This is my personal resume in FRESH format. I use HackMyResume to generate output files from the YAML file(s). I use a forkk of fresh-themes for the styles.
brew install wkhtmltopdf
Generate output using these commands:
# this line is an awkward hack because HackMyResume doesn't accept YAML for some reason
ruby -ryaml -rjson -e 'puts JSON.pretty_generate(YAML.load(ARGF))' < default.yml > default.json
# this is a fork that contains a custom theme
git clone
# once my custom theme supports multiple formats (i.e. PDF, MS Word) I can specify index.all
npx hackmyresume BUILD default.json TO out/index.html -t fresh-themes/themes/jae
npx hackmyresume BUILD default.json TO out/default.pdf -t fresh-themes/themes/jae
open out/index.html
open out/default.pdf
- Finish styling to the spec
- Move theme to this repo and reduce to one build (factor out fresh-themes)
- Support PDF output
- Update LinkedIn through build
- Update Stack Overflow Developer Story through build
- Update Standard Resume through build
Include Codeship status in siteMove build to GitHub Actions - Include this repo in site (see this commit)
- Open PR for HackMyResume to accept YAML input instead of just JSON