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Tutorial: Using N body Merger Trees
See the documentation for details of how to build merger tree files suitable for input into Galacticus. There are many options which control precisely how merger trees read from file should be handled. The following section provides guidance on the best choice of parameters.
To utilize merger trees from the file1 that you created in a Galacticus run it’s necessary to set two blocks of parameters in the input parameter file that you will use for the run:
<!-- Specify that merger trees are to be read from file, give the name of the file to read, and the type of importer to use. -->
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<fileNames value="treeFile.hdf5"/>
<treeIndexToRootNodeIndex value="false" />
<outputTimeSnapTolerance value="0.001" />
<presetMergerTimes value="true" />
<presetOrbits value="true" />
<presetSpins value="false" />
<presetPositions value="true" />
<presetSubhaloMasses value="false" />
<presetScaleRadii value="false" />
<presetMergerNodes value="true" />
<mergerTreeImporter value="galacticus">
<fatalMismatches value="true" />
<reweightTrees value="false"/>
<validate value="false"/>
The first of these mergerTreeConstruct=read
tells Galacticus that merger trees will be
constructed by reading them from a file. The second, mergerTreeImporter
, gives the type of importer to use - in this case we use the galacticus
importer which knows how to import data from the standard Galacticus merger to file format.
There are many sub-parameters which can be set to change the behavior of merger tree reading. In order to choose sensible settings for the various parameters that control merger trees read from file, it is recommended that you read through each of the items below and follow the guidance given.
Cosmology: In addition to specifying that trees should
be read from a file, it’s also important to ensure that the values of
cosmological parameters in Galacticus match those in the merger tree file. (If
they don’t match, Galacticus will stop with an error message unless you set
in which case you’ll just be warned about any
mismatch.) In our case of using merger trees from the Millennium
Simulation, the correct cosmological parameter values can be set as
<!-- Use Millennium Simulation cosmology. -->
<cosmologyParameters value="simple"/>
<HubbleConstant value="73.0" />
<OmegaMatter value="0.25" />
<OmegaDarkEnergy value="0.75" />
<OmegaBaryon value="0.0455"/>
<cosmologicalMassVariance value="filteredPower">
<sigma_8 value="0.900"/>
<powerSpectrumPrimordial value="powerLaw">
<index value="1.000"/>
<wavenumberReference value="1.000"/>
<running value="0.000"/>
Existance at Final Time: Normally, Galacticus assumes that all
merger trees will exist (i.e. have at least one node present) at the
final output time. This may not be true of trees extracted from an
N-body simulation—in this case Galacticus can be informed of this fact by setting the subparameter allTreesExistAtFinalTime=false
in the mergerTreeEvolver
<mergerTreeEvolver value="standard">
<allTreesExistAtFinalTime value="false"/>
Snapping Nodes to Snapshots: N-body merger trees are
often built from “snapshots” of the simulation, i.e. all of the nodes
exist at a set of discrete times. Often we want to output nodes at
precisely these output times. In such cases it is useful to set the subparameter in the mergerTreeConstructor
<outputTimeSnapTolerance value="0.001"/>
which ensures that the times of nodes are adjusted to lie at precisely the output time if that time is within the specified relative tolerance (this avoids any small differences between node times and output times that can arises due to rounding errors when converting from redshifts to times and vice-versa).
Missing Hosts: Galacticus expects to find each node’s host present in
a merger tree file. If a node’s host is not found this is cause for a fatal
error to be issued, since it is impossible to correctly construct and
evolve the corresponding tree. If you absolutely want to run a tree for which one
or more hosts are missing, you can allow this by setting the subparameter in the mergerTreeConstructor
—in this case missing hosts trigger a warning only
and nodes without a host are forced to become isolated nodes. This will lead to
incorrect tree evolution however, so the recommended setting is:
<missingHostsAreFatal value="true"/>
Branch Jumps and Subhalo Promotions: If your merger
trees contain subhalos they will most likely exhibit two specific
behaviors2: i) halos which are subhalos in one timestep may become
non-subhalos (isolated halos) in a subsequent timestep (“subhalo
promotion”), and ii) which are subhalos in one branch of the tree may
“jump” to another branch3 of the tree becoming a subhalo there
(“branch jumping”). These behaviors are fully supported by Galacticus and so we
recommend the following settings for subparameters in the mergerTreeConstructor
<allowSubhaloPromotions value="true"/>
<allowBranchJumps value="true"/>
You may choose to disallow these behaviors by setting either of the
above parameters to false
—for example if you wish to
explore how your results would differ if subhalos were forced to remain
subhalos forever in their original branch. Note that allowing subhalo
promotion while not allowing branch jumping can lead to in merger tree
evolution, so change these settings with caution.
