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An attempt to be able to use Dart as a scripting language for Godot.

Because I like Dart.

And I want to use it in Godot.

Current State


This extension is compatible with Godot 4.2+. Global Classes require Godot 4.3

Here's a list of planned features and work still to be done ( ✅ - Seems to be working, 🟨 - Partially working, ❌ - Not working)

Feature Support Note
Dart as a Godot Extension Language 🟨
Dart Debugging Extension Attach to
Dart Available as a Scripting Language 🟨 Mostly usable in personal testing
Hot Reload Hot Reload button now included.
Simplified Binding using build_runner 🟨 Early implementation
Dart native Variants Needed for performance reasons, Vector2 and Vector3 are done
Memory efficiency / Leak prevention All RefCounted objects appear to be working correclty.
Godot Editor inspector integration
Godot Editor -> Dart LSP Integration
Augmentation Support


You can now download a usable extension zip from out Github Actions.

Unzip this into a Godot project, then run dart pub get in the ./src directory before relaunching Godot.

You should now be able to create Dart scripts from Godot.

Note, I recommend editing your code in another IDE (I use VSCode) and have build_runner watching your code to regenerate the required files on save. When you return to Godot, clicking Reload for the modified files will also trigger a Dart hot-reload, and all of your properties will be available in the Godot editor.

Setup From source



Note there are two ways to use Dart with Godot: as an extension language and as a Script language. Both are only partially implemented.

Dart classes as Scripts

Scripts can then be attached to exiting nodes, just like any other GDScript. You should be able to create a Dart script by using the "Attach Script" command in the editor. This will create the necessary boilerplate for a Dart script.

While not required, the easiest way to create a scripts is to use build_runner and the godot_dart_builder package. After creating your script, run build_runner and the necessary boilerplate will be generated.

// Include the <file>.g.dart with the generated code
part 'simple_script.g.dart';

// Generate the boilerplate for this object to be an accessible Godot script
class SimpleScript extends Sprite2D  {
  // Return the type info that was generated...
  static TypeInfo get sTypeInfo => _$SimpleScriptTypeInfo();
  // And provide an instance method to get the type info
  TypeInfo get typeInfo => SimpleScript.sTypeInfo;
  // Required constructor
  SimpleScript() : super();

  // Second required contructor. Classes that are Scripts must have a named constructor 
  // called `withNonNullOwner`.
  SimpleScript.withNonNullOwner(Pointer<Void> owner)
      : super.withNonNullOwner(owner);

  // You can export fields as properties
  int speed = 400

  // Overridden virtuals are added automatically via build_runner
  void vReady() {}

  void vProcess(double delta) {}

  // You can also export methods for RPC
  @GodotRpc(mode: MultiplayerAPIRPCMode.rpcModeAnyPeer, callLocal: true)
  void rpcMesssage(String message) {}

  // Any method that needs to be seen by a signal needs to be exported
  void onSignal() {
    // To call an RPC as an RPC you use the $rpc variable

build_runner will also generate a registration file that must be imported into your main.dart, and its script resolver will need to be attached:

import 'godot_dart_scripts.g.dart';

void main() {
  // ... other bindings



You can add signals to your script with the GodotSignal property. This takes the signal name and a list of arguments for the signal:

class Hud extends CanvasLayer {

  late final Signal _startGame = Signal.fromObjectSignal(this, 'start_game');

You can then emit signals with Signal.emit.

Classes from Godot support type safe signal subscription for each or their signals. For example, if you want to subscribe to the animation_added signal on AnimationLibrary, you can do so like so:

class MyClass extends Node {
  void vReady() {
    final animationLibrary = getNodeT<AnimationLibrary>('AnimationLibrary');
    animationLibrary.animationAdded.connect(this, _animationAdded);

  void _animationAdded(String name) {
    // ...

These signal connections are automatically cleaned up if the target supplied to connect is removed.

Dart classes as Extensions

Here's a Simple example class that can be used as an extension.

class Simple extends Sprite2D {
  // Create a static `sTypeInfo`. This is required for various Dart methods
  // implemented in C++ to gather information about your type.
  static late TypeInfo sTypeInfo = TypeInfo(
    parentClass: StringName.fromString('Sprite2D'),
    // a vTable getter is required for classes that will be used from extensions.
    // If you are not adding any virtual functions, just return the base class's vTable.    
    vTable: Sprite2D.sTypeInfo.vTable;
  // An override of [typeInfo] is required. This is how
  // the bindings understand the what types it's looking at.
  TypeInfo get typeInfo => sTypeInfo;

  double _timePassed = 0.0;

  // Parameterless constructor is required and must call super()
  Simple() : super();
  // All virtual functions from Godot should be available, and start
  // with a v instead of an underscore.
  void vProcess(double delta) {
    _timePassed += delta;

    final x = 10.0 + (10.0 * sin(_timePassed * 2.0));
    final y = 10.0 + (10.0 * cos(_timePassed * 2.0));
    final newPosition = Vector2.fromXY(x, y);
    print('vProcess - $x, $y, ${newPosition.x}, ${newPosition.y}');

  // The simplest way to bind your class it to create a static function to
  // bind it to Godot. The name doesn't matter
  static void bind() {

Dart classes used as an Extension will appear as creatable in the "Create New Node" interface, but aren't editable or attachable to existing nodes. At the moment, you will need to restart the editor for your new classes to appear.

These classes need to be registered to Godot in main.dart:

void main() {

Deviations from Godot code


Early versions of Godot Dart required using .cast<T> to perform downcasting. This is no longer necessary. Dart's built in is and as operators should now work to perform downcasting. cast<T> has also been removed and replaced with .as<T>, which is an implementation of as? or dynamic_cast.

Virtual functions

Godot prefixes virtual functions with _, which obviously Dart doesn't like. I wanted to have these just remove the _, but this creates some conflicts with methods that have the same names.

So instead, Godot Dart prefixes all virtual methods with v.

Indirectly Calling Godot Functions

The Dart API uses lowerPascalCase instead of snake_case in GDScript/C++. In general, the Dart Godot API strives to be as idiomatic as is reasonably possible.

However, Godot still thinks of these methods as being named in snake_case, so if you are calling them by their name when using call, callDeferred, connect, or callGroup, you need to use snake_case for the method name.

Basically, if you defined the method, use lowerPascalCase. If Godot defined the method, use snake_case. And if Godot defined the method and its virtual, use _snake_case instead of vPascalCase currently used in Dart.

Lack of Properties

While Dart supports properties, I have specifically not converted Godot fields to Dart properties, and instead leave them with getX and setX methods.

This is to avoid this issue, which is common with this type of embedding. For example:

// The `x` property on the vector is set, but the `position` is not changed because the position 
// setter is never called, therefore the change is never broadcast back to Godot
position.x += 5

The common workaround for this is to do this:

final pos = position;
pos.x = 5;
position = pos;

But in my opinion, this defeats the purpose of wrapping properties. Properties should mimic public member variables, and, when they can't, use methods instead.


I have not measured the performance of this extension, partially because I know there is a lot of space for improvement in the embedding library itself, as well as in how the built in types are currently built.

Once I've performed an optimization pass on the library, I'll look into measuring its performance.

More Info

This utilizes my custom built Dart shared library for embedding Dart, the source for which is available here. I've included the win64 prebuilt binaries in this repo for simplicity.


Using Dart as a scripting language for Godot







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