: lastUniqueID
<method description="Reset memoized calculations." method="calculationReset" />
final :: haloScalingDestructor
procedure :: autoHook => haloScalingAutoHook
procedure :: timescale => haloScalingTimescale
procedure :: calculationReset => haloScalingCalculationReset
end type starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
We begin by opening the type, and giving it a name:
type, extends(starFormationTimescaleClass) :: starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
Note that the extends(starFormationTimescaleClass)
states that this implementation is an extension of the starFormationTimescale
class that we created in the first file. The internal object representing this class is always named in this way - the name that we gave for our class, starFormationTimescale
, plus the suffix Class
. Then, the starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
is the name for our implementation. This must begin with the name of the class, starFormationTimescale
in this case, followed by words describing the concepts of this implementation, all following camelCaseFormat
Advanced: It's possible to have one implementation be an extension of another - reusing most of the functionality of that first implementation, but adding/overriding some behavior. In such cases instead of extends(starFormationTimescaleClass)
we would extend the first implementation. So, for example, if we wanted to create a second implementation that extended our current one, we would use extends(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling)
Next we have a description of the implementation - this can be brief - it is included into the documentation on this implementation object:
Implementation of a haloScaling timescale for star formation.
After this we declare any variables which we want to belong to our implementation. Every time an object is created from our implementation it will contains these variables - this is the "state" or "content" of the implementation.
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_ => null()
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass), pointer :: darkMatterHaloScale_ => null()
double precision :: expansionFactorFactorPrevious , exponentVelocityVirial , &
& exponentRedshift , timescaleNormalization , &
& timescaleStored , velocityPrevious , &
& velocityFactorPrevious , expansionFactorPrevious, &
& timeScale_
logical :: timescaleComputed
integer (kind_int8 ) :: lastUniqueID
The first line, private
, states that all content should be private to the object - the rest of the code can't directly see or modify this content. This is good practice - it allows us to keep the internal state of our implementation fully under its own control.
The remaining lines declare variables and pointers needed by our implementation, following standard Fortran syntax. We won't go into the specifics of the variables for this particular implementation in this tutorial, but we'll note a few things:
- Entries such as
class(cosmologyFunctionsClass), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_ => null()
are pointers to other classes. Often, an implementation will need to make use of some other class to perform part of its calculation. Here, for example, the implementation needs access to functions related to cosmology (the relation between time and redshift specifically). This is done by getting a pointer to such an object (we'll see how this works below). Note thenull()
- this ensures that the pointer is set to be null by default - this avoids potential errors that can occur if a pointer was otherwise left pointing to some random piece of memory. These pointers to other classes are typically given the same name as that class, but with a trailing underscore. - This implementation stores some variables, e.g.
, that store the parameters of the model that it implements. We'll see how these are determined from the parameter file below. - Other variables, such as
are quantities that the implementation computes once, and stores for continued re-use. This is often done to speed up calculations (by avoiding computing the same quantity many times). - This implementation also has variables such as
which are used for memoization in which we store the result of the previous calculation of some function in case we are asked for that same value again - allowing us to re-use the stored result (again, to speed things up). - Also worth noting is the
variable. In this example this stores the normalization of the star formation timescale. Since it has the same name as thetimeScale
method, we add a trailing underscore to distinguish it.
After defining the content of the implementation, we move on to defining the methods that it implements. These are separated from the content by the line
The methods section then begins with descriptions of any methods unique to this implementation (i.e. that were not already defined in the parent class):
<method description="Reset memoized calculations." method="calculationReset" />
Most implementations won't have any unique methods, in which case this section can be omitted. The descriptions are placed with a methods
XML section, in which each method is defined by a method
element, with two attributes, method
which gives the name of the method, and description
that describes what that method does. These descriptions are incorporated into the PDF documentation.
After this we define the methods - in general this just connect the name of the method to the function that provides the functionality:
final :: haloScalingDestructor
procedure :: autoHook => haloScalingAutoHook
procedure :: timescale => haloScalingTimescale
procedure :: calculationReset => haloScalingCalculationReset
In this example we have:
: Thefinal
line is a special case which gives the function that should be called to destroy objects of this type (we'll see more about this below). -
: Another special case - theautoHook
function is automatically called by Galacticus after an object is created or copied. We'll see more on this below. -
: Finally(!) this is the method we defined in the parent class - that will actually do the work of computing a star formation timescale. In this case, we specify that this method is implemented by the functionhaloScalingTimescale
: Last we have a new method, unique to this implementation. We'll learn more about this new method below.