Note that for trees which do not contain subhalos these two parameters are irrelevant.
Subhalo Masses: If your trees contain subhalos, the mass evolution of those subhalos can be preset in the satellite component of each node. In this way, the subhalo mass in Galacticus will track that specified by the merger tree file. This requires the use of a satellite component which allows presetting of subhalo masses. Recommended settings are therefore:
<componentSatellite value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSubhaloMasses value="true" />
If your trees do not contain subhalos, recommended settings are instead:
<componentSatellite value="standard"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSubhaloMasses value="false" />
Halo Positions/Velocities: If your trees contain position and velocity information for halos, those positions and velocities can be preset in the position component of each . This requires the use of a position component which allows presetting of positions and velocities. Recommended settings are therefore:
<componentPosition value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetPositions value="true" />
If your trees do not contain position information recommended settings are:
<componentPosition value="null"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetPositions value="false" />
Subhalo Orbits: If your trees contain position and velocity information they can be used to preset initial orbit information for subhalos. Note that it is not required that your trees contain subhalos for this orbit presetting to be performed—Galacticus can follow subhalo orbits even if subhalos are not included in the trees themselves. The following settings are recommended:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetOrbits value="true"/>
<presetOrbitsSetAll value="true"/>
<presetOrbitsAssertAllSet value="true"/>
<presetOrbitsBoundOnly value="true"/>
These options will cause an orbit to be preset for each subhalo based on the relative position and velocity of merging halos and assuming that the orbital energy and angular momentum are conserved between the time immediately prior to the merger and the time of virial radius crossing. If the computed orbit does not cross the virial radius of the larger halo or if the computed orbit is unbound, the above options cause an orbit to be preset by drawing orbital parameters at random from the chosen cosmological distribution (see the documentation).
Subhalo Merging: If your merger trees contain subhalo information, that information can be used to specify when, and with which other node, each subhalo merges. Specifically, a subhalo is assumed to merge at the time at which it is not the primary progenitor of its descendent halo—possibly with some other delay to be described below. Recommended settings are:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetMergerTimes value="true" />
<presetMergerNodes value="true" />
<satelliteMergingTimescalesSubresolution value="boylanKolchin2008"/>
The first two options cause subhalos to merge at the time described
above, and with their descendent node. The final option accounts for the
possibility that the subhalo should not actually merge immediately at
this time. For example, in N-body simulations, the subhalo may have
simply been lost due to limitations of resolution or halo finder
algorithms. The final option specifies that some additional time until
merging be added based on the subhalo merging timescale algorithm of Boylan-Kolchin et al. (2008; boylanKolchin2008
and computed using the last known orbital properties of the subhalo.
Halo Scale Radii: If your merger trees contain information on halo scale radii or half-mass radii, these can be used to preset the scale radius of each . This requires the use of a dark matter profile component which allows presetting of scale length. Recommended settings are therefore:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetScaleRadii value="true" />
<presetScaleRadiiFailureIsFatal value="true" />
<presetScaleRadiiConcentrationMinimum value="3" />
<presetScaleRadiiConcentrationMaximum value="60" />
<presetScaleRadiiMinimumMass value="see below"/>
Minimum and maximum concentrations are specified—these are used to restrict the range of scale radii that are allowed for a given halo. If scale radii are to be determined based on half-mass radii given in the merger tree file, and if the computed scale radius does not result in a concentration between these limits, then a fatal error is issued.
Finally, you can set a minimum halo mass via the parameter below which the scale radii or half-mass radii in your file should be considered not reliable. For halos below this mass, scale radii will instead be assigned via the selected dark matter halo concentration method (see the documentation).
Halo Angular Momenta: If your merger trees contain spin or angular momentum information these can be preset for each node. Recommended settings are:
<componentSpin value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSpins value="true" />
<presetUnphysicalSpins value="true" />
The last of these options causes any halos for which the spin given in the merger tree file is non-positive to be assigned a spin at random instead, drawn from the specified cosmological distribution (see the documentation).
If subhalo masses are not included in their host halo masses in your merger tree file, you should specify how the angular momenta of subhalos should be accounted for when adding their mass to their host halo. If positions and 3D angular momenta are available in your merger tree file, the recommended setting is:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<subhaloAngularMomenta value="summation"/>
If this information is not present
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<subhaloAngularMomenta value="scale" />
should be used instead.
