Festapp project page: http://futurice.github.io/festapp-server/
- Install MongoDB and Redis.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- When developing locally:
node import-data.js
- Run the project:
npm start
The server listens in port 8080 by default. The port can be changed by setting environment variable PORT.
Admin panel for editing artist, event and other info in the database is available at /admin
GET /api/v1/artists
"picture": "public/BadFinance.jpg",
"quote": "”Having fun! Everyone altogether, let's rock!”",
"content": "<p>\r\nBAD finance was formed in the early 2011 by three guys, Sakari, Antti and Jari, all working at Futurice Tampere. The band started reheasing at Jari's student dorm in Hervanta but after Futurice office moved into bigger premises the boys got their own band room.</p>\r\n",
"featured": false,
"status": "show",
"founded": 2012,
"genre": ["Love Metal"],
"highlights": ["Bad Finance rocked the place at Futurice Christmas Party 2012."],
"youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRKzk0tKchE",
"spotify": "",
"contact_info": "Generic contact info, ie. email and phone number",
"press_image": "public/BadFinance.jpg",
"credits": "Photo: Futurice Oy",
"place": 0,
"_id": "53486eaaead3150200ca7919",
"albums": ["First Album (2012)", "Second Album (2013)", "Third Album (2014)"],
"members": ["Mike Arvela", "Sakari Hyöty", "Antti Mattila"],
"name": "Bad Finance"
GET /api/v1/info
"title": "Frequently Asked Questions",
"image": "",
"content": "<p><strong>First question</strong><br><br>A comprehensive response<br><br>Second question<br>A comprehensive response<br><br><br></p>\r\n",
"place": 7,
"_id": "53486eaaead3150200ca791a"
GET /api/v1/news
"title": "An example news item number one!",
"image": "",
"teaser_text": "This is a teaser text for the news article.",
"content": "<p>This is the content of the article, HTML formatted to your liking.</p><br><br>\r\n",
"time": "1970-01-17T08:03:16.129Z",
"status": "show",
"_id": "53486eaaead3150200ca791d"
GET /api/v1/locations
or GET /api/v1/locations?type=RESTAURANT
type can STAGE
"x": 100,
"y": 100,
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"type": "STAGE",
"_id": "53486eaaead3150200ca791e",
"name": "Niitty",
"description": "This is a stage"
"x": 300,
"y": 300,
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"type": "STAGE",
"_id": "53486eaaead3150200ca791f",
"name": "Ranta",
"description": "This is a stage"
GET /api/v1/festival
"name": "Foo",
"organizer": "Bar",
"start_date": "2014-04-17T04:07:26.787Z",
"end_date": "2014-04-17T04:07:26.787Z",
"sponsors": [
"city": "Turku",
"country": "Finland",
"coordinates": {
"lat": 51.503363,
"lon": -0.1276250
GET /api/v1/events
"title": "Foo",
"start_time": "2014-04-12T10:00:00.000Z",
"end_time": "2014-04-12T12:00:00.000Z",
"location": "Niitty",
"_id": "53486eaaead3150200ca791e",
"artists": ["Tapani Kansa"],
"description": "This is a stage",
"starred_count": 2
POST /api/v1/events/:event_id/star
parameter must be set in the POST body. user_id
is used to uniquely identify users and one user can star one event only once. event_id
is the database id of event.
Append lang=<lang>
to the request, f.ex. /api/v1/artists?lang=fi
GET /api/v1/localisation/:key
is of format<fieldname>-<value>-<fieldtype>-<lang>
)POST /api/v1/localisation/
(Accepts JSON in the form{ 'key' : <key>, 'val' : <value>}