Last, we close the type:
end type starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
After defining our implementation type, we need to give a list of functions that can be used to build objects of this type - these are known as constructors. We'll see more about how constructors work below, for now, we just list the names of the constructor function:
interface starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
Constructors for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation class.
module procedure haloScalingConstructorParameters
module procedure haloScalingConstructorInternal
end interface starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
This list is placed inside an interface
section with a name matched to the name of our implementation. The interface
section contains a short description, followed by the list of constructors, each on a line starting with module procedure
It can often be useful to define parameters that are shared between multiple functions in our class. This is the place to include them. In this example we have:
double precision, parameter :: velocityVirialNormalization=200.0d0
which defines a velocity scale at which the star formation timescale model is normalized.
We're now done with the preamble (defining the type, listing constructors, etc.). The line:
indicates that we've reached the end of this, and are ready to start the actual functions of our implementation.
The first functions we define are constructors. Above, in our list of constructors, we named two constructor functions. Each of these must return as its result an object of our implementation type, starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
, fully initialized so that it is ready to use. Constructor functions are named by starting with the non-class part of our implementation name (so, take starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
, remove the starFormationTimescale
, leaving just haloScaling
Two constructors is typical, but only the first is actually required. In our example, the two constructor functions are:
- This one is required for every implementation - it will build an object of our implementation from the parameter file given to Galacticus (e.g. reading values of parameters from it). -
- This one is not required, but is often useful to have. It can be used internally to build objects of our type as needed. Typically, all relevant parameters needed to set up the object are passed to this constructor as arguments.
We can now look at the first constructor function:
function haloScalingConstructorParameters(parameters) result(self)
Constructor for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation feedback class which takes a
parameter set as input.
use :: Input_Parameters, only : inputParameter, inputParameters
implicit none
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
type (inputParameters ), intent(inout) :: parameters
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass ), pointer :: darkMatterHaloScale_
double precision :: timescale , exponentVelocityVirial, &
& exponentRedshift
<description>The timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
<description>The exponent of virial velocity in the timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
<description>The exponent of redshift in the timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
<objectBuilder class="cosmologyFunctions" name="cosmologyFunctions_" source="parameters"/>
<objectBuilder class="darkMatterHaloScale" name="darkMatterHaloScale_" source="parameters"/>
<inputParametersValidate source="parameters"/>
<objectDestructor name="cosmologyFunctions_" />
<objectDestructor name="darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
end function haloScalingConstructorParameters
We begin by defining the function name and interface:
function haloScalingConstructorParameters(parameters) result(self)
Here we define the arguments to this function - for this required constructor there must be precisely one argument, called parameters
. We also define the name of the variable that will hold the result of the constructor (the object of our implementation that it builds) - this should always be called self
, so we have result(self)
Next we have the usual description for inclusion into the PDF document. This is followed by any module imports that we migth need:
use :: Input_Parameters, only : inputParameters
Here we just import the inputParameters
class from the Input_Parameters
module. This is the type of our parameters
argument, so we must include this.
We then define all variables needed by our constructor function:
implicit none
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
type (inputParameters ), intent(inout) :: parameters
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), pointer :: cosmologyFunctions_
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass ), pointer :: darkMatterHaloScale_
double precision :: timescale , exponentVelocityVirial, &
& exponentRedshift
The implicit none
just enforces that we must explicitly declare all variables (this is good practice). Then we have:
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
type (inputParameters ), intent(inout) :: parameters
The first of these lines defines our self
object - the thing we will construct. It must be defined as a type()
of our implementation type, starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
. The second line defines the argument - for this constructor that is always the parameters
argument and must have the form given above.
After these, we typically have any variables that we need to get from the parameter file so that we can build our object. These will include any pointers to other classes (e.g. cosmologyFunctions_
here), and parameters to be read from the parameter file. Note that the names of these should match the name of the corresponding entry in the implementation type.
The reason for this is that Galacticus will automatically match names in this constructor to those in the type, and automatically generate functions that allow the parameters of the object to be serialized and deserialized in various ways.
Note that here we define a variable timescale
, but in the implementation type we called this variable timescale_
(with a trailing underscore to avoid conflicting with the name of a method). Galacticus knows to look for these trailing underscores and will correctly match up these two variables.
We then begin getting parameter values and other class objects as needed from the parameter file. To get a parameter we include code like this (enclosed inside a !![
<description>The exponent of redshift in the timescale for star formation in the halo scaling timescale model.</description>
This inputParameter
directive tells Galacticus to get a value from the parameter file and assign it to a variable. In this case we ask for the parameter exponentRedshift
which will be assigned to the variable of the same name, and we specify (via the source
element) that this parameter should be obtained from the parameters
object that our function was given as an argument. We also give a description of the parameter (which, as usual, goes into the PDF documentation). We can also choose to specify a default value - here we chose 0.0d0
. If there is an obvious or sensible choice for a default, set one - if there isn't, leave this element out. If no default is given and the parameter file doesn't provide a value, Galacticus will write an error message and stop.