If your merger tree file contains 3D spin or angular momentum information, you can choose to make that information available within Galacticus be using the settings:
<componentSpin value="preset3D"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSpins3D value="true" />
Subhalo Indices: If your merger trees contain subhalos, you can tell Galacticus to keep track of the indices of subhalos by setting:
<componentSatellite value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSubhaloIndices value="true" />
The Galacticus output file will then contain satelliteNodeIndex
datasets which list the index (as given in the merger tree file) for all
subhalos and halos. Without specifying this presetting, the index of
subhalos is frozen at the index of the halo immediately prior to it
becoming a subhalo.
The remainder of this section gives more detail about many of the parameters described above and how they affect handling of merger trees read from file. Further parameters can be set to control what information from the stored trees will be used in . Examples are given below.
Further details of the effects of the many parameters controlling merger trees read from file are given below.
If position and velocity information for tree nodes is available within the merger tree file then Galacticus can be instructed to use this information by using the “preset” method for tree node positions and telling the merger tree construction method to preset node positions as follows:
<!-- Use merger tree node positions -->
<componentPosition value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetPositions value="true" />
If position information is unavailable, the “null” position method can be selected and the merger tree construction method instructed not to preset positions as follows:
<!-- Do not use merger tree node positions -->
<componentPosition value="null"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetPositions value="false" />
If position and velocity information for tree nodes is available within the merger tree file then Galacticus can be instructed to use this information to estimate the orbit of each subhalo at the point at which it crosses the virial radius of its host halo. This “virial orbit” may then be used by, for example, calculations of merging timescales.
<!-- Use merger tree node positions to compute orbits at the virial radius -->
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetOrbits value="true"/>
<presetOrbitsBoundOnly value="true"/>
<presetOrbitsSetAll value="true"/>
<presetOrbitsAssertAllSet value="true"/>
Typically, a merging halo is not seen at precisely the time at which it
crosses the virial radius of its host (due to the fact that N-body
simulations are output at discretely spaced timesteps). Therefore,
Galacticus computes the orbit at the time just prior to merging and assumes that
the orbital parameters (energy and angular momentum) remain fixed to
propagate the orbit to the virial radius of the host. The second
parameter in the above example, presetOrbitsBoundOnly
, specifies whether or not only bound
orbits should be set. Some calculations (e.g. of subhalo merging times)
assume bound orbits and may fail if given an unbound orbit. Setting this
option to true
causes only bound orbits to be
preset—unbound orbits are ignored. Note that some orbits cannot be
propagated to the virial radius (i.e. their pericenter is larger than
the virial radius). The option, if true, will cause such orbits to be
assigned randomly using the selected , such that all orbits are
assigned. The option requires that all orbits be set—if
and presetOrbitsAssertAllSet=true
then Galacticus will exit with an
error message if any orbit cannot be set.
If the satellite component additionally permits setting of the satellite position and velocity, these properties will also be assigned based on the relative position and velocity of the satellite and host halos.
The times at which subhalos merge with their host halo can be determined directly from the merger tree file if subhalo information is included in that file. Merging is assumed to occur when the subhalo no longer has a distinct descendent (i.e. it descends into a non-subhalo). If merging times are to be computed in this way set
<componentSatellite value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read" >
<presetMergerTimes value="true" />
which select a satellite orbit method that allows merger times to be present and tell the merger tree construction method to preset those merger times respectively. If merger times are not to be computed in this way then instead set, for example,
<componentSatellite value="standard" />
<satelliteMerging value="jiang2008"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetMergerNodes value="false"/>
which selects a standard satellite orbit method, prevents attempts to
preset the merger times and selects the jiang2008
for computing merger times instead.
In addition to setting the times of merger events, it is possible to set the target node with which a merging node should merge. By default, Galacticus will assume that all merging occurs with the non-subhalo host node in which a subhalo is located. This may not be the desired behavior when using N-body merger trees. For example, such trees may indicate that a subhalo merges with another subhalo. Setting
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetMergerNodes value="true"/>
will cause the target node with which each merger should occur to be determined from the merger tree structure and preset for use in .
It is possible to add a delay between the last time at which a subhalo
was seen in a simulation and the time at which it is considered to
merge. This functionality is motivated by the consideration that a
subhalo vanishing from a simulation may be simply due to it dropping
below resolution rather than it actually having undergone a merger. The
parameter can be used to select a satellite merging timescale method
(see the documentation) to use in this case. (It is
set by default to “null
” such that no delay before merging
occurs.) The orbit of the subhalo around its parent at the last time it
is present in the merger tree is passed to this method and used to
estimate a time until merging. This delay is added to the time at which
the subhalo merges and, if merge target nodes are being set, the target
node is updated accordingly.
The indices of subhalos are usually frozen at the index of the halo just prior to becoming a subhalo. The index of the corresponding halo in the original tree (as read from file) can be tracked as follows:
<componentSatellite value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSubhaloIndices value="true" />
to first select the “preset” satellite orbit method (which allows
subhalo indices to be preset) and, second, to instruct the merger tree
construction algorithm to preset those indices. The index will then be
available in output as satelliteNodeIndex
The masses of subhalos (specifically their time evolution after they become subhalos) can be set using the values stored in the merger tree file (if available). To set subhalo masses in this way use
<componentSatellite value="preset"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSubhaloMasses value="true" />
to first select the “preset” satellite orbit method (which allows subhalo masses to be preset) and, second, to instruct the merger tree construction algorithm to preset those masses.
If information on the angular momenta of nodes is available in the merger tree file, this can be used to preset the value of the spin parameter in each node4 by setting:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetSpins value="true"/>
The spin parameter is set using the spin of each node if available, or otherwise using the angular momentum of each node stored in the merger tree file using: λ = |J| |E|1/2 / G M5/2, where |J| is the magnitude of the node’s angular momentum, M is the node’s mass and E is its energy. Additionally, by setting:
<mergerTreeReadPresetSpins3D value="true"/>
the spin vector of each node will be set (assuming that the vector spin or angular momenta of nodes are available in the merger tree file) using: λ = J |E|1/2 / G M5/2.
If spins could not be determined for some halos the spin (or angular
momentum) should be set to zero in the merger tree file, and the
parameter set to true
. Galacticus will then assign a spin to such
halos by sampling from the selected spin distribution (see
the documentation).
If information on the half-mass or scale radii of nodes is available in the merger tree file, it can be used to preset the value of the dark matter halo scale radius in each node by setting:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<presetScaleRadii value="true"/>
Before doing this, it is important to be sure that the half-mass or
scale radii of the nodes are reliable. For example, in low mass nodes
extracted from an N-body simulation resolution effect may limit the
accuracy of the measured half-mass or scale radius. In such cases, use
the parameter to specify the lowest mass halos for which the scale radii
should be preset—lower mass halos will be assigned a scale radius using
the method specified by the parameter (which will default to the value
of ; see the documentation). It is also possible
to specify minimum and maximum allowed concentrations when computing the
scale radius from the half mass radius using the and parameters. If
matching the half mass radius would require a concentration outside of
this range, Galacticus will abort unless presetScaleRadiiFailureIsFatal=false
, in which case it
will instead silently use the fallback concentration method described
If only half-mass radii are available, the scale radius is set by using a root finding algorithm to ensure that half of the total halo mass is enclosed within the specified half-mass radius.
Several miscellaneous properties often available from N-body merger
trees can also be preset by setting the following subparameters of the mergerTreeConstructor
block to
: Sets the number of particles in each halo (requires the
dataset to be present in the merger tree
: Sets the maxima of halo rotation curves (requires the
dataset to be present in the merger
tree file);
: Sets the velocity dispersion of halos (requires the
dataset to be present in the merger
tree file).
A subhalo may, at a later time, become an isolated halo once again. Galacticus allows you to control whether such behavior is allowed, or should be prohibited. To allow such “subhalo promotion”, set:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<allowSubhaloPromotions value="true"/>
If you choose to inhibit this behavior by setting the above parameter to false, a halo that becomes a subhalo will remain a subhalo forever thereafter. Note that the isolated halo to which it would have been promoted will still exist, and may therefore form its own galaxy. This can result in double counting of mass, and so inhibiting subhalo promotion is not recommended.
In some cases, a halo that is part of one tree can later become part of another tree. This can happen in so-called “fly-by” encounters where a halo may briefly become a subhalo in a halo in tree A then leave that halo and become a subhalo in tree B.
The correct way to handle this issue is to combine trees A and B into a single tree (which will now have multiple base nodes). Galacticus will then process these two trees simultaneously, correctly handling the fly-by, and outputting the trees as two separate trees.
If for some reason this is not possible or desired, the fly-by problem will normally cause Galacticus to complain that the host halo of a node cannot be found (since it exists in a different tree). This problem can be avoided by setting:
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<missingHostsAreFatal value="false"/>
In this case, nodes with missing hosts are simply treated as being isolated halos. This will avoid an error condition, but is not a physically correct way to handle such cases, so use with caution.