To get pointers to objects of other classes we can use the objectBuilder
directive, like this:
<objectBuilder class="cosmologyFunctions" name="cosmologyFunctions_" source="parameters"/>
We simply tell it what class of object we want, cosmologyFunctions
, what variable to assign this to, cosmologyFunctions_
(note the trailing underscore), and from where to get this object, the parameters
Now that we have the parameters and other objects that we need, we need to actually construct our own object. A typical way to do this is to just call the "internal" constructor function, and make it do the work. The advantage to this is that we then don't have to duplicate the logic of setting up our object - we just do it all in the internal constructor function. So, we have:
where we call the constructor, starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
(note that when calling a constructor, we just use the name of the implementation itself - the compiler will figure out which constructor function we actually want here), giving it all of the arguments it requires (see below), and assign the result to our self
object - which is now fully initialized.
If you get the arguments to the internal constructor wrong (out of order, wrong type, wrong rank, etc.) you'll get a not so helpful error message from the compiler. If that happens, try temporarily calling the internal constructor function directly by replacing starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling
in the above with haloScalingConstructorInternal
- you'll probably get a more informative error message.
We now just have to clean up, and return our resulting object. First, the clean up:
<inputParametersValidate source="parameters"/>
<objectDestructor name="cosmologyFunctions_" />
<objectDestructor name="darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
The first of these lines adds some automatic checking of the parameters provided to this function. If the parameter file included some parameter that was not recognized by this function, Galacticus will emit a warning.
The next two lines destroy the two class objects that we needed to build our own object. It may seem strange to destroy these objects - they're still needed by our own object of course. Galacticus use a reference counting approach, so it knows that, even though we've told it to destroy these objects, they're in use elsewhere, so it doesn't actually destroy them. It will keep them around until the last reference to them is removed, only then will it destroy the object.
Now we just return our result, and end the function.
end function haloScalingConstructorParameters
Our second constructor is the internal constructor - this refers to a constructor that we can use internally to build an object of our implementation - we already did this in our parameters constructor above. The internal constructor looks like this:
function haloScalingConstructorInternal(timescale,exponentVelocityVirial,exponentRedshift,cosmologyFunctions_,darkMatterHaloScale_) result(self)
Internal constructor for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation class.
implicit none
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
double precision , intent(in ) :: timescale , exponentVelocityVirial, &
& exponentRedshift
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), intent(in ), target :: cosmologyFunctions_
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass ), intent(in ), target :: darkMatterHaloScale_
<constructorAssign variables="exponentVelocityVirial, exponentRedshift, *cosmologyFunctions_, *darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
self%lastUniqueID =-1_kind_int8
self%timescaleComputed =.false.
self%velocityPrevious =-1.0d0
self%velocityFactorPrevious =-1.0d0
self%expansionFactorPrevious =-1.0d0
! Compute the normalization of the timescale.
self%timeScale_ =+timescale
self%timeScaleNormalization=+timescale &
& /velocityVirialNormalization**self%exponentVelocityVirial
end function haloScalingConstructorInternal
It begins by defining the function arguments are return value:
function haloScalingConstructorInternal(timescale,exponentVelocityVirial,exponentRedshift,cosmologyFunctions_,darkMatterHaloScale_) result(self)
For this constructor we pass, as arguments, all of the quantities and objects that our object will need. We also specify that the object will be constructed and return as self
There is then the usual brief description text, after which we define the types of all the arguments:
implicit none
type (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling) :: self
double precision , intent(in ) :: timescale , exponentVelocityVirial, &
& exponentRedshift
class (cosmologyFunctionsClass ), intent(in ), target :: cosmologyFunctions_
class (darkMatterHaloScaleClass ), intent(in ), target :: darkMatterHaloScale_
As usual, we begin with implicit none
to assert that all variables must be declared. The self
object must be of type(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling)
in any constructor, so we declare that here. Then we give the types of all of the arguments.
A common thing that we want to do in a constructor is to take the arguments given to us, and assign them to the variables inside of our self
object. Galacticus provides a directive, constructorAssign
, to do this for us. It takes less code than writing these assignments out one at a time, and it also does some reference counting behind the scenes to ensure that we keep track of any other classs objects being used.
<constructorAssign variables="exponentVelocityVirial, exponentRedshift, *cosmologyFunctions_, *darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
This tells Galacticus to assign each of the named variables
to the corresponding object in self
. For the pointers to other objects, we add a *
prefix - this tells Gaalcticus to do pointer assignment (instead of copying the object) and handles reference counting.
We can now do any other initialization that may be needed for our object. In our example we have:
self%lastUniqueID =-1_kind_int8
self%timescaleComputed =.false.
self%velocityPrevious =-1.0d0
self%velocityFactorPrevious =-1.0d0
self%expansionFactorPrevious =-1.0d0
which just initializes the variables used for memoization to some unphysical values (good practice since if we attempt to use them before updating them we will then get an error message [which is better than not getting an error message and instead getting wrong results]), and:
! Compute the normalization of the timescale.
self%timeScale_ =+timescale
self%timeScaleNormalization=+timescale &
& /velocityVirialNormalization**self%exponentVelocityVirial
which precomputes (and stores in the self
object) a quantity that we will need to use every time our object is used to compute a star formation timescale. Since this value will be the same every time, it makes things slightly faster to compute it once, store the result, and re-use that stored result when needed.
We then just return our constructed object and finish the function.
end function haloScalingConstructorInternal
The autoHook
method is a special that gets called automatically whenever an object is created or copied. This can be useful to perform actions on a new object. In our example case, the function linked to the autoHook
method looks like this:
subroutine haloScalingAutoHook(self)
Attach to the calculation reset event.
use :: Events_Hooks, only : calculationResetEvent, openMPThreadBindingAllLevels
implicit none
class(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
call calculationResetEvent%attach(self,haloScalingCalculationReset,openMPThreadBindingAllLevels,label='starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling')
end subroutine haloScalingAutoHook
It takes a single argument, self
, which must be declared with:
class(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
This is the object that was created/copied. In this example, we're using the autoHook
method to attach our object to the calculationReset
event. We won't go into detail about this event (or events in general) here, but, briefly, the calculationReset
event is called every time Galacticus updates a node in a merger tree. Since our implementation uses memoization to store and re-use results of its calculations it needs to know when those stored results are no longer valid. The calculationReset
event lets it know that. We tell the calculationReset
event to call our function haloScalingCalculationReset
as needed.
We created our object with the constructors described above. When our object is no longer needed, we need to destroy it. That is handled by the destructor. This is a function that cleans up anything in the object before the memory associated with it is destroyed. In our example, the destructor looks like this:
subroutine haloScalingDestructor(self)
Destructor for the {\normalfont \ttfamily haloScaling} timescale for star formation class.
use :: Events_Hooks, only : calculationResetEvent
implicit none
type(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
<objectDestructor name="self%cosmologyFunctions_" />
<objectDestructor name="self%darkMatterHaloScale_"/>
if (calculationResetEvent%isAttached(self,haloScalingCalculationReset)) call calculationResetEvent%detach(self,haloScalingCalculationReset)
end subroutine haloScalingDestructor
Destructors have a single self
argument, declared as:
type(starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
In our example, there are two things we need to do in our destructor:
- Detach from the
event (that we attached to in via theautoHook
method); - Destroy any objects that we kept pointers to in our object. This is done using the
directive. For example:
<objectDestructor name="self%cosmologyFunctions_" />
tells Galacticus that we are done with the object pointed to by self%cosmologyFunctions_
. It will update the reference count to this object, and, if it decides the object is no longer in use anywhere, it will destroy it.
In our example implementation we also have a function haloScalingCalculationReset
that will be called by the calculationReset
event (see above for details). We won't go into details about this function, but note that it simply resets the state of our implementation's memoization variables, forcing them to be recomputed as needed.
Finally, we get to implementing the actual physics of this class. (Object-oriented programming can be very verbose - we did a lot of work above just to get to the point of writing this simple function that actually does the physics. The advanatge of this however is that we then have a lot of flexibility in how we piece together different parts of the model.)