In N-body simulations it is possible that a subhalo can become “lost” from the simulation (i.e. can no longer be identified by a halo finder due to resolution issues) before it has actually merged with the central galaxy or been completely tidally destroyed. In such cases it is useful to be able to assign a position to the subhalo at later times. A common approach to assigning a position (and velocity) is to use that of the most bound particle in the subhalo at the last time it was identified. Galacticus allows for particle tracking in this way through the addition of particle information to the merger tree file.
To add particle tracking data to a merger tree file, follow these steps:
Identify all subhalos which are lost from the simulation prior to the final timestep;
Determine the index of the most bound particle in each such subhalo in the last timestep in which it was identified;
For each subhalo, extract the redshift, position, and velocity of that particle (which is usually trivial to do once its index is known) at each subsequent timestep in the simulation;
Write these data (along with the particle index) to the
group in the merger tree file as described here; -
Add two datasets to the
which should indicate the index in the datasets in theparticles
group at which the data for each halo begins (or -1 if no particle data is included for the halo); -
which should indicate the number of entries in the datasets in theparticles
> group for each halo (or -0 if no particle data is included for the halo).
Halos can move between merger trees (see "Subhalo Promotion" and "Fly-by Halos"), leading to the necessity of merger tree forests—interconnected groups of merger trees that Galacticus typically processes as a whole. These forests can become very large—in some cases so large that they do not fit within the available memory. Galacticus can handle such forests by splitting them into individual trees. Each tree is processed separately, and nodes are moved between trees as needed. If a tree needs a node from another tree before its evolution can continue, its state can be suspended to disk, and later re-read once the node it requires becomes available. In this way, very large forests can be processed without running out of memory (as trees are stored to disk while they are not being processed).
To cause forests to be split in this way, the following parameters should be set:
<task value="evolveForests">
<suspendToRAM value="false" />
<suspendPath value="/my/scratch/path/"/>
<mergerTreeConstructor value="read">
<forestSizeMaximum value="10000000" />
<subresolutionMerging value="infinite" />
Here, suspendToRAM
specifies that merger trees
should be suspended to disk (i.e. not to RAM which is the default), and
gives a path where the suspended
trees can be written—typically scratch space local to the compute node
where Galacticus is being run is a good option.
specifies the maximum
number of nodes allowed in a forest before it will be split. A suitable
number for this depends on the details of the available RAM, the number
of threads sharing that RAM, and the characteristics of the Galacticus model being
used (which will affect the memory required per node).
Finally, subresolutionMerging
is set to
to prevent any merging (which is not supported for
split forests at present, although it should be soon).
Components of the position of each node are output as
, positionY
and can be accessed in the same way as other
output properties from Galacticus (see the documentation).
The current mass of subhalos is available via the
output dataset and can be accessed in the
same way as other output properties from Galacticus (see the documentation).
For non-subhalos this property is equal to the usual
[1]: The following assumes that merger trees will be read from a file following Galacticus’s standard HDF5 format which is described here.
[2]: These two behaviors are called out as they specifically do not occur in merger trees created using Press-Schechter-based algorithms for example.
[3]: That is, the subhalo’s descendent is hosted by a other than the descendent of the subhalo’s host.
[4]: Before doing this, it is important to be sure that the angular momenta of the nodes are reliable. For example, in low mass nodes extracted from an N-body simulation resolution effect may limit the accuracy of the measured angular momentum.
[5]: Note that these are not the ID numbers of the trees, just a sequential count of all trees retrieved.
- Introduction to Galacticus parameter files
- Dark matter halo mass function
- Warm dark matter halo mass function
- Power spectra
- Warm dark matter power spectra
- Dark matter only merger trees
- Subsampling of merger tree branches
- Dark matter only subhalo evolution
- Solving the excursion set problem
- Reionization calculations
- Instantaneous & Non-instantaneous recycling
- Computing Broadband Stellar Luminosities
- Postprocessing of stellar spectra
- Using N-body Merger Trees
- Generating Mock Catalogs with Lightcones
- Constraining Galacticus parameters
- Generating galaxy merger trees
How Galacticus works
- Structure Formation Flowchart
- Merger Tree Building Flowchart
- How Galacticus Evolves Halos and Galaxies
- Galaxy Physics Flowchart
- CGM Cooling Physics Flowchart
- Star Formation Physics Flowchart
- Outflow Physics Flowchart
- Galactic Structure Flowchart
- CGM Physics Flowchart
- SMBH Physics Flowchart
- Subhalo Evolution Flowchart
- Coding conventions
- Coding tutorials
Reference models
- Benchmarks and validation scores
- Validation plots and data