In our example, our function looks like this:
double precision function haloScalingTimescale(self,component) result(timescale)
Returns the timescale (in Gyr) for star formation in the given {\normalfont \ttfamily component} in the halo scaling
timescale model.
use :: Galacticus_Nodes, only : nodeComponentBasic
implicit none
class (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
class (nodeComponent ), intent(inout) :: component
class (nodeComponentBasic ), pointer :: basic
double precision :: expansionFactor, velocityVirial
! Check if node differs from previous one for which we performed calculations.
if (component%hostNode%uniqueID() /= self%lastUniqueID) call self%calculationReset(component%hostNode,component%hostNode%uniqueID())
! Compute the timescale if necessary.
if (.not.self%timescaleComputed) then
! Get virial velocity and expansion factor.
basic => component%hostNode%basic ( )
velocityVirial = self %darkMatterHaloScale_%velocityVirial (component%hostNode )
expansionFactor = self %cosmologyFunctions_ %expansionFactor(basic %time ())
! Compute the velocity factor.
if (velocityVirial /= self%velocityPrevious) then
self%velocityPrevious =velocityVirial
end if
! Compute the expansion-factor factor.
if (expansionFactor /= self%expansionFactorPrevious) then
self%expansionFactorPrevious = expansionFactor
end if
! Computed the timescale.
self%timescaleStored=+self%timeScaleNormalization &
& *self%velocityFactorPrevious &
& *self%expansionFactorFactorPrevious
! Record that the timescale is now computed.
end if
! Return the stored timescale.
end function haloScalingTimescale
We start by opening the function:
double precision function haloScalingTimescale(self,component) result(timescale)
The type of the function (double precision
) and the names of the arguments must match precisely with those defined in our class. The name of the result
can be whatever you want, but typically it makes sense to set this to match the method name, i.e. result(timescale)
in this example. The declarations of the self
argument must be:
class (starFormationTimescaleHaloScaling), intent(inout) :: self
and other arguments must match their definitions in our class:
class (nodeComponent ), intent(inout) :: component
The remainder of the function does whatever it needs to do to evaluate this particular model of the star formation timescale. We won't dicuss this in detail in this tutorial, but a few things are worth noticing:
- To make use of memoization we do:
! Check if node differs from previous one for which we performed calculations.
if (component%hostNode%uniqueID() /= self%lastUniqueID) call self%calculationReset(component%hostNode,component%hostNode%uniqueID())
! Compute the timescale if necessary.
if (.not.self%timescaleComputed) then
which first checks if the component
we were passed belongs to the same node for which we've already computed and memoized results. It does this by comparing the uniqueID()
of the node (which, as the name suggests, is guaranteed to be unique to each node in any Galacticus run). It then checks if the timescale has already been computed and, if not, computes it, recording at the end that the memoized results are now initialized:
! Record that the timescale is now computed.
- We make use of the other class objects that we kept pointers to, for example:
velocityVirial = self %darkMatterHaloScale_%velocityVirial (component%hostNode )
expansionFactor = self %cosmologyFunctions_ %expansionFactor(basic %time ())
in which we compute the virial velocity of the node to which the component
belongs, and compute the expansion factor of the universe at the time at which this node exists.
3. The final result is returned by assigning it from the memoized value:
! Return the stored timescale.
You can now use your new class anywhere in Galacticus. For example, some other class might want to know the timescale for star formation. To do so, it would import the class:
use :: Star_Formation_Timescales, only : starFormationTimescaleClass
add a pointer to it inside its own implementation type:
class(starFormationTimescaleClass), pointer :: starFormationTimescale_ => null()
and build an instance of our new class using:
<objectBuilder class="starFormationTimescale" name="starFormationTimescale_" source="parameters"/>
in just the same way as our example implementation above made use of the cosmologyFunctions
Then, when you compile Galacticus it will automatically discover your new class, build it, and link it in to the resulting Galacticus.exe
executable. It will then recognize your new class, and its parameters, in the parameter file, e.g.:
<starFormationTimescale value="haloScaling">
<exponentRedshift value="0.0"/>
<exponentVelocityVirial value="0.0"/>
<timescale value="1.0"/>
- Introduction to Galacticus parameter files
- Dark matter halo mass function
- Warm dark matter halo mass function
- Power spectra
- Warm dark matter power spectra
- Dark matter only merger trees
- Subsampling of merger tree branches
- Dark matter only subhalo evolution
- Solving the excursion set problem
- Reionization calculations
- Instantaneous & Non-instantaneous recycling
- Computing Broadband Stellar Luminosities
- Postprocessing of stellar spectra
- Using N-body Merger Trees
- Generating Mock Catalogs with Lightcones
- Constraining Galacticus parameters
- Generating galaxy merger trees
How Galacticus works
- Structure Formation Flowchart
- Merger Tree Building Flowchart
- How Galacticus Evolves Halos and Galaxies
- Galaxy Physics Flowchart
- CGM Cooling Physics Flowchart
- Star Formation Physics Flowchart
- Outflow Physics Flowchart
- Galactic Structure Flowchart
- CGM Physics Flowchart
- SMBH Physics Flowchart
- Subhalo Evolution Flowchart
- Coding conventions
- Coding tutorials
Reference models
- Benchmarks and validation scores
- Validation plots and data